Should England fear the Bible brigade? by George Michael


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First, i would like to say that i'm a christian gay guy and i believe in God. I have read what george michael have written in his article and made me sooooooooooo angry and felt shame of his behaviour in the chruch and other points he pointed out in his article.

[Edit by I, Brian - removed full copy/paste of article and left link instead]
Hello, and Peace, Peace:)

(That was fun to type!)

I have been trying for a while to open that link so I can read it. My computer is being particularly fussy today, so alas, I guess I will have to wait until I can comment properly.

By the way--is this the G.M. rock chameleon (not sure about that speeling--not too worried about it:))? Or is it another?

Welcome to CR, Peace.

Peace said:
First, i would like to say that i'm a christian gay guy and i believe in God. I have read what george michael have written in his article and made me sooooooooooo angry and felt shame of his behaviour in the chruch and other points he pointed out in his article.

[Edit by I, Brian - removed full copy/paste of article and left link instead]
Hi Peace,

Welcome to the forums, peace. well i'm new member or let say i dont' consider myself new member since i'm regular reader of this great forums, anyway i have read George Michael's article somewhere, I got shocked somehow of George's acting in chruch.

Peace, let me read the article again and i will get back to you with my coomments, or if you want to discuss this issue through private emails please pm me :).

Pease & Love,
UAE/Abu Dhabi
Mike said:
Hi Peace,

Welcome to the forums, peace. well i'm new member or let say i dont' consider myself new member since i'm regular reader of this great forums, anyway i have read George Michael's article somewhere, I got shocked somehow of George's acting in chruch.

Peace, let me read the article again and i will get back to you with my comments, or if you want to discuss this issue through private emails please pm me :).

Pease & Love,
UAE/Abu Dhabi
Thanx so much for your kind welcome Mike :) and please check your pm.

regards, Peace
Thanks for the pm Peace.

I agree that Mr Michael's mischief in church was unacceptable, he shows a lack of respect for other worshipper's beliefs.

I do agree with most of what he says though, he makes some good social and cultural points especially about the moderate nature of Christianity in the UK and the way American fundamentalist christians are presented over here.

Also I really dont understand why any homosexual person claims to be / wants to be part of a religion which condemns them. Read the book of leviticus, Im sorry but you're not wanted there.
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Also I really dont understand why any homosexual person claims to be / wants to be part of a religion which condemns them. Read the book of leviticus, Im sorry but you're not wanted there.
Dont say things like that my friend.

You cant speak for the whole religion. How do you know that this homosexual person doesn't have lots of friends in that religion who WANT him there.

Lets let people find whatever religion they want.

But the bible does condemn homosexuality pretty strongly in direct language. If this is open for interpretation then surely so is everything else in the bible. Therefore logically, any Gay man who believes the bible must either

1) Remain selibate
2) Apologise for what he is
3) Treat everything written in the bible with equal scepticism.
Indeed such must be the case.

But, take into account how easy it is for people to ignore things they dont like.
I saw a blackman who said he supported the BMP in england. Just so he could get his windows cleaned for free.

About homosexual christians, the Bible contains much literature that doesn't mention homosexuality so I wouldn't imagine it isn't that difficult to ignore some parts and emphasize others.
Christianity as a whole abandoned the Old Testament as a source of actual law a long time ago. I see no reason why more weight should be given to the sections condemning homosexuality than to the sections commanding that a woman not go to church while menstruating or the sections regulating what a person can and cannot eat. The only person who can honestly use the Old Testament as a source of condemnation for homosexuality is a completely devout Orthodox Jew. All others who use the Bible pick and choose which rules to follow anyway.
Awaiting_the_fifth said:
My point exactly.

But if you deny parts of it, how can you truly believe any of any of it?
I don't believe in "True Belief" to tell you the truth. I believe in believing which is active, enthusicastic, understanding and acknoledgement. But for me a Belief that never changes, that is fully pure and that Is fully right is simply stuck in its ways.