Magick? You mean magic....

17th Angel said:
I have a rule that I have followed for like ever, anyone who spells magic with a 'K' isn't.....

Then I guess Aleister Crowley wasn't really involved with doing supernatural stuff?
Aleister Crowley is one of the most influential figures in magick as practiced by English-speaking people today. He played a large role in the Golden Dawn's history, in groups such as the O.T.O. and Thelema which came after the breakup of the Golden Dawn, and was one of the key sources of inspiration for other influential occultists such as Gerald Gardner (who is credited by many with starting Wicca.)

General histories of magic (or magick) such as Nevill Drury's "The History of Magic in the Modern Age" will at the very least mention Crowley and his influence, and often will go into great detail about him because he was such an important figure. There are many other books about the history of modern occultism that focus on specific groups such as the Golden Dawn, etc. which will also explain Crowley's role in things.

By the way, it's rarely ever wise to prejudge people as being "flaky" based on an arbitrary thing like how they spell a particular word.
End of the day, you can sit there and tell me history from start to finish... Does that mean I have to believe he is magic? Not really. People's opions are most of the time different as on this point my view is he isn't that special.
You can believe whatever you like.

Perhaps it would help in the discussion if you'd explain why you feel the spelling of a particular word is so key to whether a person is "valid" or not.
To me personally... It is like a formality... May sound odd, weird or plainly do not agree with me. If someone sent me a letter saying;

Hello Name
I love to practice occult/rituals and love black magik. I would like to talk with you about magik and see what we can learn from each other...

Something like that obviously with more detail, I would simply just dismiss, it seems childish to me. It is like trying to get a job and you write your CV with multi colored crayons... *shrugs his shoulders* That's just me though.

So far as I'm aware, "Magick" is spelled as such to differentiate ritual practices from the "Magic" of stage illusion and trickery.

It may be a subtle point, but an important distinction. Regardless as to the claims of what Magick may or may not, the difference between Magick and Magic is an important differentiation.

I would also recommend a little more respect for the board that you are on, as I don't realy appreciate the flippancy in this thread, 17th Angel.
The reason why magic(k) was given a k by Aleister Crowley was because it made it fit the gemetria that he was working on at the time. Ever since, there have been many explanations why there is a k on the end of magic. Some say that it's because it's a magical letter because of its number on the alphabet (11). Some say it's to distinguish between stage and 'real magic.

But at the end of the day, it's just a question of preference.

In addition, the spelling of magik or majik is usually frowned upon by serious magicians, because they are basically bastard offshoots of the original k spelling of magic(k). Not only do these spellings hold no meaning in terms of numerology, it is also often used by those who don't know what they're talking about, espeically since all serious texts concerning magic use the k spelling if with a variant spelling at all.

However, it is relatively safe to assume that those who spell magic with a k attached at the end are at least somewhat informed, though at this point in the Internet, it's hard to tell someone's knowledge by how they spell things.

PS: It's interesting to find someone who doesn't know a bit about magical philosophy to be so engrossed in making such broad generalizations about practitioners. This is not to say that you can't have your own opinions, but to make such an stupid assumption does make you come off as quite stupid and illread.
Welcome to CR, killmyprince. :)

And with that point, let's try to keep this thread civil, instead of distracting onto the persons, rather than the topic at hand. :)
bgruagach said:
Then I guess Aleister Crowley wasn't really involved with doing supernatural stuff?
Crowley used a lot of archaic spellings of words in his books. It's also possible that it was to get the gematria to fit, but I haven't found evidence of this yet. I think the gematria comes out to 264 with a k.

killmyprince said:
In addition, the spelling of magik or majik is usually frowned upon by serious magicians, because they are basically bastard offshoots of the original k spelling of magic(k).
Do the Wookies from Kashyyk practice majjyyk?
Hey all...:)

I do spell it magick, and I do it that way to make it clear I am not refering to stage magicians, illusion, and so on, just as someone mentioned above. Sorry if that makes me sound stupid, but I'm not at all, and therefore...your loss!:D