ahadith & Qur'an


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Hey everyone, I was looking on the site and read about the ahadith. I was just wondering, is all the sayings in the ahadith, in the qur'an itself? I ordered a qur'an and expect it to get here within the next week or two, would you recommend me wait to read the ahadith before, during, or after i read the qur'an. That's why I was just wondering if the actual sayings in the ahadith are in the Qur'an itself. Thanks for your time.
cool_aid2006 said:
Hey everyone, I was looking on the site and read about the ahadith. I was just wondering, is all the sayings in the ahadith, in the qur'an itself? I ordered a qur'an and expect it to get here within the next week or two, would you recommend me wait to read the ahadith before, during, or after i read the qur'an. That's why I was just wondering if the actual sayings in the ahadith are in the Qur'an itself. Thanks for your time.
h| cool_aid2006,
Ahadith (plural of hadith) are not contained in the Quran. The Quran is considered the Word of God by Muslims. Ahadith are not considered that. Please see the following glossary for help:
Since you would be reading the Quran, you would be, time and again, faced with as to what a certain verse means. An explanation of Quran (called tafseer) is also available online in english if you wish to read it. The one by Ibn Katheer is one of the more well-known ones. The link is given below:
Hope this helped.
And Allah knows best.
I would advise you to actually read the qur'an first because you wont know what the hadith are talkin about usually
Hey everyone, I was looking on the site and read about the ahadith. I was just wondering, is all the sayings in the ahadith, in the qur'an itself? I ordered a qur'an and expect it to get here within the next week or two, would you recommend me wait to read the ahadith before, during, or after i read the qur'an. That's why I was just wondering if the actual sayings in the ahadith are in the Qur'an itself. Thanks for your time.
If you want to know the position of Ahadith in Islam ... you can see these links ,they will give you some ideas


May god help and guide all of us

I personally would advise you to read the Qur'an first. Qur'an is the Word of God for Muslims and Qur'an explains the Hadith and not vice versa! (My personal opinion).

I believe that many Muslims around the globe put a big stress on Hadith, telling others how Hadith 'interprets' the Qur'an yet God Almighty tells Muslims and the rest of the world that the Holy Qur'an is His Hadith, that Qur'an is complete and that people do not need another Hadith beside the Qur'an!

Many Hadiths are contradictory. One example is the age of Prophet Muhammad's wife's, Aisha's, age. One hadith narrates that she was 6 when she married him, another speaks that she was in puberty, another one mentions Aisha in a battle which means she could not be younger than 15 (since it was prohibited for anyone under the age of 15 to be in a battle)--all of which shows us that no one trully knows the age of the Prophet's wife!

Often we Muslims do not see, or are afraid to admit to ourselves, that Hadith are human work, that it contradicts itself, that it contains many advice for Muslims to follow that are not based on the Qur'an, such as stoning punishment!

So, Cool Aid, I hope you will read the Qur'an first. Keep in mind that the Holy Qur'an is not a story. Often Bible readers expect a story outlined in the Qur'an, but the Holy Book is not a story. It is a long dialog between the Almighty, his servants and those who are His enemies.

Amica said:

I personally would advise you to read the Qur'an first. Qur'an is the Word of God for Muslims and Qur'an explains the Hadith and not vice versa! (My personal opinion).

I believe that many Muslims around the globe put a big stress on Hadith, telling others how Hadith 'interprets' the Qur'an yet God Almighty tells Muslims and the rest of the world that the Holy Qur'an is His Hadith, that Qur'an is complete and that people do not need another Hadith beside the Qur'an!

Many Hadiths are contradictory. One example is the age of Prophet Muhammad's wife's, Aisha's, age. One hadith narrates that she was 6 when she married him, another speaks that she was in puberty, another one mentions Aisha in a battle which means she could not be younger than 15 (since it was prohibited for anyone under the age of 15 to be in a battle)--all of which shows us that no one trully knows the age of the Prophet's wife!

Often we Muslims do not see, or are afraid to admit to ourselves, that Hadith are human work, that it contradicts itself, that it contains many advice for Muslims to follow that are not based on the Qur'an, such as stoning punishment!

So, Cool Aid, I hope you will read the Qur'an first. Keep in mind that the Holy Qur'an is not a story. Often Bible readers expect a story outlined in the Qur'an, but the Holy Book is not a story. It is a long dialog between the Almighty, his servants and those who are His enemies.

I assume this is your personal view regarding hadith cause this definitely isnt mainstream Islam.
Amica said:
Many Hadiths are contradictory. One example is the age of Prophet Muhammad's wife's, Aisha's, age. One hadith narrates that she was 6 when she married him, another speaks that she was in puberty, another one mentions Aisha in a battle which means she could not be younger than 15 (since it was prohibited for anyone under the age of 15 to be in a battle)--all of which shows us that no one trully knows the age of the Prophet's wife!

Its true that there are certain hadith that are used to interpret the Qur'an, but usually the hadith are only sidelines or "extra stuff".. like for example in a commentary of surah "yasin", you may find a hadith regarding the benefits of reciting it.. but this does not "explain" the chapter does it?

1.Both Qur'an and hadith are important,but Qur'an is THE MOST important because it is Allah's own words and can never become corrupt.

2.It's not right just to reject hadith either,because there are several places in the Quran itself where Allah commands us to obey His messenger.

3.The Hadith, can and will have errors in it, including contradictions too.. but that does not mean we should reject all of them.We must and should reject the hadith only if proved false or fabricated (weak hadith).But if any hadith contradicts the teachings of the Qur'an, then it is a false hadith.

by the way, you may be probably wondering what "false" and "weak" hadith mean.. you see, after the prophet's death and the era of the righeous caliphs,came the ummayad rule.. it was during this time that Islam and arabia came under the contraol of corrupt and tyrant kings.. these kings appointed "professional" scribes to fabricate new sayings of the prophets(pbuh) to satisfy the king's needs.. of course the people wouldn't know about it..

So how do we find out if its fabricated or not? we have a method called "isnad", its like checking votes! in this case checking votes of previous scholars of Islam.. thus if a chain of narrators can be retraced back to any of the prophet's companions then it is an authentic hadith.

-PEACE- :)