a few questions about men and women in Islam


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I didn't really know where to put this so please forgive me if its wrong.

I am not a muslim myself, but I have friends who are and I respect them a lot, I have read the Qu'ran but now me and my friend who is a muslim have a few questions. I don't really want to ask him since he doesn't feel comfortable to talk about it, which I ofcourse can imagine, so now I hope someone else can give me the few answers I am looking for.

My friend heard a while ago that in some beliefs once you've seen a woman naked, you have to marry her, we both weren't sure about that and so I am wondering if that also goes for Islam. I am only talking about nakedness, so no sex or anything. Forgive me if this is an inappropiate question to ask, we just really couldnt find the answers on it ^^;

Also someone told me that a boyfriend/girlfriend concept almost doesnt exist in muslim countries like Pakistan. I don't really get how that is meant. I would really appreciate if someone could clearify this for me and maybe explaining how it works then, as I am from a western country and are really interested in the Qu'ran and it's belief

I thank you for all the answers, and forgive me for my bad english!

Sincerely, Nagoya
Nagoya said:

I didn't really know where to put this so please forgive me if its wrong.
Its fine here. dont worry.
My friend heard a while ago that in some beliefs once you've seen a woman naked, you have to marry her, we both weren't sure about that and so I am wondering if that also goes for Islam. I am only talking about nakedness, so no sex or anything. Forgive me if this is an inappropiate question to ask, we just really couldnt find the answers on it ^^;
No, there is no such thing in islam.:p
Also someone told me that a boyfriend/girlfriend concept almost doesnt exist in muslim countries like Pakistan. I don't really get how that is meant. I would really appreciate if someone could clearify this for me and maybe explaining how it works then, as I am from a western country and are really interested in the Qu'ran and it's belief
I can tell you what Islam expects people to practice. People have a free will. Its thier choice to follow or not. So, ill tell you what Islam says in this regard.
Islam prohibits the boyfriend/girlfriend concept that is practiced in western countries. This question was onced raised before in some other thread. cant remember where. So, i guess ill try to briefly put it in perspective for you. What i understand is that you are asking about how men and women eventually marry. How do they "hook up" is what i think you are wanting to ask. Please allow me to explain:
It should be clear that Islam prohibits fornication & adultery clearly and very strongly. Also, please note that marriage is not only the coming together of two people but two familiies.
Regarding how a man and a woman come to know each other for the purpose of marriage, it varies from circumstance to circumstance. Normally if a man has the desire to marry and has the ability to accept the responsibility, and he does not have anyone in mind, he will ask his friends, family, and relatives if there is a lady that may be suitable for him and his expectations among their acquaintances and relatives. If someone is suggested, he normally asks about her extensively, about her religious observance, her personality, her knowledge, strengths, weaknesses, suitability as a wife willing to accept all the relevant responsibities, etc. If preliminary information seems appealing, then normally she is told that there is someone interested in meeting her and she is likewise given relevant information about him.
At this point, assuming the man and the woman as well as both families involved agree that there is potential, then the man usually visits the woman's family, often accompanied by members of his own. They are given the opportunity to see each other and sit and talk together, to converse modestly (but not in complete solitude) regarding whatever is relevant to making an informed judgment. The intention for this meeting should be for them to be able to make a decision whether or not they feel that they are mutually suitable. Afterwards, they each evaluate their own and their families' reactions, and pray to Allah that He guides them to what is in their best interest, and to make them accept the outcome. When both sides feel comfortable and feel they know everything they need to, based on all that has been mentioned such as asking about the other person, knowing their family, meeting in person, etc., they can make a final decision whether to carry on with marriage or not.
And dont worry, your english is perfectly fine.:)
Hope that helped.
And Allah knows best.
My friend heard a while ago that in some beliefs once you've seen a woman naked, you have to marry her, we both weren't sure about that and so I am wondering if that also goes for Islam.
What a strange belief systems.If you find that belief system please tell me on pm.I know there are some belief system in which all you have to do to marry your ideal girl is to rape her,then it becomes necessary for her to marry you.

Also someone told me that a boyfriend/girlfriend concept almost doesnt exist in muslim countries like Pakistan.
These concepts exist in all countries including my country pakistan but that is against the teaching of islam.Because Islam believes It is impossible to have these relations without indulging in fornication.And fornication is strictly prohibited in islam.

I am from a western country and are really interested in the Qu'ran and it's belief.
If your interested in quran all you have to do is read Quran.Self study is the best study.
PluckyAli said:
What a strange belief systems.If you find that belief system please tell me on pm.I know there are some belief system in which all you have to do to marry your ideal girl is to rape her,then it becomes necessary for her to marry you.
Yes, even I heard this once that if you rape a girl, she's yours. But i cant remember exactly which belief system this was.
PluckyAli said:
These concepts exist in all countries including my country pakistan but that is against the teaching of islam.Because Islam believes It is impossible to have these relations without indulging in fornication.And fornication is strictly prohibited in islam.

thanks for all your answers, I really appreciate it.

One question i forgot to ask, Is Kissing someone you like also forbidden and/or counting as fornication in Islam?
Nagoya said:
thanks for all your answers, I really appreciate it.

One question i forgot to ask, Is Kissing someone you like also forbidden and/or counting as fornication in Islam?
Generally, the word 'zina' is used which refers to fornication or adultery. But Zina (adultery, fornication) does not refer only to penetration, rather there is the zina of the hand, which is touching that which is forbidden, and the zina of the eyes, which is looking at that which is forbidden, even though zina that is committed with the private parts, is the zina which is punishable with the hadd[prescribed] punishment.
Allaah says in the Qur'an (interpretation of the meaning):
And come not near to unlawful sex. Verily, it is Fahishah (immoral sin) and an evil way. [Qur'an, 17:32]
Imam ibn Kathir explains that in this verse Allah is forbidding His servants to commit Zina or to approach it or to do anything that may lead to it.
Shiekh Munajjid explains in detail that it is not permissible for the Muslim to long for the things that lead to zina(adultery, fornication), such as kissing, being alone with a member of the opposite sex, touching and looking, for all these things are haraam[forbidden] and lead to the greater evil which is zina.
Hope that helped.
And Allaah knows best.
Thank you, thipps, for that explanation. I have wondered about the part which forbids members of the opposite sex to be alone together (outside of marriage, of course).

If you don't mind, may I ask if this is a problem in business dealings? In other words, is it acceptable for a man and woman conducting business (legal and ethical business) to be alone together?

Just something I have heard vaguely addressed somewhere before....looking for a bit of clarification.

InLove said:
Thank you, thipps, for that explanation. I have wondered about the part which forbids members of the opposite sex to be alone together (outside of marriage, of course).

If you don't mind, may I ask if this is a problem in business dealings? In other words, is it acceptable for a man and woman conducting business (legal and ethical business) to be alone together?

Just something I have heard vaguely addressed somewhere before....looking for a bit of clarification.

h| InLove,
Nope, they cant be alone together.
Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “If a man is alone with a non-mahram [1] woman, without there being a third person present, this is haraam [forbidden] according to the consensus of the scholars.Similarly, if the person with them is one of whom they do not feel shy because he is young, that does not avoid the forbidden khulwah[i.e. being alone together]"
And Allah knows best.
[1] For a woman, a mahram is a man whom she is permanently forbidden to marry due to blood relations e.g., her father, brother, paternal uncle, father-in-law, etc. or a man related to her due to marriage. (Similarly/vice versa for the case of men) Therefore, in the above case, the situation is forbidden because a man would be alone with a woman he is allowed to marry.The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said, "A man is never alone with a woman except that Satan is the third." This was recorded by Imam Ahmad and others from the hadith of Umar with a sahih [authentic] chain.
thanks for all your answers, I really appreciate it.
Thanks for all your questions,I really appreciate them.

Nagoya said:
One question i forgot to ask, Is Kissing someone you like also forbidden and/or counting as fornication in Islam?
Jesus said:Whoever looks at a women lustfully had already commited adultery in his eye.

well we believe jesus was a muslim,and thus the same concept exist in islam.Infact if you look at different monotheism religions they are so interrelated with each other,that one could blindly say they have some connection with each other.What connection?think about it.

p.ali :)