A Question for Jehovah's Whitnesses


Where is my mind?
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Middlesbrough, UK
Peace to all.

I believe we have one or two Jehovah's Whitnesses here on CR and I was hoping they could confirm or deny some things I have heard about that faith.

1) Is it true that Jehovah's Whitnesses refuse medical treatment?

2) Is it true that extreme sports are forbidden?

3) Whats with the knocking on doors and looking for converts thing?

I mean no offense but am simply curious.

Awaiting_the_fifth said:
Peace to all.

I believe we have one or two Jehovah's Whitnesses here on CR and I was hoping they could confirm or deny some things I have heard about that faith.

1) Is it true that Jehovah's Whitnesses refuse medical treatment?

2) Is it true that extreme sports are forbidden?

3) Whats with the knocking on doors and looking for converts thing?

I mean no offense but am simply curious.

Answer to number 1 is no. not quite sure which sports you mean , And the reason we go door to door to give others the chance to here some good news about Gods established kingdom ,this was a command from Jesus christ to do this
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come...matthew 24;14

while I did not hold back from telling YOU any of the things that were profitable nor from teaching YOU publicly and from house to house ...Acts 20;20

And every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus..Acts 5;42

Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded YOU. And, look! I am with YOU all the days until the conclusion of the system of things..matthew 28;19-20

Hi AT5

1) Is it true that Jehovah's Whitnesses refuse medical treatment?

I think that you may have heard this through 'Chinese whispers'. Possibly because of one medical procedure that we definately refuse, which is blood transfusions. This is in line with abstaining from, and avoiding the eating of blood, which is based on a few scriptures found in the old and new testament ......

Acts 15:20 But to write them to abstain from things polluted by idols and from fornication and from what is strangled and from blood.

Acts 15:29 To keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you! "

Leviticus 17:14 or the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood by the soul in it. Consequently I said to the sons of Israel: "You must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.

Plus a few other scriptures.

2) Is it true that extreme sports are forbidden?

Like leaping off high cliffs into water, out running avalanches on a snowboard and being a co-driver on the road with your Grandmother. Extreme sports are not forbidden, but not advisable. What we do is down to our own conscience. We personally have to remember though, that it is Jehovah God the creator who owns our body, even though we exist by pro-creation, it is ultimately by God that we exist. To Him we are answerable.

He had many scriptures written for our own protection. Any abuse of our bodies by means of what we put in it, do to it, or even to the point of exposing ourselves to extreme activities, increasing the probabilty that we might not get past the day that we decide to do something dangerous, has to be looked at individually due to the free will that God gave us. Free will under regulations though....This can only be done by getting to know God. His requirements can be ascertained by looking forever deeper into his written word. He has asked us to take in accurate knowledge of himself. He gives enough inspired written material for us to find out about himself to cover what he expects of us. But overall we can never know him fully. The bible says that his ways are unsearchable.

3) Whats with the knocking on doors and looking for converts thing?

Combatting widespread apathy. Other than that Mee's answered that question sufficiently.
