What Did Jesus And Moses Call God ?

Salim Syed

Islamic Perspective
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Peace be upon you,

In Islam the name of God is 'Allah' (Arabic). What do Christians call God in the original languages of the Prophets ? I was told Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) spoke Hebrew and God in Hebrew is Eloha. Is this correct ?

I know some Christians call God Jehova but I was told there is no letter in Hebrew that represent the sound of 'J'. So Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) could not have called God Jehova.

I was also told that Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) spoke Aramiac (a dialect of Arabic) , and God in Aramiac is Alaha.

All three languages are semitic and share a common root, which to me makes sense as the name of God in the three semitic religions would be Allah, Alaha and Eloha (very close in sound).

I think the original old and new testaments must have been written in Hebrew and Aramaic (the sister languages of Arabic)

Thanks for your prompt reply
In Islam the name of God is 'Allah' (Arabic). What do Christians call God in the original languages of the Prophets ?

We call him The Great I Am, Elohim, YHVH, Adoni.

I was told Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) spoke Hebrew and God in Hebrew is Eloha. Is this correct ?

I dont think so?

I know some Christians call God Jehova but I was told there is no letter in Hebrew that represent the sound of 'J'. So Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) could not have called God Jehova.

Thats correct! In fact, many Jews laugh at us Chrisitans when we say "Jehovah." The word Jehovah is a mistransliteration of the orginal word.

I was also told that Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) spoke Aramiac (a dialect of Arabic) , and God in Aramiac is Alaha.

Yes, Jesus spoke Aramiac.

All three languages are semitic and share a common root, which to me makes sense as the name of God in the three semitic religions would be Allah, Alaha and Eloha (very close in sound).

The God of the Jews and Christians, that is to say, the God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob, is not Allah. The God of the Bible says Jesus is the Son of God. In the Qura'n Allah cant have any children. In the Bible it says that the spirit of the Anti Christ denies that Jesus died for the sins of the world. The Qura'n states that Jesus did not die for the sins of man. In the Bible it says that Jesus will come back and reign and rule. The Haddiff teaches that the Al Medhi will come with Isa and kill everyone who isnt a Muslim. There are too many differences about The Christian God - The ONE God - Father, Son [Jesus], and the Holy Spirt, to say he is also Allah. He is not!
Pax, Salim Seyed, from a brother of the Book,

In Islam the name of God is 'Allah' (Arabic).

And Peace be upon Him.

What do Christians call God in the original languages of the Prophets?

As a Catholic I must draw a distinction between the word of Jesus and the word of the Prophets, as you would expect. Jesus told his disciples and followers to call God 'Abba' - the Aramaic for 'Father.'

I was told Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) spoke Hebrew and God in Hebrew is Eloha. Is this correct?

Another distinction here. 'Elohim' was consistently used in texts that reflect the early northern traditions of the Kingdom of Israel, whereas 'Yahweh' ('Jehovah') is consistently used in texts that derive from the early southern traditions, of the Kingdom of Judah and Jerusalem.

'Elohim' is a plural, from the same root as singular 'El' and 'Eloah.' 'Jahweh' is singular. They are understood to represent the Immanent and Transcendant principles respectively.

Jehovah is an early form of the word latter pronounced 'Yahweh.' Both derive from the Tetragrammatron ("four lettered (name)"). Hewbrew is written only with consonants, not vowels, and YHWH is regarded as the sacred name of God found in the Jewish scriptures.

In traditional Judaism, the word is not to be pronounced. In its place, a person is supposed to say Adonai (Lord) or something similar. In Christian translations, the word is usually translated simply as Lord.

I know some Christians call God Jehovah

Some denominations place a major emphasis on the Old Testament. The mainstream' orthodox churches (of the Pope and Pastriarchs) call God 'Father' as Christ instructed.

I was also told that Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) spoke Aramiac (a dialect of Arabic), and God in Aramiac is Alaha.

True, but Jesus always referred to God in the Immanent sense, as 'Abba' (Father) rather than the transcendant 'Alaha.'

I think the original old and new testaments must have been written in Hebrew and Aramaic (the sister languages of Arabic)

The texts were written in Greek, but their 'native' language would have been Aramaic, and some (very few) Aramaic words found their way directly into the Gospels.

Hi Salim Syed, and Peace be upon you! (you are a Syed, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammed, are you not???) I am a Christian, and will try to answer your question.

Salim Syed said:
Peace be upon you,

In Islam the name of God is 'Allah' (Arabic). What do Christians call God in the original languages of the Prophets ? I purchased a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible at a local Bible book store for $20.00 (it's a huge book. It gives every word in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures of the Bible in the order of appearance in the Bible, and then gives an "exhaustive" definition of the words via word numbers, so you can look up hebrew and greek words at your convenience. The word "God" is an Anglo-Saxon word used by Europeans who converted to Christianity, and has a Germanic basis. The Hebrew word for the Anglo-Saxon "God" is "EL", Eloheme, and derivitives of that word. EL is singular, while "Eloheme" is plural, but designates a singular being, not many. When I traced that word "EL" back to its origins in Strongs, I found that it is derived from anunused root word, Auwl, which means "pillar, mighty oak", and another unused root, "uwl", which means to "tie together to form indivisibility", basically. Since Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic are related languages, it makes sense that many centuries prior to these cultures defining themselves, these words evolved into "EL", and "Allah" for two related cultures. Because an oak tree has rings, and because a net or rope is formed of fibres that make it "one" entity, which in turn forms fabric, also "one" entity, it is easy to see how "one" being can also be "triune", hence Christianity believes in a multi-faceted, "Triune" God, or EL. The word "EL" is not a name, it is a POSITION, or TYPE. You are a human, but this is a dog, and that is a fish...and this over here? it is an EL. While there are many humans, dogs and fish, there is only ONE EL, hence the belief in monotheism in all three related faiths. EL means self-existant, uncreated being.

In Exodus 3:13 Moses asks the same question of EL than you are asking, namely, "what is your name that I may tell the people?" EL tells Moses that his name is YHWH, which is translated in English Bibles as "I AM that I AM". Hebrew, as Arabic, leaves out vowels, so we do not know the pronounciation of YHWH, but in English we say Yehovah, which means Salvation. Therefore, the self-existant, uncreated being told Moses that his name is "Salvation". We know that EL and YHWH are the "same" being, not separate beings.

When "Jesus" was born, his mother was instructed to name him "Emanuel" which literally translates from the Hebrew/Aramaic as "God is with us". Another "form" of this name is "Joshua", which means "Salvation", i.e. The name EL told Moses belonged to him. Because the miracles of Jesus match those of Jehovah in the Old Testament, and because Jesus identified himself to the woman at the well as "God", and told the religious leaders that he is "I AM", Christians believe that Jesus was God upon earth, literally, not that God is human, but that God's spirit can be upon things on earth to teach us, as in the burning bush, the 10 commandments, and also a human being, Jesus. Declaring ones self to be God in Israel was high treason against Jewish law, plus since the main population wanted him declared King, which was treason against Rome, the Jewish leaders decided his death would solve the "treason" problem on both levels. His resurrection however, foiled that.

the Jesus movement within Israeli Judaism was taken to the Gentiles by a man named Saul, who was trained as a religious expert of Judaism and was very much against anything Jesus, until Jesus himself appeared to Saul, blinded him, explained things to him, and Saul's mind and heart were changed. His name then changed to Paul, the Apostle. Paul brought the message of Jesus to the Greek Jews and Greek pagans. The Greeks honored Joshua of Nazareth by re-naming him, giving him the name of their highest-status deity, Zeus, hence he was called "Iesous" (pronounced Yea-Zeus) from then on, even by European pagan converts. The europeans slapped their love for Jesus into their own pagan festivals because they didn't know anything about semitic culture, festivals or rules, so we get the Jewish Messiah mixed up with pagans who loved him and gave him their highest position in their own faith and rituals. Eventually, the letter "J" was invented, and the name of the Jewish messiah, Joshua was written as Jesus. And that is it. Hope that helps you! Oh, by the way, you should re-read the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar, and their sons Ishmael and Isaac in the Biblical book of Genesis, because God (EL) himself orders Hagar to go back and "dwell in peace" in Abraham's tent (i.e. Abraham's family, with Sarah and her son Isaac). If things had worked out right, Jews and muslims would be one big happy family today, IF they would only follow EL's instructions of 5000 years ago!, But I believe this passage is also prophetic and one day Jews, muslims and Christians will live in perfect peace and we will all recognize and love "Jesus".

I was told Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) spoke Hebrew and God in Hebrew is Eloha. Is this correct ?

I know some Christians call God Jehova but I was told there is no letter in Hebrew that represent the sound of 'J'. So Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) could not have called God Jehova.

I was also told that Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) spoke Aramiac (a dialect of Arabic) , and God in Aramiac is Alaha.

All three languages are semitic and share a common root, which to me makes sense as the name of God in the three semitic religions would be Allah, Alaha and Eloha (very close in sound).

I think the original old and new testaments must have been written in Hebrew and Aramaic (the sister languages of Arabic)

Thanks for your prompt reply
i dont know if the name of god in a particular language matters too much, i think the meaning of it matters more. Jews were a conquered nation for so long; arabs, greeks, romans... i think more jews in the time of jesus heard gods name and his word in more languages other than their own hebrew. and here's an interesting idea--jesus very well may have spoken all these languages. he did speak to pilate, he did speak to pharisees, he did speak to apostles, and people of other tribes. i think jesus may have spoken at least 3 or more languages to communicate with all the people around him.
The Y and J letter controversy is not too hard to understand. Translations from Aramaic to Greek and Latin leaves any translator with a pronunciation and alphabet problem. The Greeks and Romans have no letter equivalent to Y, so translators used J in its place, since the sounds were similar enough to pass. Yahweh becomes Jehovah. YHWH is compromised in letters and pronunciation. Also Yeshua becomes Jesus. Neither in Greek or Latin is there an alphabet combination to equally match UA, hence the popular influence of US at the end of the name,(Think of it like this, common Latin names were JuliUS, PontiUS, CrassUS, FlaviUS etc etc.)

Now as for Allah, this may offend some, but it does not change history, so tough doodoo! Read below! :D

Allah was the equivalent of the Babylonian god Baal (Nimrod), and Allah was around with the Arabs long before Mohammed came along. Allah was the highest god of 360 gods to the pre-Islamic Arabs. Before Islam, all the Arab tribes had their own deity. Allah was the god of the Quarish tribe, Mohammed's tribe. Allah was the Crescent Moon God. Allah had 3 daughters , Al-at, Al-uzza, and Al-Manat.

Many Muslims deny that Allah was already being worshipped at the Ka'ba in Mecca by Arab pagans before Mohammed came. Some Muslims become angry when they are reminded with this fact. Mecca and the holy stone al-Kaaba were holy sites for pre-Islamic pagan Arabs. The Kaaba in Mecca was formerly named Beit-Allah meaning House of Allah. The Koran tells us that Mohammed drove all the other gods/idols away; which left only one god, Allah (his tribe`s personal god), and he was its messenger. The Kaaba was left as a 'holy place' still, and the black stone was said to take away man's sins if you kissed it. Mohammed passed the law that every Islamic believer is to make a pilgrimage to the Meccan stone at least once in his lifetime. (Sura 22:26-37).

It should be noted no Old Testament patriarch ever made a pilgrimage to the Kaaba and kissed its black stone. Neither did any of Christ`s disciples. Yeshua`s death on the cross takes away our sins, not a kissed rock.
Jesus called him "Abba", meaning "Father".Moses called him "YHWH", meaning "I am who is". According to a jewish tradition, it's forbidden to pronounce this name, so they call him "Adonai", meaning "Lord". In the Hebrew texts, theses two words are intermingled to "Ya-Ho-Wai-H": YHWH with the syllables of Adonai. Jehovah's witnesses read this as "Jehovah".

In Genesis, "Elohim" is used, meaning "the gods", but translations always say "god", in singular.
queenofsheba said:
In Genesis, "Elohim" is used, meaning "the gods", but translations always say "god", in singular.

That is not actually correct.

~yhla 'elohiym

(plural intensive - singular meaning)
  1. god, goddess
  2. godlike one
  3. works or special possessions of God
  4. the (true) God
  5. God
King James word usage total 2606

God 2346, god 244, judge 5, GOD 1, goddess 2, great 2, mighty 2, angels 1, exceeding 1, 1, godly 1

The first book of Genesis is the prime example of how it is to be used. God and not the gods lol .. Thats like saying that foot always means a unit of measure.. or any other time a word has multiple meanings.

like Chalice said its root word is 'el which is not "the" but actually God.