Islamic End Time Prophecies Not Mentioned in the Bible


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Salaam/Peace to everyone.

As many of you know, when Prophet Muhammad s.a.v.s. delivered the Word of God, the Holy Qur'an, in his Hadith he talked about the End Times and its signs. Some of the prophecies he talked about confirms the Judeo/Christian prophecies, which shows that as a true Muslim, Muhammad s.a.v.s. believed in the Bible as the Word of God and believed in the Truth delivered by the earlier Prophets s.a.v.s
But, Muhammad s.a.v.s. also talked about certain prophecies that are not seen in the Bible (Judeo-Christian) traditions, and those prophecies have come to be true. These are:

1) Some Arabs will be calling people to hell
This has obviously happened. We had opressive leaders in the islamic communities who have caused divide among the Muslims. One of those hell callers was Sadaam Husseain who had killed many Muslims in Kuwait and within Iraq. Also, as suicide is a great sin in Islam, those who believe that blowing themselves up is reasonable are calling others to follow in their footsteps. Some Arabs continue to torture women in various ways: forcing them into marriages, killing rape victims, etc. which some of them claim is justified by the Shari'a Law. Obviously they do call people to Hell.
2) Islam will become what is not.
Muslims have divided. Some who consider themselves Muslims believe that Ali r.a. was divine, or even a Prophet. Some Muslims have adopted practices from other religions, as well as their beliefs. Many are drinking alcohol and eating pork, reciting some non islamic statements, such as: "what comes to mouth is not a sin." Others have been confusing Islam with ones nationality, such as in Bosnia. For years, Bosnian Muslims have considered themselves Muslims, but in practice they have not been true to the religion of Islam. They have been killed for being Muslims, but they have diverted from their faith. There are many sects who have spread out of Islam, among them Bahai'ism and Druse sects. Etc.
3) Increase of immorality and alcoholism
Alcoholism is flourishing all over the globe. Just in the US it is killing 100,000 people on a yearly basis. Immorality has spread out as well. Neatherlands has legalized prostitution. "Living together" out of wedlock has been a common practice in the Western societies, as well as sleeping around with different people has been very common. One could ask what is the difference between the prostitution and sleeping around with every pre-marriage partner one has? Saying 'it is love' is totally a cliche. Hommosexuality is on the rise like never before. Some place legalized the unions,soon to be marriages, of the homosexuals. Bisexualism and bestiality are becoming common as well. In the Western societies there are sex clubs in the rise as well.
4) Floods and destructive rains
In the past few years alone, the world has seen what heavy, destructive rains have done.
5) Disrespect to paranets
This has been on the rise. Many kids disrespect their parents in many ways, depending on culture and what some consider disrespect. I come from Bosnia, but in the past decade a lot has changed. What our society considers disrespectful, many young teenagers have been adopting in practice. Many parents have to endure the emberassment of their children having sex openly with their partners in the parents' homes, using illegal drugs, beating up the parents, etc. I am sure all of you others who visit this site may probably pick some things in your own cultures to say that they show disrespect towards parents.
6) Some will raise the voices in the mosques
With Muslism being opressed by their own political leaders and by the social injustice created as a result of the opressive leaders being supported by the rich of the world, many Muslims have preached to other Muslims to try to bring the social justice for the Muslims, the jihad.
On the other hand, there are also those who raised their voices as an opportunity to call Muslims to Hell by preaching hate and disregarding any possible solutions about how to solve the issue of social injustice that Muslims have experienced.
7) Men will wear silk
I believe that this alludes to the homosexuality.
8) Female singers will be popular and music
Certainly this has happened in our own life time. This may not mean something evil that Muhammad prophecized, as many would be quick to accuse him, but rather the description of the End Times. A small detail among the many.
9) Respect only out of fear
How many countries around the world, and their leaders, really like George W. Bush, yet they all pledged their support in the fight against 'terror?" Not many,but they fear invasion, exclusion out of the world community, they fear death.
10) Belief in stars/astrology
Every magazine has its horoscope section. How many of you have received a letter home from a 'reknowned astrologer' to offer you an analasys of your natal chart and your future based on astrology?
11) Many sects
There are thousands of sects out there.
12) Stones falling like rain
13) Living will envy the dead
This could allude to the suicides.
14) Competition in building high Buildings
Every modern city has its sky scraper these days.
15) Women will walk naked despite being dressed.
Look at the beaches. Fairly one can say that women are naked despite being dressed. Many of swimming costumes are revealing breasts to the fullest, as well as the female sex and bottom. All over Europe there are nudist beaches. And what about those swimsuit bottoms that reveal your behind totally with one piece of cloth just covering the small part?
16) Believers will come unbelievers and vice versa
Apostasy in some islamic countries has happened, whereas Islam is growing elsewhere in the world. Some people born Muslim find it hard to follow the islamic practices, yet the newest converts have no problem with it. How many Muslim born women are afraid to wear a scarf today, yet the new female converts are proud of their Islam and what it asks them to abide by?
17) Nations will call each other to fight Muslims.
George W. Bush said: "You are with us or against us." Indeed, nations have been called to fight Muslims all over the globe. Terrorism has been one of the excuses, no?
18) Greed and poverty will increase
Today,25000 people will die out of hunger. Some rich nations do not care about the environment and global warming that will probably affect first the small islands elsewhere. People have been selfish when it comes to helping the poor and often when a homeless is asking for some money on the street, people instantly assume that he/she is lazy or a drug addict. With that, they justify the lack of charity.
19) Divorce increases
Many marriages in the West do not last very long these days. In Saudi Arabia divorce rate is increasing, and some statistics show 50% of the divorced these days.
20) Increase in the trade
Globalization will make trade to flourish even more.
21) Graves will become mosques.
There are people who pray next to graves, requesting the dead to pray for them to God or give them some good fortune.
Continued from the above post:

1) Increase in the ignorance
Spiritual ignorance; ignorance in regards to faith and God.
2) The number of men will be significantly lower than those of women
This could allude to the wars and killing.
3) The Qur'an will be Risen
This could be a symbolic prophecy. This could mean that people will not abide by the Qur'an, that they won't recite and learn it.
4) Charity will become a burden
5) Red Smoke
6) Opening of the Earth
7) Euphrates will show a treasure
8) No honesty
9) Two big groups of same faith will fight each other
10) Time will pass quickly
11) Three landslides: East, West and Arabia
12) Fire in Yemen
13) Sun will rise from the West
Science has shown to us that all of the planets in our solar system go through the period, called retrograde. That is, a planet turns in the opposite direction causing the sun on the planet to rise on the West. So far, Earth is the only planet who has not done this, but does not mean that it may not do this in the future.
14) Qur'an will be recited in a crying voice
Pious Muslims today are trying to learn the Qur'an by heart. Those with beautiful voices have recited Qur'an in the most beautiful ways.
When will Muslims stop mimicking the Western religions. After concordism, now end-time prophecies.
mansio said:
When will Muslims stop mimicking the Western religions. After concordism, now end-time prophecies.
What do you mean by mimicking? There technically not any western religions, no monotheistic religion (Not speaking of denomonations in Christianity) arose in the West. I don't understand what your saying.

And just what did I/Islam 'mimic' about the 'western religions' Mansio (or however you call yourself here)?

End Time prophecies are not limited to Judaism and Christianity only. Not only Islam, but many other cultures around the world (paganistic/polytheistic) have a theory about End Times. Even the old civilaziations of South America have their traditions way before Christian occupiers came to their lands.

So what is your point? Are you so blinded that you cannot gasp the truth outside your boxed world of set beliefs, mansio?
I react out of respect for Islam. End time prophecies exist in every religion. What is new is the trend, owing in part to the emergence of the internet, to delve into that topic. The Western religions have been into that for centuries and all the prophecies failed one after the other. After concordism, it is this ridiculous fashion that I see being imitated by some Muslims.
mansio said:
I react out of respect for Islam. End time prophecies exist in every religion. What is new is the trend, owing in part to the emergence of the internet, to delve into that topic. The Western religions have been into that for centuries and all the prophecies failed one after the other. After concordism, it is this ridiculous fashion that I see being imitated by some Muslims.
try reading post#3 at:

That should start to give you an idea about how we misunderstand the whole idea of religions... the prophecies have been there for 14 centuries... it wasnt written yesterday. 'Western religion'?? and whats that exactly? I hope you are not referring to Christianity or Judaism. But ill let you explain.
By Western religions I mean all the religions that are common in the Western countries. It doesn't mean, as someone hinted on a previous post, that they all originated in Europe or North America.
If you want a list : Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Orthodoxy, Evangelism, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism (maybe I forget one or two) (I don't list Islam because of this discussion).
These religions have predicted so many times the "end" of the world or the return of the Messiah, that our earth should have disappeared long ago.
The problem is people are forgetful of all the prophecy failures (and sometimes the ridicule it entailed).
mansio said:
By Western religions I mean all the religions that are common in the Western countries. It doesn't mean, as someone hinted on a previous post, that they all originated in Europe or North America.
If you want a list : Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Orthodoxy, Evangelism, Jehovah Witnesses, Mormonism (maybe I forget one or two) (I don't list Islam because of this discussion).
These religions have predicted so many times the "end" of the world or the return of the Messiah, that our earth should have disappeared long ago.
The problem is people are forgetful of all the prophecy failures (and sometimes the ridicule it entailed).
h| mansio,
You are speaking of your experience with non-islamic faiths and are assuming that the same 'prophecy failures' are true for Islam. Let me make it clear for you using the examples you have quoted.
Islamic scripture has never given a date for the end of the world or the return of the Messiah. It has given signs so that people watch for them and that they are heedful and that they are reminded about what has been promised by God and that it will surely come pass. When will the Day of Resurrection/ Judgement Day be? Islam is very clear about this matter... the knowledge of this is with God alone. No one ever knew when; none of His messengers, not even the Prophet Mohammad(pbuh). The Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) was asked about this very thing and he simply said that the one who is asked about it does not know more than the one who is asking.
Hope that helped.
And Allaah knows best.

I agree with you. What you say is what most Christians say : let's leave the date up to God.
But you should know that for some people it's "fashionable" to see all kinds of "signs", out of which they speculate a date for the end time. That date is usually in the next years or decade.
That fad has already reached some Muslims.
mansio said:

I agree with you. What you say is what most Christians say : let's leave the date up to God.
But you should know that for some people it's "fashionable" to see all kinds of "signs", out of which they speculate a date for the end time. That date is usually in the next years or decade.
That fad has already reached some Muslims.
the 'signs' i speak of are not sensed by one's own intuition or a desire to see them but these are understood from what was narrated in authentic ahadith by the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). When these are seen, they serve the purpose of a reminder... of a Day to come when everyone will give an account of thier deeds. So, hasten to do good deeds. It still doesnt provide a date.
You have made it clear that most Christians dont give dates for such things.. then why do you let a minority of people, who are going against known teachings, overtake you and lets you generalize it? The same i find true for Islam from your statement. If a small minority of 'Muslims' claim a date for either of those events, then he/she is an obvious liar... its cheap publicity and it should be dealt with as such. The Qur'an and authentic ahadith are very clear on this matter. So, why generalize? Thats why i always say,.. look to the authentic texts of that religion when you want to know it... not its followers cause it happens alot that the follower does not know what his/her scripture says about a certain matter OR they dont care to know it OR are ignoring it eventhough they know.
I know what you said regarding other religions is true. For example, in reference to Christianity, i know it is written in the Bible that Jesus(pbuh) was asked about this matter and he expressly denied any knowledge of it. So, if some 'Christian' gets up and claims a date for the end of the world, as far as i am concerned, its cheap publicity and goes against what i have read in the Bible. So, ignore it. My humble suggestion for you is the same.
Hope this helped.
And Allaah knows best.

I have yet to see a true monotheist who 'knows' or 'predicts' a date of the Judgement. To me, those who predict it or claim to know the date of the End seem usually to be cultists. We have seen some of it in 2000 when some commited group suicide believing it was the End.

Like Thipps mentioned, the prophecies are there to be reminders. Human time is not equal to God Almighty's time. He can make the world end right this second that I am writing this or in the next 3 million years. I don't know... none of us know about it. I don't want to know :)

The whole reason for my post about the prophecies was just to express the way I see things and perhaps to see if others may see it the same way or differently. Maybe my newfound religiousity is making me see things in a different light or perhaps there is some truth in what I observe around me.
Salaaam again ;)

I personally do not believe that there are failed prophecies. I think that people misinterpreted the timings and their expectations were expressed at a wrong time.

Many prophecies are very difficult to understand despite being 'clearly' verbalized. What may seem clear actually may hold a symbolic meaning or some of the characteristics of the prophecy may give certain clues. For instance, what does a lampstand symbolizes (truth) or white color (purity, surrender, chastity) or a lion (power, sovereignity) etc? Or in islamic prophecies about the dajjal (antichrist) it is said that he is going to be one-eyed (left eye will have some problems, it is said). Well, this can be interpreted in different ways: literally or symbolically. If symbolically, one may say: ok, eyes are believed to be 'mirror' of the soul. Perhaps if there is a fallacy in the left eye (which is on the side of the heart) perhaps the person will have spiritual beliefs that won't be true to the faith. etc.

So, yes, what may seem to us that something has failed to happen, may actually happen in a way we do not expect it to come.
In a rebutal to your list of phophecies many of the predicted risings have been rising for centurys now who knows when they will reach the points Mohammed(pbuh) metioned............And also being hadith we should only reconise so much..........
We must instead look at the predictions mentioned in the Al-Quran and wether or not they coincide with the Bible is irelevent for the bible is also very similar to hadith.........
The Quran is the one book in which Allah in his infinate mercy and wisdom said that it would stay unchanged..........
So let us look to it for wisdom and dismiss any predictions in which contradict it for Allah knows best............Staffy

Maybe you are right Staffy. But I just could not help myself because some of the Hadith sayings that I have heard of or read about just seem to ring a bell, as our American friends would say.
But even though Hadith is not Qur'an, and perhaps the Bible is very similar to the Hadith, we still have to respect them.
