About Cults:

Proph 1

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I. Defining the word "cult."

A. From the Latin word cultus meaning "adoration," or "to care."
B. English words "cultivate" and "culture" derived from such.
C. Older English usage defined as "worship."
D. Newer English usage defines as "unorthodox religious group."

II. Biblical evaluation of "false teaching."

A. Scriptures which address such
1. Deut. 13:1-11; 18:20-22
2. Jere. 14:14,15; 23:16-22; 29:8,9
3. Lam. 2:14
4. Zech. 10:2
5. Matt. 7:15-23; 23; 24:3-5,11,24,25
6. Mk. 13:22,23
7. Acts 20:28-32
8. I Cor. 5:9-23; 15:12-14
9. II Cor. 4:2; 6:14-17; 11:3,4,13-15
10. Gal. 1:6-9; 4:15,17
11. Eph. 5:11
12. Phil. 3:18-21
13. II Thess. 2:1-9; 3:6,11,14,15
14. I Tim. 1:6-10,19,20; 4:1-4,7; 6:3-5,9,11,20,21
15. II Tim. 2:17-21,23-26; 3:1-9,13; 4:2-4,10,14,15
16. Titus 1:10-16; 3:9-11
17. Heb. 13:9
18. II Peter 2:1-8,12-22; 3:3,4
19. I John 2:18,19; 4:1-3,5,6
20. II John 7-11
21. III John 9,10
22. Jude 3-19
B. Personal study exercise:
1. In two columns determine what the above passages indicate about "false teaching" and
"false practices."
2. Determine also from the above passages whether there is any response suggested, and
whether it is to be passive or active.

III. Cultic theology. Denies or distorts the Biblical truths about:

A. God, being personal, infinite, eternal, singular, immutable, supernatural, sovereign, Spirit,
transcendent, immanent, good, triune.
B. Jesus Christ, being deity, pre-existent, human, historical, conceived of Holy Spirit, savior of all
mankind, resurrected, presently manifested.
C. Holy Spirit, being deity, personal, presently operative.
D. Man, being a creature, dependent, mortal, sinful, constituted of spirit and soul and body.
E. Sin, as transgressing God's character, leading to death and judgment, and continuing to be
manifested in Christian's lives.
F. Salvation, as necessitated by sin, initiated by the grace of God, made available to all by the
death and resurrection of Jesus, and received by faith alone.
G. Bible, as complete, final, authoritative, inspired, providentially preserved, and properly

IV. Cultic methodology.

A. Followers of men.
B. Authoritarianism.
C. Dependency.
D. New Revelation.
E. Overemphasize particular truths.
F. Semantic perversion.
G. Philosophical obfuscation.
H. Psychological pre-occupation.
I. Manipulate God.
J. Faith in faith, principles, promises.
K. Exclusivism.
L. Pride.
M. Isolationism.
N. Fear.
O. Subjectivity.
P. Secretive.
Q. De-emphasize physical.
R. Socialistic.
S. Conformity.
T. Busyness.
U. Divisive.
V. Critical.
W. Hostile.
X. Lack assurance.
Y. Defensive.
Z. Syncretistic.
AA. Self-serving.
BB. Financial exploitation.
CC. Sexual exploitation.
DD. Self-authenticating.
EE. Legalistic.
FF. Break down family unit.
GG. Proselytize.
HH. Deception.
II. Political, social attachments.
JJ. Prophetic abuse.

V. Response to cultic teaching and practice.

A. Allow life of Jesus to be lived out in your behavior - Gal. 2:20
(If Christianity is the life of Jesus Christ, then any false expression or misrepresentation of
such is "cultic.")
B. Preach Christ -
C. Don't go on a "witch-hunt" trying to identify "cultists"
D. Love one another - Matt. 5:44; I Tim. 1:5-7; 2:23-25; I Peter 3:15
E. Pray for those so involved - I Tim. 2:1
F. Be willing to give defense of your faith - I Peter 3:15
G. May be called upon to
1. Contend - Jude 3
2. Correct - II Tim. 2:24-27
3. Refute - Titus 1:9
4. Admonish - II Thess. 3:15

since every denomination ever started makes 2 or 20 of those claims & is guilty of just about all of them, pointing fingers at everyone elses dogma:rolleyes: and declaring you have to believe it just like we do or you are in a cult.

i say leave other churches & denominations alone & let God be the judge.:)
something tells me there is going to be at least one from every God believing religion in heaven.
Bandit said:
i say leave other churches & denominations alone & let God be the judge.:)
something tells me there is going to be at least one from every God believing religion in heaven.
Ok, so thats what you say. Interesting. Now, what does God say? Well, he has a lot to say. But, to save time, here's at least one scripture for now:

Matthew 18:15-17

Bandit said:
something tells me there is going to be at least one from every God believing religion in heaven.
Im sure you already know this, but I'll say it again. If they're not born again, they wont be in Heaven.
Proph 1 said:
Im sure you already know this, but I'll say it again. If they're not born again, they wont be in Heaven.
Just a friendly word - avoid making statements like the above, as if you are seen to be directly attacking other Christian members on CR with claims of "I'm the only TRUE Christian" then you'll likely find yourself violating the Code of Conduct, which isn't acceptable. I appreciate that there's a degree of exclusivism within Christianity and that's generally acceptable on the Christianity board - but I won't have individual Christian members set themselves up as God and Judgement on this site against other Christian members.

Also, as bandit properly notes, Christian groups across the spectrum of denominations have all been gleefully accused (with some justification I'll add) by some Atheists of falling under a definition of "cult". It's one reason why the word is never used here in the main descriptions.

It's also worth pointing out that even outside of denominational criticisms, there is *a lot* on that rather contentious list that also sets up individual Born Again's as just as cult-like.

I'd also like to suggest that the individual list itself is deeply flawed as it covers various general comments at religious and spiritual beliefs in general.

Just for your information. :)