
at peace
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Hi, Peace Everyone--

Just thought I'd drop in to say I probably have to drop out for a few days. Hopefully, it will not be that long, because I will miss CR. Might have a chance to post toward the end of the week, but after that, it may be a while longer.

Anyway, love you guys, and carry on....continue the enlightenment....:)

InLove-looking forward to your return. As to "enightenment," if you find any out there to bring back to us, please do.:) Take care, Earl
Hi, Peace Everyone--

Thanks--thought I would not even be here this long!

I love ya luna--no, thank God, it is not stress or anything serious.

Earl--I will do my best to find that enlightenment and bring some back, but we all know what the results will be--who is it here whose signature says, "Enlightenment is suicide?":)

Not much time left here for me for a while, but I have been wanting to ask Juantoo3 (not sure exactly where you are in Florida) and anyone around the Gulf coast if you are "battoning down the hatches"? Is Dennis headed your way? Take care, take cover, or party on, if you see fit...just be okay. Okay?

hey InLove:) i will be back ASAP too. i call it burnout & have to take care of what needs to be done first.
i think you are great & love talking to ya!

be good & see ya soon:)
Kindest Regards, InLove!

Not much time left here for me for a while, but I have been wanting to ask Juantoo3 (not sure exactly where you are in Florida) and anyone around the Gulf coast if you are "battoning down the hatches"? Is Dennis headed your way? Take care, take cover, or party on, if you see fit...just be okay. Okay?
Dennis went around us, good thing it pulled to the right or things would have been worse for this neck of the woods. We got a bit of rain and a little wind, but nothing to cause alarm. As usual it seems, I spent the time at the hospital doing my part for the guys there. My prayers are with the people up around P'cola and Mobile.

Do hurry back, you are loved and appreciated around here. :)