Comparative religion studies for children


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I'm looking for resources to teach children of 10 -13 years old a comparative religions course for the 2005-2006 school year. My goal is to open a dialogue with the children and to foster a sense of diversity and openness (I dislike the word tolerance) . Many of our church members believe that are many paths to God although most teachings are those from Jesus. In addition to a curriculum I'm looking for any exercises or fun ways for the children to experience the process of learning about other religions.

Thank you!

Peace and blessings,
Jennifer Kandel
Jenniferkandel said:

I'm looking for resources to teach children of 10 -13 years old a comparative religions course for the 2005-2006 school year. My goal is to open a dialogue with the children and to foster a sense of diversity and openness (I dislike the word tolerance) . Many of our church members believe that are many paths to God although most teachings are those from Jesus. In addition to a curriculum I'm looking for any exercises or fun ways for the children to experience the process of learning about other religions.

Thank you!

Peace and blessings,
Jennifer Kandel

Check out the DVD/VHS of "Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth" will Bill Moyers from your local library. Great introduction to the nature of religious experience and how to understand others' religious viewpoints. Plus he talks alot about "Star Wars" which should gets the kids' attention.
Hi, Jenniferkandel. Welcome to CR:) .

(And I am so glad to see you around more these days, Abogado--missed your input, and thought about you often.)

I have a collection of children's activities that teach the Christian message in some very fun and creative ways. I even have some materials of my own. Most of them involve music, and I don't know if that is what you are looking for. If you like, I can send you some ideas. (Of course, the Christian materials are pretty easily found on the net and elsewhere. I would venture that you probably have already found quite a bit).

If you find some good resources for children on tolerance of diversity of religion (and culture)--especially ones that might involve doing this lovingly and respectfully while maintaining one's own beliefs, I would be interested in checking them out, as well. (LOL--whatever I teach the children, we present to the adults;)).

Thank you I will check the Campbell resource at the library. The Star Wars part will be a big hit as several of the boys are big fans as they say to me always "May the foce be with you".
Hi Jennifer,

First off, I should tell you that I somehow overlooked your comment concerning the term "tolerance" when I read your post. Therefore, I just wanted you to know that when I used it in my reply, I was not being pushy or anything. I do understand the distinction you make--it has to do with compromising one's beliefs.

Anyway, in order to decide what materials and/or ideas to send, I was wondering--do you teach at a private school--perhaps interdenominational? Or public school? I hope you don't mind me asking, but it makes a big difference in what sort of teaching materials one uses, as I'm sure you know:) .

Hi, Jennifer--'tis I once more!:)

Thought I'd just say that I realize we are not talking about public school in all likelihood. I guess I am asking if you are looking for lessons that illustrate, for instance, how Christians and Muslims might understand one another--or are you needing material that is more geared toward ideas like Catholic and Protestant Interaction?

I would ask privately, but I thought that asking publicly might allow you to receive a greater number of helpful responses.

Jenniferkandel said:

I'm looking for resources to teach children of 10 -13 years old a comparative religions course for the 2005-2006 school year. My goal is to open a dialogue with the children and to foster a sense of diversity and openness (I dislike the word tolerance) . Many of our church members believe that are many paths to God although most teachings are those from Jesus. In addition to a curriculum I'm looking for any exercises or fun ways for the children to experience the process of learning about other religions.

Thank you!

Peace and blessings,
Jennifer Kandel

Hi Jennifer,

Here is a link for the Baha'i Education website. Many resources available. Click on the link on the left for Childrens Spiritual Education. Perhaps you will find something useful there. :)
