My Addiction


Where is my mind?
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Middlesbrough, UK
I love this site as much as some people love smack!!!

Its actually quite funny, people see how much time I spend reading through all this stuff and think Ive got a problem. My mum actually told me she thinks Ive joined some sort of on line cult and she tried to have an intervention!!!

Just felt a need to share that.

Awaiting the Fifth.
Hi, Awaiting_the_fifth--

My mother has concerns, too--LOL--I won't go into details (it would not be wise nor appropriate here). But her concerns have surely sparked some great conversations between us! (My dad just smiles and winks at me--he and I have always loved to talk religion and politics).

I was going to post in the lounge first, just to say "hi" to everyone, but then I saw your post and just had to answer because it hit so close to home. Glad you can see the humor in the situation!

I am out in the "wilds" of East Texas for a few days, house-and-animal-sitting. Far away from that big metroplex with all its big city troubles. Only for a few days.

Anyway, saw that post, and smiled really, really big:D .

LOL--I will post in the lounge--later...I turned on the radio this morning, and it was playing, "Time On My Hands". Excellent.:)

Hey, well, I AM in the lounge, now, aren't I? LOL--forgive me--I am in unfamiliar surroundings and the screen is Pepto-pink (I think this monitor is not long for this world!)

Hey, everyone--so many new members since I have been out for only a few days. Welcome to all--

Miss everyone, just can't stay on this computer long the way it is. The "o's" all look like "a's", so if I read my posts back, they sound really strange!

Post later--

We joke about it, but it's true, forums can be quite addictive, (I see you've hooked your husband now InLove;) ). My first post here was my intro wherein I blessed/cursed this place for simply feeding my cyberforum addiction). One thing I've noticed about the size of this forum is that it's just about right: large enough to have good activity & diversity, yet small enough to get a "community" feel-that's what hooks me to a forum..kinda like the coffee house days of my college youth where regulars met to joke, debate, & pass along stimulating ideas & info-except doesn't have any live music.:p It often feels like saying hello to the neighbors. See ya, Earl
InLove said:
Hey, well, I AM in the lounge, now, aren't I? LOL--forgive me--I am in unfamiliar surroundings and the screen is Pepto-pink (I think this monitor is not long for this world!)

Hey, everyone--so many new members since I have been out for only a few days. Welcome to all--

Miss everyone, just can't stay on this computer long the way it is. The "o's" all look like "a's", so if I read my posts back, they sound really strange!

Post later--


What kind of dinosaur are you posting from, InLove, or should I call you Dale? :p

Glad you could find time to feed your addiction while house-sitting.

The cult of CR. I like it. Now all we need is initiation cermonies - will probably involve creative use of emoticons. ;)
Hi--Peace to Everyone Here,

LOL--we need dauer (seen him lurking around a bit--here and there--oh, wait--no--that was not him, was it?)

Earl, I know what you mean--I always wonder when I meet folks like you "on the net". Would we know each other, otherwise? I know one thing for sure--if we met in person, I would be asking you the meaning of a whole bunch of words:).

But a good thing is that, since I did not meet you that way, I got out my big old dictionary and looked some of them up. LOL--I will be asking you about some of that "directly" (as my folks used to say--and to understand what I mean, you need to know how to pronounce "directly"). Anyway--that is all fun, but certainly you are a blessing in my life.

InLove said:
Hi--Peace to Everyone Here,

LOL--we need dauer (seen him lurking around a bit--here and there--oh, wait--no--that was not him, was it?)

Earl, I know what you mean--I always wonder when I meet folks like you "on the net". Would we know each other, otherwise? I know one thing for sure--if we met in person, I would be asking you the meaning of a whole bunch of words:).

But a good thing is that, since I did not meet you that way, I got out my big old dictionary and looked some of them up. LOL--I will be asking you about some of that "directly" (as my folks used to say--and to understand what I mean, you need to know how to pronounce "directly"). Anyway--that is all fun, but certainly you are a blessing in my life.

In Love-one never meets another with the mind-but with the heart. If my words get in the way, I deeply apologize, but I tend to be a word/concept addict. Bless you, earl
Oh--my dear Earl--in no way should you apologize. I love you--I love what you write and contribute here. I am sorry if I made you think otherwise. I come from some very "quaint" (sp?) roots. Maybe you did not know that I was giving you a compliment. I guess it sounds "backhanded" to the rest of the world. I am so sorry--

In Peace,
InLove said:
Oh--my dear Earl--in no way should you apologize. I love you--I love what you write and contribute here. I am sorry if I made you think otherwise. I come from some very "quaint" (sp?) roots. Maybe you did not know that I was giving you a compliment. I guess it sounds "backhanded" to the rest of the world. I am so sorry--

In Peace,
Didn't offend me-should have added a smilie to my response I guess:) Actually love it when someone intentionally or otherwise reminds me of my "wordiness" as afterall in the zen tradition wordiness ain't necessarily a good thing.;) Always love hearing from you here personally or generally. Take care, Earl