
Reaction score
Quebec, Canada
Hi everyone!

My name is Jessica and I'm from Quebec, Canada (wish I could say BC but oh well lol). The main reason I'm here is out of curiosity. I like hearing what other people have to say about their religion and beliefs (even if I don't always like what I hear), and just gathering up different pov's to kind of find what I believe. I don't believe in any religion specifically, I usually just think a lot and come up with my own opinions on everything. I sorta grew up with everyone teaching me christianity but for some reason I started to kind of dislike it, so from there I found other interests like Wicca and things like that. After I found out about astral projection and yea that really changed my views on certain things lol.

Okay, so a bit about me now. I love music and like to sing a lot. One of my favorite bands is Linkin Park (looking forward to their new cd!) and yea i mostly like alt. rock and everything that varies from that. I like reading, I don't have a favorite book really, but I prefer the genres fiction and fantasy most. Hmm... what else can I say... I like the great outdoors, animals, video games, writing... to put it simply I like a lot of things lol but I definitely hate school. ;)

So yea I think this is a really kool site, I hope that most people here are open minded, haha, but everyone here seems nice so far!
Hi Wandering Wind, welcome to CR! You'll meet a lot of interesting people here, and like any community some are open minded, some less so. But we mainly try to be civilized. Enjoy your stay and looking forward to reading your posts.

PS - And sincere apologies for the mp3 thread you encountered - that was some moron aggressively trying to recruit from here. Thread is removed and member banned.
Nope, just the province lol I live pretty far from the city really, like 4 hours maybe... yea it's not nextdoor lol but I hardly ever go there anyways.
Hi, wandering_wind, and peace:)

I am a bit late in welcoming you, and I know I have missed some new members while I was out. Anyway, welcome to CR--have been reading some of your posts. I am sure we will visit down this lovely road somewhere soon.

Hi wanding_wind, and welcome to CR. Im even more late in welcoming you. been lazy:p .