Apologies I've not been around much


Peace, Love and Unity
Veteran Member
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Yes - indeed, apologies for being absent. There's already a summer lull very much in force, but I've also not been giving this place the attention it deserves.

Do be assured that comparative-religion.com is a project with a very long-term future. I have been spending time recently very much pushing one of my other projects - not least creating a moderator team and redesigning the site there.

The kids haven't been letting me sleep much, either, so I'm feeling pretty exhausted!

But I'm still around, always keeping a caring eye on this place. Just because I may not sometimes post as much as othertimes, does not mean that I'm not around. :)

I'll be in full flow very soon indeed - and get some much needed additions made to the overall site content.

- Brian
I'd just like to apologies again for my not shaping this forum as much as I should have been. I have definitely been a little neglectful. I shall try and raise some interesting topics for dicussion over the next couple of weeks. :)
Hey Brian? Isn't today the 5th of September? Wasn't the drawing for the Amazon GC supposed to be on the 3rd? Have you done that? Just curious as I haven't seen a winner post.
You're quite right, dwndrgn - when I originally set the date, I wasn't aware that it would clash with the exact date I had to drive across England, to pick my family after visiting relatives.

It was a poor lapse on my part, but I will indeed have the winner fairly drawn and announced tomorrow.
Not a problem - you've got a life, we all understand that! I just wanted to send out a reminder :)