Disciples and Holy Spirit ?


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Spirit of Simon/Peter was blessed with highest honor, given to all Mankind, by
Living God in Matthew 16:17,18,19.
Now, Holy Spirit is the Truth, whoever have it, can not tell a Lie.
Prophets were inspired by Holy Spirit while writting Prophecies.
Spirit of Jesus of Nazareth was Holy Spirit, His entire Life.
When Disciples asked Jesus in Matthew 13:10 ," Why do you always tell stories
when you talk to people ? "
He explained, 13:11, " The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. "
It is just one proof, from many proofs of Holy spirit being a Gift, ability to see,
feel, and understand the truth.
Reason for my topic is Fact that, Simon was completely wrong, in Acts 2 ,when
He presented Prophecy of Joel ( Joel 2:28-32) as Disciples being the Ones
that Prophecy pointing out (Acts 2:16)
If you read what He repeated in Acts 2:17-21, you may find that, time described is the "Last days", that are " just around a corner ", from right now.
And not 2000 years ago.
That is why all " Christian Religions " are based on Belief, not the Truth.
And Christ was Mr.Truth King in flesh. ;)
When asked by Pilate is He King, He replied in John 19:37
" I was born for that purpose. And I came to bring truth to the world. All who love the truth, recognize that what I say is true "
And there you have it, Christianity is just a Belief :eek:

much love and truth !
I'm not quite sure what the point is - but if we're being philosophical, then isn't everything belief? :)
well Plaidback, i did not realize your belief was so absolutely correct in your interepretations of the bible.
In my belief Mr Truth is alive & well & doing just fine.
thanks for the advice though: if i have any questions i better seek Mr Truth.

much love & much truth to you too!
I said:
I'm not quite sure what the point is - but if we're being philosophical, then isn't everything belief? :)

that is what i was trying to say.:)
Moved to a slightly more appropriate category. :)
I said:
I'm not quite sure what the point is - but if we're being philosophical, then isn't everything belief? :)
Everything is Reality, Belief is a Lie/Illusion
Bandit said:
well Plaidback, i did not realize your belief was so absolutely correct in your interepretations of the bible.
In my belief Mr Truth is alive & well & doing just fine.
thanks for the advice though: if i have any questions i better seek Mr Truth.

much love & much truth to you too!
I do not have Belief, I have the Truth, which detecting Sarcasm in your words.
You see, Mr.Bandit you believe Mr.Truth is alive, and I know, and feel that.
I have never gave you any advice, I told you the Truth, and only Mr.Truth
have Copyright on Truth, not me.
Truth is a Pattern, which is together with Love, one thing and Only dimension
that have Eternal existence, not Life.
Life just like Everything else have beginning and the end.

I am feeling your love, because you communicate, not truth, because you got
beliefs, including who is Mr.Truth.

much time !
Religion is a set of beliefs and dogmas, but Christianity.....True Christianity is a relationship with Christ.... In essense a relationship with Truth.Matt 6:32-34
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Luke 11:9-11
9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

And Most importantly:
John 4:23-24
23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

As concerning the joel prophecy... yes it is end times, but the Holy Spirit has never been poured out on a group of people as in acts2 before that point. And What do we know of end times:

Matt 24:32-37
32 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near--at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

A day to the Lord is as 1000 years to man, how do you know for sure the end (as most would put it) didnt start then?
Curios Mike said:
Religion is a set of beliefs and dogmas, but Christianity.....True Christianity is a relationship with Christ.... In essense a relationship with Truth.Matt 6:32-34
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Luke 11:9-11
9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.

And Most importantly:
John 4:23-24
23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

As concerning the joel prophecy... yes it is end times, but the Holy Spirit has never been poured out on a group of people as in acts2 before that point. And What do we know of end times:

Matt 24:32-37
32 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near--at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

A day to the Lord is as 1000 years to man, how do you know for sure the end (as most would put it) didnt start then?

Christianity, true or not, is only a belief in relationship with Christ. That was my point, that even disciples did not know, who was Christ actualy.
Holy trinity is not concept to hard to understand, because Father and Son are One spirit, Holy spirit that is. Jesus was fullfilment of a Prophecy by
Isaiah ( Isaiah 7:13,14 )
He was God in flesh of Jesus of Nazareth, and He had to refer to His Father,
He told only desciples, that He is God. If He told that to Everyone else, His death would come much faster than it did.
Today He is here in different flesh, and nobody will ever find out who He is,
because this time He did not come to Rule, but to share this planet with
chosen people, spiritualy as One.
All the verses that you quoted, do not have nothing to do with what I was trying to explain.
Matthew 6:32-34 is explanation of difference between Material and Spititual.
Matthew 24 is His second coming, including all the signs of what is going to happen'.
And it begins with His prophecy of the End of Organized Religion(Matt.24:1,2)
then He touched part of Joel in 24:29 about what is going to happend right
before the whole planet will know that the end of our perception of life came.
That exact moment no one knows, which don't mean no one will be "ready"
for it.
Entire Planet did not hear the truth yet, but Lies by Organized religion.
Day of the Lord is Eternity, Not 1000 or 1000000 years.
1000 years is Prophetic number to point that Genesis is Prophecy.
4000 years BC and 2000 years after, it comes to these days.
Just like His Ressurection after two days, two thousand years, and He is here
Try to read carefully Joel 2:28-32 or Acts 2:17-21 and try to feel what time can be aplicable for " your old men will dream dreams ", or for what was
Sun and Moon chosen as metaphore ?
Plaidback said:
I do not have Belief, I have the Truth, which detecting Sarcasm in your words.
You see, Mr.Bandit you believe Mr.Truth is alive, and I know, and feel that.
I have never gave you any advice, I told you the Truth, and only Mr.Truth
have Copyright on Truth, not me.
Truth is a Pattern, which is together with Love, one thing and Only dimension
that have Eternal existence, not Life.
Life just like Everything else have beginning and the end.

I am feeling your love, because you communicate, not truth, because you got
beliefs, including who is Mr.Truth.

much time !

so, you have beliefs too about Mr. Truth. it is ok for your beleifs about Mr. Truth, but not ok for my Beliefs on Mr. Truth?
you communicate your beliefs, then say you have no beliefs. that is not truth.
Truth & Love go together. Lies & hate go together. THIS is truth & this is belief. You have no way around it.

Mr. Truth is alive I say.
Mr. Truth is dead you say?
Yes or No? either way, it is a belief!

Mr. Plaidback you know it I am telling the truth. :)

therefore, I have the copyright on Truth also.
Bandit said:
so, you have beliefs too about Mr. Truth. it is ok for your beleifs about Mr. Truth, but not ok for my Beliefs on Mr. Truth?
you communicate your beliefs, then say you have no beliefs. that is not truth.
Truth & Love go together. Lies & hate go together. THIS is truth & this is belief. You have no way around it.

Mr. Truth is alive I say.
Mr. Truth is dead you say?
Yes or No? either way, it is a belief!

Mr. Plaidback you know it I am telling the truth. :)

therefore, I have the copyright on Truth also.
Are you sure you understand Copyright Law, because I'm not ?
The easyest way to get in contact with truth is to go back to Basics.
If succesfull, you'll find out, that your Life, and everything that happen in It,
Is the Truth, something you know 100%.
If your Life is something you Believe in, you got wrong picture.

It seems like your fingertips are much faster than your brain, and you need to read carefully my words.
What I've said was :
"You see Mr.Bandit you believe Mr.Truth is alive, and I KNOW and FEEL that."
How did you manage to figure out, that I've said Mr.Truth is dead, I have no Idea.
That is called false statement.
Can you try littlebit harder, to try to find where did I display my " Belief ".?
Plaidback said:
Can you try littlebit harder, to try to find where did I display my " Belief ".?

the copyright law is a joke. dont take me so serious.

the only thing i can come to terms with any of this, is that you must be placing the word belief where the word religion should be.
You say you have no belief. that is a false statement. if you say you follow no organized religion, then that i understand.

is Mr truth alive or dead for you? yes or no.? it was question. either way it is a belief.
now do you see? question
Plaidback said:
I do not have Belief, I have the Truth, which detecting Sarcasm in your words.
You see, Mr.Bandit you believe Mr.Truth is alive, and I know, and feel that.
I have never gave you any advice, I told you the Truth, and only Mr.Truth
have Copyright on Truth, not me.
Truth is a Pattern, which is together with Love, one thing and Only dimension
that have Eternal existence, not Life.
Life just like Everything else have beginning and the end.

I am feeling your love, because you communicate, not truth, because you got
beliefs, including who is Mr.Truth.

much time !

Okay, you came in somewhat aggressive, but this (and your other threads) come across as plain trolling.

CR isn't a place that cares too much for people who believe they are the Gateway to Truth - all we care about is the ability to communication personal opinion with civility.

In this instance, I'm pleased for you that you have found your "Truth", but please leave any self-righteous attitude at the door otherwise it will close on you.
I said:
Okay, you came in somewhat aggressive, but this (and your other threads) come across as plain trolling.

CR isn't a place that cares too much for people who believe they are the Gateway to Truth - all we care about is the ability to communication personal opinion with civility.

In this instance, I'm pleased for you that you have found your "Truth", but please leave any self-righteous attitude at the door otherwise it will close on you.

I am not telling anybody what to do, all I am saying is what I feel, just like everyone else here.
Where do you see non civil communication, and self-righteous attitude, would be nice if you explain. Just trying to see what other people feel, and let them see, what I feel about what they feel.

much respect