Unscientific statements and Selective translations in the Qur'an


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Re: Can I have evidence/proof of Islams divinity?


The Quran as the Bible is a book of religion not of science.

You do not mention the most unscientific statement in the Quran, that God created man from molded clay.

Quran 2:23 = Many fake quranic pages have been written.

Quran 51:47 = You translate "Lamûsi3ûna" "Verily, we are expanding it".
That's YOUR translation. Muslim or non Muslim scholars, who know Arabic at least as well as you, translate it "the vastness of space" or "we gave it vast proportions". Only the heretical Khalifa says "we continue to expand it".

Quran 21:30 = This has nothing to do with the Big Bang because the earth didn't exist at the time.
Re: Can I have evidence/proof of Islams divinity?

The Quran as the Bible is a book of religion not of science.
You do not mention the most unscientific statement in the Quran, that God created man from molded
Do you know better how the first man was created?.No one knows exactly not even evolutionary
biologists.They say we came from a common ancestor,they don't tell us how that ancestor was
created.To show any evidence against this verse,you will have to drill back origins of man,which
has not been possible yet.
Quran 2:23 = Many fake quranic pages have been written.

Quran 51:47 = You translate "Lamûsi3ûna" "Verily, we are expanding it".
That's YOUR translation. Muslim or non Muslim scholars, who know Arabic at least as well as you,
translate it "the vastness of space" or "we gave it vast proportions". Only the heretical Khalifa
says "we continue to expand it".
My translation?.I am arabic illiterate.
"With power did We construct the heaven. Verily, We are Able to extend the vastness of space
That means the same thing.isn't it?
Quran 21:30 = This has nothing to do with the Big Bang because the earth didn't exist at the
here is 21:30
"Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one
united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not
then believe?"
Earth exist now.God is telling about the origin of earth when it existed,from the reference point
of now,so that we can understand.In other words this verse is telling us earth is evolved from a
single united peace,when heavens and earth were united.
How could we know earth and heavens were joined together if God did not mention this
explicitly?.How could we know earth was once a part of the heavens?.Read soemthing about laws of