What is in a Screen Name?


at peace
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Hi everyone--peace:)

Have you ever wondered about someone's screen name here in CR? I have. I don't know if anyone is interested, but I thought I would see.

There is another thread here in the forum about avatars--and it was cool, but the rule was that you had to follow the guy that posted before you.

This is not a rule here.

The idea here is that if you have wondered about someone's screen name, and have wanted to ask, here is where you can. Or you can just chime in here about your own screen name.

And, I would think that if anyone wanted to ask about someone's avatar, that could also fit in.

(LOL--it is Friday night--I should be out painting the town or something, but I painted it several times and I still don't like the way it looks:), so I am on here being silly)

So, I will start: My screen name is InLove because I believe that God is Love and I am in Him.

I have a Buddhist friend here, Awaiting_the_fifth--I know what his name means, but I have had a really difficult time abbreviating his name. I was worried that ATF was not a good abbreviation, because it reminded me of the U.S. Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. But my friend is from the UK, (I think?). So what does that mean to him? Anyway, I eventually decided to call him "Fifth", which after giving it some thought, I have decided is not right either. The "Fifth" means something very important to him. And I think he would probably prefer that I do not call him that....

Forgive me, my friend?

Anyway, the meaning of a screen name can be quite important. Anyone want to ask someone else about their's? Anyone want to say a word or two about your own?

Some names are quite self-explanatory. Some are not quite so clear. And since this is a multifaith and multicultural place, maybe it will be surprising to someone that someone else did not know what is in a name.

Hope this is not too silly of a thread to post--LOL--this is what happens when you leave me here alone:) .

Fifth is fine, ATF is fine (as you say, I didnt know about the Alcohol Tobacco and firearms thing, although those things all sound like fun.)

I guess it's just to much trouble to actually type my whole name. Three Words!!!:rolleyes:

One that Ive always wondered about is Abodago Del Diablo. Any chance of a translation?

I believe that Abogado del Diablo means "Devil's Advocate". (I think he is an attorney.) You out there, Abogado? Now you might have some explaining to do:D.

Well, I don't know what Awaiting the fifth means! :)

My screen name is pretty mundane - when I first started posting on usenet groups, I was an overly-romantic 16-year-old, and The Scarlet Pimpernel was my favorite novel. Since then I've always used it - no one else ever has it, and that way if I ever run into anyone from that first mailing list, they might recognize me. Plus I think that everyone conceals their identity, or at least part of it, to a certain extent on the internet, so in that sense it's appropriate.
Originally posted by Scarlet Pimpernel
Well, I don't know what Awaiting the fifth means! :)

He's awaiting the fifth incarnation of the Buddha (I believe that's how he explained it on another place in the forums.) :)

Side note concerning your screen name, Scarlet Pimpernel: Did you know that the book you read when you were 16 was based on an actual man and what he did during the French Revolution? Leslie Howard, the actor who portrayed the main character received a letter from a decendant of the actual Scarlet Pimpernel, and he (Leslie Howard) thought it was a prank being played on him by a school chum. He was "floored" when he learned about the family's existence. :cool:

I'm not sure if Vajradhara's explained his screen name or not, but I'm curious about what it it means (if it means anything. :eek:)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
I'm with you, Phyllis--I want to know. I think I know, but I would like to know if what I think I know is actual knowledge:) .




Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
He's awaiting the fifth incarnation of the Buddha (I believe that's how he explained it on another place in the forums.) :)

Almost. It is the Hindu Gods who reincarnate themselves in this way, and Hindu's are awaiting the 10th incarnation of Krishna. Awaiting the Fifth refers to the fifth Buddha to manifest in this world, who will be a different person from the other Buddhas who have manifested.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
I'm not sure if Vajradhara's explained his screen name or not, but I'm curious about what it it means (if it means anything. :eek:)

I know that Vajradhara is the name of a Buddha, specifically the "Primordial Buddha of Indestructible Blue Light" I think that he was the first Buddha to manifest in this world system but Im not 100% sure on that.

Actually, when I first came here I found our vajradhara to be so wise it occurred to me that he might actually be an emination of the Buddha Vajradhara in cyberspace. Im still not entirely convinced that he isnt!

Any comments Vaj?
I almost forgot about explaining my screen name (actually, I did forget, but my mind is somewhere orbiting Deneb VIII or Altair III. :p)

My screen name is my first name with a "double translation" of my first and middle names into Gaelic (I enjoy learning languages and the etymology of words/names. :eek:)

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
InLove said:

I believe that Abogado del Diablo means "Devil's Advocate". (I think he is an attorney.) You out there, Abogado? Now you might have some explaining to do:D.


Yeah, I'm out here still. I've been VERY busy with a couple of other projects. One of which is related to my son, about whom I posted previously.

ADD is fine. I explained the intended meaning behind my name here.
Namaste all,

indeed, Awaiting the Fifth has the right of it...

Varjadhara is the name of a Primordial Buddha, and usually is translated as "The Bearer of the Diamond Thunderbolt of Indestructable Wisdom" which is the total non-dual harmony of the male and female principles acting in concert for the wellbeing of sentient beings.

rest assured, this non-being is not close to that non-being. it is, in a sense... to borrow a metaphor, the border of my painting.. the crucible in which spiritual alchemy occurs...

personally... i am intersted in two screen names and how they came about... juantoo3 and bananabrain :)


I can answer about bananabrain's (he told a few of us on a no-longer-in-existence forum.)

An old girlfriend of his used to call him bananabrain (as in "You bananabrain!") Not usually considered a term of endearment, you could say.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
er...mine is just my initials + last name...I like it because the last name is not too common (only 3 people with my last name here in El Salvador!)...and, miclason is generally "free" in all sites (I've never found one that rejected THAT username!)
Kindest Regards, all!
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
I can answer about bananabrain's (he told a few of us on a no-longer-in-existence forum.)

An old girlfriend of his used to call him bananabrain (as in "You bananabrain!") Not usually considered a term of endearment, you could say.
Thank you, I often wondered myself!

OK, I suppose it is only right (as in correct) that I play since I am being asked by Vajradhara. My thanks to everyone so far.

Actually, Juantoo3 goes back to a moment of frustration as an internet newbie. I was attempting to come up with a user name to participate somewhere online (forget now exactly where), and it kept insisting I put a number in my username. To which I kept responding, initially in my head and in the end out loud rather voiciferously as each new attempt was refused, that "I'm not a number!!! Finally, in absolute frustration, I tried juantoo3 and it took. That has been my online signature ever since, with minor variations on the theme.

Actually, I thought it was pretty lame and all too obvious. But everywhere I have ever gone it has always (to this point) been accepted, and seems to draw comment from someone eventually. What can I say? :)

I suppose it is only right to note that I think some of the usernames are pretty cool. I suppose the one that makes me wonder most is Quahom. I mean, some of us know Quahom is not Q's name...and I don't think it has anything to do with Quahogs (as some shellfish are called in New England), so I am a bit intrigued...
One day, I think im going to regret telling this story:D
In the first year of my bachelor's degree (once upon a time), me and a close friend (lets call him kaka in this story:) ) were sitting in an internet cafe and I wanted to create my first yahoo ID. Well, I was trying in frustration to register one just like juantoo3 was. yes, it wanted me to put numbers and I didnt want to cause it would ruin it. I dont recall for sure what it was I wanted but, anyway, kaka came up with one since I wasnt having any luck. Oh, I should mention that I was studying in a military institution. So, anyway, he suggested major_thipper. I understood the major part (I wanted it to be General but kaka wudnt have it:p ) I had no idea what a thipper was. Then he explained to me that it refers to a turnip in a local dialect. I knew some of the dialect but I didnt know what to call a turnip in it. Anyway, he explained that there are two words for turnip and this one is a bit uncommon. taking up a yahoo ID which calls me 'major turnip' isnt exactly what i had in mind but my friend simply wudnt have it any other way and he was having a good time seeing me trying to wiggle myself out of this lil situation that he had created. If i tried to type something else, he wud take the mouse away from me or hit the Backspace key. In the end, I had to create it. Aaahhhh yes, friendships:) Once i started using it, obviously everyone saw it and instead of my name, my close friends started calling me 'thipper' when they wanted to tease me.There is nothing one can do in these situations but smile and hope they will stop one day but we all know that usually doesnt happen cause they can see rigth through you. Later on, my friends, in the dorm that i lived in, started to call me 'thipps' probably because its more catchy.
Whenever i type emails now, i always sign my name but whenever i write to these special few people, i always write 'thipps' at the end. I know it reminds us all of the good times:)
Ok, there you have it and, yes, me and kaka are closer than ever.
P.S. no follow-up questions:D
Kindest Regards, thipps!

It is nice to see that mine is not the only to come from frustration, and good natured humor! Thanks!
Most of the names I was curious about have been explained here already, but I'm still curious about lunamoth. I'm worried I might simply be missing some species of moth named Luna, :confused: lol, but I was curious if there was anything more to this name?
Freedom of Opinion said:
Most of the names I was curious about have been explained here already, but I'm still curious about lunamoth. I'm worried I might simply be missing some species of moth named Luna, :confused: lol, but I was curious if there was anything more to this name?

Hi Freedom, thank you for asking. :) A Luna moth is a real moth:

Luna moths are one of the most unusual and beautiful of the North American moths known as Saturnidae. They are well known for their green-yellow colors and long tails,and although they are often seen in pictures, they are a real surprise when found in nature. Although they are common throughout the eastern U.S., their night flying habits and short life span as an adult moth, only about 1 week, combine to make them a rare find. The luna moth, with a wingspan of 4.5-5.0 inches, is one of the largest moths in North America and is very common in many of the eastern states from Maine all the way to Florida. They usually are seen less as you go westward to Texas and the Great Plains. It is also found in southern regions of many Canadian provinces such as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskachewan.
from: luna moth

I guess I have an affinity for small flying creatures as I have another screen name elsewhere along the same theme (not trying to hide, just didn't realize that it was handy to use the same name in different places). Actually, the luna moth is nearer and dearer to my heart because when I saw one for the first time a number of years ago I truly was astonished by the beauty of God's creation in this little moth.

Also, I find the moth to be a symbol of transformation. I hadn't thought about it a lot when I first picked it, but I've come to be quite fond of my handle.

I'm curious about three names at the moment. Alexa, why are you alexa? Bandit, how about you? And Dor--is that your real name as well? I'm sure there are others I'm curious about too.

Actually, I, Brian--is that related to I, Robot?

This is a very cool thread:cool:. I love this thread:). Thanks for all the posts--

Has Q answered yet?

(Luna-I see them sometimes--they are beautiful.) And I always think of you when the "Lunesta" ads appear, too:D. LOL, when I first joined CR, I found the thread about avatars, and I commented on yours. I did not know anything about you, and I was nervous about my "Tinkerbell" comment.:)

Hi all,

Well, my real name is not Anna, but, it couldve been. My mother wanted to name me Ana + my given name and they would be a double name. But, my dad took Ana away so I ended up with only one name. One of my dear friends was called Anna and she passed away this year, so, in her memory I chose the name Anna when I joined the sisters of embracement. Because they call me Sister, I became Sister Anna. Now, that is my online name in a few places. I am considering adding Anna to my given name in a few more years, that way I will go back to having the name that my mother had originally intended me to have ;)

So, in a way my name of Sister Anna is in memory of my friend and also as a reference to the Sisters of Embracement.

thats all :)
i suppose Bandit could mean a lot of things. i will let you all decide.

Luna, is that the night moth lays eggs on folded leaves & turns into that pinkish brown iris bore?