Stepping through the doorway


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Hello...I'm quite new here. I've been looking through the window, reading some of the forums, have registered and now I guess it's time for me step through the doorway and introduce myself.

I grew up in a non-denominational Christian faith, in fact, my father was a minister. I'm attempting to explore what was, how it came to be, what is now and seeing how I fit in. I'm interested in learning about the many and varied paths to spirituality and I feel that I might learn some things here.

I'm female and 48, I post that so you'll have a couple reference points. :)

Meditate well,
Hello, zeekur, and welcome to CR:) .

I look forward to meeting you often in the ever-streaming flow of thought here on these boards.

Thank you for the welcome, I,Brian and's much appreciated. :)

InLove......I'm in the Hill Country myself. Small World!

I haven't settled on my avatar yet so it's prone to change now and again. Although for sanity's sake I suppose I ought to stick with something. LOL I love the little animated monk that I've seen here.

Meditate well,
Well, in that case, hey, Zeekur--

I don't exactly live in the Hill Country, but I would prefer to. It's a big state--I love the coastline, how many miles from the bayous to sunny Mexico? I am thinking about 600. Alas, I don't live there either--but one's spirit does not forget. LOL--people want to travel the world--and so do I--but I have to get through Texas first!:)

I have a daughter that lives right off Highway 10--last Spring we visited her, and on the way back, I visited the memorial at Goliad for the first time. The wildflowers were all in bloom--it was amazing.

Here's to Guadalupe days and a big-starred Texas night.

I like the "star" avatar that you're currently using - different. :)
I said:
I like the "star" avatar that you're currently using - different. :)
Thank you, I,'s amazing what PhotoShop(in my case, Elements) can do!
It's a big state--(.....)
LOL--people want to travel the world--and so do I--but I have to get through Texas first!

Texas is a big state and has such a variety of terrain as well as climates. Sometimes I think it surprises people that there is actual vegetation. :) I can see how it would take a long while to get through everything!

To Big Starry Texas Nights!