Why choose SIKHISM ?

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]10. Sikhism is the only religion that allows all people, of any caste, colour, creed, religion to come to "ANY"! of their holy places, without restriction, and be given equal respect in all matters.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They are served in the Gurdwara (Sikhs holy temple), in the kitchen with the same dignity as if they were Sikhs. They are allowed to participate in Singing Hymns on stage even if they are not Sikhs. They are allowed to read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (if they know how to read Gurmukhi Script) even if they are not Sikhs. They are allowed to discuss Sikhism in these places of worship even if they are not Sikhs.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I cannot comment for every single Mosque ( Just as you cannot comment on every single Gurdwara) but at the mosques I have attended the above applies.[/FONT]

Thanks for bringing up the issue. I would like to extend that anyone is allowed irrespective of their religious beliefs, etc, to visit and go inside the supreme temple/gurudwara of the Sikhs, which is called Harmander Sahib ji (similar in importance as the Vatican is for the christians and Mecca is for the muslims). This supreme gurudwara is also popularly known as Golden Temple,which is situated in Amritsar, India.
IS it also not true that The Guru Granth has no notion of an "end times"? At least that is what my Sikh friends expalin to me.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]10. Sikhism is the only religion that allows all people, of any caste, colour, creed, religion to come to "ANY"! of their holy places, without restriction, and be given equal respect in all matters.[/FONT]
Do you think a Luciferian would be welcome and that our Beliefs could be discussed amicably?
I'm always weary of any beliefs that use Faith and are not malleable.
I need a religion that still works if/when one day it is proven there is no personal, supreme, god.

Now that everyone is staring at me with death ray eyes :eek: , can someone talk about the Sikh Khanda? I am very fascinated with this symbol.

I need a religion that still works if/when one day it is proven there is no personal, supreme, god.

I don't think you can ever prove something DOESN'T exist, can you?

For example, can you prove to me that pink unicorns don't exist in some separate galaxy or universe? You can only demonstrate that it is very likely that they don't exist. That is already the case for a personal, supreme god, IMHO.
I don't think you can ever prove something DOESN'T exist, can you?

For example, can you prove to me that pink unicorns don't exist in some separate galaxy or universe? You can only demonstrate that it is very likely that they don't exist. That is already the case for a personal, supreme god, IMHO.
I suppose 'proof' of a negative is impossible, but I know scientists would use probability factors to get pretty close to proof. They also use the Goldilocks factor/zone coupled with probability factors to arrive at ultimatums.

Though given my agnostic brain, I would just assume we don't know for sure at this time.