Some questions.


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Hello , im interested in learning about religions and i have simple questions becouse i never heard of this religion .

Did this religion have a prophet or a begginer , i mean who came up with this religion

How do you prenounce it ?

Ba-Ha-e ?

And does this religion have a special place like churchs to pray in ?

Hi! Thanks for your questions, I'll do my best to answer them ;)

The Prophet Founder of the Bahá'í Faith was Bahá'u'lláh (meaning 'The Glory of God'). This was the title given to Him; His name was Mirza Husayn Ali. Bahá'u'lláh was a 'Manifestation of God', (i.e. major Prophet or Messenger of God); Bahá'ís also accept Adam, Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus and Muhammad (among others) as Manifestations of God. To us, the Bahá'í Faith represents the most recent of God's Revelations in the One, progressively unfolding, Religion.
(I should also mention that there was another Manifestation of God associated with the Bahá'í Faith: His title was 'The Báb', meaning 'The Gate', and He was the Forerunner of Bahá'u'lláh. His name was Siyyid Ali-Muhammad.)

Most people pronounce Bahá'í as 'ba-high', although I'm told that is not, strictly speaking, entirely correct! ;)

The Mashriqu'l-Adhkár ('Dawning place of the praises or mention of God') is the Bahá'í House of Worship or Temple, but at the moment there are only a few in the world, so Bahá'ís usually meet in each other's homes, or in halls and community centres.

Hope this helps, keep the questions coming! :)

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AbdAlRahman said:
Hello , im interested in learning about religions and i have simple questions becouse i never heard of this religion.

The answers from Louise are well in order, but I'll add that this approach is pretty much exactly how I ran across the Baha'i Faith some 19 years ago - a friend of mine saw a flier, knew I was interested i religion, and I went because I had never heard of it and thought it would be interesting to get a view of a religion without any previous knowledge.

It turned out to be quite an adventure and has allowed me to continue to learn about other religions as well!
AbdAlRahman said:
Hello , im interested in learning about religions and i have simple questions becouse i never heard of this religion .

Did this religion have a prophet or a begginer , i mean who came up with this religion

How do you prenounce it ?

Ba-Ha-e ?

And does this religion have a special place like churchs to pray in ?




In addition to what others have said, you may like to know that the Baha'i Faith traces it's origins to 1844 in Persia (Iran) with the announcement of the Bab's mission to prepare the way for 'One Whom God would make Manifest', this was fulfilled in 1863 with the declaration of Baha'u'llah as the One foretold by the Bab.

If interested you can find more information on the history of the Faith at or

Please continue to ask questions, we love questions as they help us deepen our own understanding of the Faith as well.

Loving Greetings, Amy