Sin of masturbation?


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I don't know if im allowed to ask such questions in here,but still I thought it'd be important to know such little things, now what are the sins of masturbating in your religion or there arent any? or you are never thought about it?
It is in Judaism (and Christanity, but for a different reason, I think) for males to masturbate because it is a waste of his "seed" (G!d/Allah told Adam, "Go forth, be fruitful, and multiply", but not Eve. *shrug*)

Some of the other Jewish members will probably correct me on this, though. :p
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
In my own personal religion, masturbation is not the ideal because it's too easy, an evasion of making the effort to connect with someone else.

But sometimes it's just connect with another person. And so you are left to either "self gratification" or "self abuse" depending on how you look at it...

But I think it's better not to give up and keep trying to "not be alone" is not good that the man should be alone...

Please understand that I'm really not talking about actual masturbation...I think it depends on your age...when the hormones first hit the urges are just overwhelming...and you usually don't have a chance to have sex that often...and those who say it's bad...they mean well, those urges are supposed to drive you to find a mate and accomplish things in your life, and thereby to learn, not sit in the bathroom with Playboy...but they probably don't remember how it was when they were I wish I had those urges lol...

Same urgency now but not satisfied the same the "urge" is to UNDERSTAND...not find a mate...

For a young person, again "my religion"'s not bad if you don't overdo it, if you aren't isolated by it... But I'm speaking from a female perspective.
nomanshake said:
sometimes it's nice to take pleasures out of urself :)

I think you scared everyone away:D

On a more serious note, I definately think masturbation is something to avoid. I know from personnal experience. It is very addictive and goes hand-in-hand with pornography makes us think of women as sex objects. I beleive I am very close to quitting and feel better off because of it.
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nomanshake said:
I don't know if im allowed to ask such questions in here,but still I thought it'd be important to know such little things, now what are the sins of masturbating in your religion or there arent any? or you are never thought about it?

The sin of Onan as it is sometimes called. I have my own theory about it. The ancients believed points of lights in the sky represented souls. Comets and meteors were likewise considered souls. A meteor shower was souls coming to earth to occupy a body.

When I mapped out the OT as a cosmic myth onto a star chart. The story of Onan takes place in the Northern Crown, home of an ancient meteor shower.

The crime it would seem is that by spilling seed and preventing a birth, souls coming to earth would not have a host to occupy.

This will all be part of an upcoming book if I can get my editor off his lazy butt.
Rather than a 'sin', i think masturbation is an offence you're commiting against yourself. When any lustful desire comes into your mind your mind cannot think and discriminate properly, as a result the mind acts on its own accord controlled by the impulsive desire, rather than your own intelligence.
Coz of this, i reckon masturbation should be avoided unless the desire so strong that it must be expressed.:D
My suspicion is that calling this or any other sexual practice between consenting adults or by an individual on his or her own "wrong" or "evil" has more to do with human insitutions, such as religions or governments, wanting to control individuals than it does with God disapproving of them.

Of course, this opinion might have something to do with having come out of a religion that has no respect for personal boundaries and that tries to regulate every aspect of its members' lives.