Everything you know is the truth . . .


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And everything you don't is Lie. :eek:
Truth is everything that exist, Lie does not, because Man can't know Nothing.
Man can not know Lie, because we are not capable of knowing something that
does not exist. That is why Belief was created. So Man can believe in Lies.
Man can not believe in Truth, that is why Man have religion, which is something
He can not know, because is not the truth.

Who needs religion if you have the Truth ??

" I know " Is Not " I don't believe ",(because if you believe, or not, you don't know ) and " I believe " IS " I don't know " ( because if you do know, you wouldn't have to believe )

Simply, everything you don't know, you don't need to know, because is
Lie, remember. ;)

much love !
Mr. Plaidback,
are you absolutely sure about all that?
someone once told me, no news is good news & i found that to be a lie.
someone told me what you dont know cant hurt you, i found that to be a lie too.

much respect:rolleyes:
Bandit said:
Mr. Plaidback,
are you absolutely sure about all that?
someone once told me, no news is good news & i found that to be a lie.
someone told me what you dont know cant hurt you, i found that to be a lie too.

much respect:rolleyes:

I feel fantastic, with no news, I still feel Fantastic, is that Bad ??
( Regardless, bad news is an Illusion, all news are good )
Would you be so kind to Explain, how can something you don't know hurt you,
are you really that weak ??
( Did any Man ever lived His Life without being Hurt ?? )
And how do you put sarcasm together with respect ?
Plaidback said:
I feel fantastic, with no news, I still feel Fantastic, is that Bad ??
( Regardless, bad news is an Illusion, all news are good )
Would you be so kind to Explain, how can something you don't know hurt you,
are you really that weak ??
( Did any Man ever lived His Life without being Hurt ?? )
And how do you put sarcasm together with respect ?

all news is good? yah. maybe to keep the newscaster & newspaper in business.
i feel fantastic with no news too.

ok then it is like this.
i will make sure not to tell you your brake lights dont work & when someone slams into you, you will be saying...'I WISH I WOULD HAVE KNOWN'
is it good when someone wrecks my car or gets their arm chopped off?

not to me it isn't.

& i will make sure you dont know about that bear trap i set in the woods out back or where the poison ivy is.
what you dont know CAN indeed hurt you Mr. Plaidback & that has nothing to do with being weak.
just because one does not know about 'IT', does not make it a lie.

being an optimist is all good & fine, but to ignore the negative/poison is not smart either. what do you think about that?

it is not sarcasm, it is TRUTH!
remember that.
much respect!:)
Define one truth? [a given truth of any knid that is absolutely true!!!!]

Truth is everything that exists

And everything that does not exist, and the entirety of both thus the truth lies to itself then? Is the void a lie – and infinity – and nothingness – and nirvana etc. one can know non-existence because it is part of our nature as it is of everything.

One may believe in the truth and know the lie. :p

Find a lie then find the truth in it, then show this its mirror!

Just my anti-thesis ole chap! For comparative purposes of course. :rolleyes: :)


Bandit said:
all news is good? yah. maybe to keep the newscaster & newspaper in business.
i feel fantastic with no news too.
News is information about recent event, that we usualy recieve trough
media. That is why all news are good. All events are Good too, because
we do not have control over them.
God is everything, and God is great, so, everything is great, except
for those who creating their own lifes, just like yourself. So when something bad happend to you, that wasn't your choice. Otherwise you were hurting yourself on purpose. It is really amazing listening to you Guys, creators of perfect lifes.
And then there is Suicide, your death.
Bandit said:
ok then it is like this.
i will make sure not to tell you your brake lights dont work & when someone slams into you, you will be saying...'I WISH I WOULD HAVE KNOWN'
is it good when someone wrecks my car or gets their arm chopped off?

not to me it isn't.
Are you trying to tell me that Everyone who's brake lights don't work, got
slammed into ???? Besides whoever hit you from behind, is His Fault, not yours, so , How would your knowledge of Bad drivers outhere, save you from
getting hit from behind ??
Your wrecked car and your chopped off arms, will be your destiny, over which you have never have control, certanly not YOUR CHOICE.
Bandit said:
& i will make sure you dont know about that bear trap i set in the woods out back or where the poison ivy is.
Now you trippin'
Bandit said:
what you dont know CAN indeed hurt you Mr. Plaidback & that has nothing to do with being weak.
just because one does not know about 'IT', does not make it a lie.
No it can not, because it did not happened, it is just product of your imagination. It is just your Imagination, and that is where it ends.

After all, let say ( for argument sake ), if I didn't change both of my brake
light bulbs, and some maniac who was driving too fast to notice that I'm slowing down, Slam my car from behind, and cause me to get badly injured,
there was something behind reason of me not changing bulbs, and realising what was my destiny.
Those are the very things that made God great, love for your life and
uncertainty of, when will you get your head smashed by the brick, when you live your house one day ......
Bandit said:
being an optimist is all good & fine, but to ignore the negative/poison is not smart either. what do you think about that?

it is not sarcasm, it is TRUTH!

much respect!:)
Being an Optimist, and not being cautious is not going to save your life, which you do not control.
Maybe your next cup of coffee will cause you heart attack, you never know.

Besides " what if " games are for kids, Let's talk Reality ;)
Plaidback said:
Besides " what if " games are for kids, Let's talk Reality ;)

That's the whole silliness in a nutshell. You can't talk about what you cannot define.

So let's fall back ujpon the dictionary for a definition:

Main Entry: re·al·i·ty
Pronunciation: rE-'a-l&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : the quality or state of being real
2 a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs <his dream became a reality> (2) : the totality of real things and events <trying to escape from reality> b : something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily

Will that do? If so, what did you want to say?

I say there are lots of ways to discover reality that do not include empiricism.

Main Entry: em·pir·i·cism
Pronunciation: im-'pir-&-"si-z&m, em-
Function: noun
1 a : a former school of medical practice founded on experience without the aid of science or theory b : [size=-1]QUACKERY[/size], [size=-1]CHARLATANRY[/size]
2 a : the practice of relying on observation and experiment especially in the natural sciences b : a tenet arrived at empirically
3 : a theory that all knowledge originates in experience
- em·pir·i·cist /-sist/ noun


_Z_ said:
Define one truth? [a given truth of any knid that is absolutely true!!!!]

_z_, my cat, don't get yourself a heart attack :) Everything that exist is
that ultimate " One Truth ", ultimate Reality. Part of that ultimate reality, are our Spirits, and we communicate, which is Field where we can see Truth and
Illusions, or Lies.
You see _Z_ , when you telling me the truth about something, I feel you, because I feel the same way, about that something.
If you say, there is no Angels, as Human image creatures with wings,
I would say, I feel you _Z_, because I have never seen One in real life.
Unfortunately, there are millions that also didn't, but they still Believe.
And they feel eachother, it is Mass Hypnosis.
_Z_ said:
And everything that does not exist, and the entirety of both thus the truth lies to itself then? Is the void a lie – and infinity – and nothingness – and nirvana etc. one can know non-existence because it is part of our nature as it is of everything.

One may believe in the truth and know the lie. :p

Find a lie then find the truth in it, then show this its mirror!

Just my anti-thesis ole chap! For comparative purposes of course. :rolleyes: :)


what is " Everything that does not exist " ??
How can we define, talk about, or describe Nothing ??
Non-existence is part of our Nature ??
( maybe I speak only for myself, but my existence is my Nature ;) )

In Cleveland , Ohio , USA, people believe in what they can not proove, they say, they put their faith into it.
And people that refuse to believe in Impossible, like Life after death, they simply say, " I don't believe, in life after death ", because if they say
" I know, there is no Life after death, because nobody have returned ! "
They would have to proove that No One have returned from dead, which is very hard. ;)
Popeyesays said:
That's the whole silliness in a nutshell.
What is the whole sillines in a nutshell ?? Reality ?
In my Life everything is Real, and everything can be defined. I can not define what you know, that is your Life.
Popeyesays said:
You can't talk about what you cannot define.
I am not talking about, what I cannot define.
Popeyesays said:
So let's fall back ujpon the dictionary for a definition:

Main Entry: re·al·i·ty
Pronunciation: rE-'a-l&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : the quality or state of being real
2 a (1) : a real event, entity, or state of affairs <his dream became a reality> (2) : the totality of real things and events <trying to escape from reality> b : something that is neither derivative nor dependent but exists necessarily

Will that do? If so, what did you want to say?

I say there are lots of ways to discover reality that do not include empiricism.

Main Entry: em·pir·i·cism
Pronunciation: im-'pir-&-"si-z&m, em-
Function: noun
1 a : a former school of medical practice founded on experience without the aid of science or theory b : [size=-1]QUACKERY[/size], [size=-1]CHARLATANRY[/size]
2 a : the practice of relying on observation and experiment especially in the natural sciences b : a tenet arrived at empirically
3 : a theory that all knowledge originates in experience
- em·pir·i·cist /-sist/ noun


It would be a Lie if I say that i like your tone, but, that's life.
Everything I've said about reality as being the ultimate truth is within words from dictionary, nothing more, nothing less.
There is only One way to discover reality, and it's called Life.
I don't even want to know what is empiricism, I don't need to know.

Plaidback said:
News is information about recent event, that we usualy recieve trough
media. That is why all news are good. All events are Good too, because
we do not have control over them.
God is everything, and God is great, so, everything is great, except
for those who creating their own lifes, just like yourself. So when something bad happend to you, that wasn't your choice. Otherwise you were hurting yourself on purpose. It is really amazing listening to you Guys, creators of perfect lifes.
And then there is Suicide, your death.

Are you trying to tell me that Everyone who's brake lights don't work, got
slammed into ???? Besides whoever hit you from behind, is His Fault, not yours, so , How would your knowledge of Bad drivers outhere, save you from
getting hit from behind ??
Your wrecked car and your chopped off arms, will be your destiny, over which you have never have control, certanly not YOUR CHOICE.

well, i pray i never have another wreck or get my arms chopped off. but i seen it happen before & it is not good. it is a bad & sad thing.
my driving record is clean & now it is perfect.
I was a professional driver for years, so i know what happens on the road.
i see a wreck in front of my house on average about once a week. sometimes more. 911 here we come!
i see the light pole & traffic light collapsed in my front yard at least once a month. that is not good. no matter how hard you try to make it good.

Plaidback said:
Now you trippin'
No it can not, because it did not happened, it is just product of your imagination. It is just your Imagination, and that is where it ends.

After all, let say ( for argument sake ), if I didn't change both of my brake
light bulbs, and some maniac who was driving too fast to notice that I'm slowing down, Slam my car from behind, and cause me to get badly injured,
there was something behind reason of me not changing bulbs, and realising what was my destiny.
Those are the very things that made God great, love for your life and
uncertainty of, when will you get your head smashed by the brick, when you live your house one day ......

Being an Optimist, and not being cautious is not going to save your life, which you do not control.
Maybe your next cup of coffee will cause you heart attack, you never know.

Besides " what if " games are for kids, Let's talk Reality ;)

i agree being an optimist does not save a life or bring back a life.

are you saying news/media is good because it gives us information? then that we agree upon. still, not every report is good news. actually bad news seems to sell more than the good news.

i beg to differ here... if your brake lights dont work it is your fault for getting slammed into. NOT a good thing, but you can pretend it is good if that makes you happy.

the overly optimistic view is for kids, back when mommy takes care of all things. then we grow up & realize REALITY is not just a positive but it also has negatives along the way. Life is full of WHAT IF & mistakes.
i have seen a lot of overly optimisitc people who are liars, thieves & murderers. That is why we have 99 zillion laws & people causing pain & being hurt every day. But you say that is all good? that is hog wash.

CERTAINLY- Everything you know is the truth . . .& the truth is there are lies & liars as well as honest people.

sorry Plaidback, life is filled with both good & bad things.
life is full of truth & lies.

When i see you laying in the street with a bullet in your gutt, i will just smile & say "All is good & all is true", then keep on walking. Yes?

it is ridiculous trying to make someone believe something that is not true. it makes one a liar.
so stop creating your product of your imagination.

the overly optimist is just as dangerous as the pessimist & they both get on my nerves.
Falling short of expectations & being prepared for that is not a bad thing.
Trying to make life better cant be done if everything is already good & best.
Being prepared for two or more different outcomes is very wise & laudable & that means expecting the best & expecting the worse that could happen.

this is the same conversation we had before, so iguess neither of us have changed from last month :)

much love!
much respect!
Plaidback said:
What is the whole sillines in a nutshell ?? Reality ?
In my Life everything is Real, and everything can be defined. I can not define what you know, that is your Life. I am not talking about, what I cannot define.

It would be a Lie if I say that i like your tone, but, that's life.
Everything I've said about reality as being the ultimate truth is within words from dictionary, nothing more, nothing less.
There is only One way to discover reality, and it's called Life.
I don't even want to know what is empiricism, I don't need to know.


I think there are two discussion that ultimately become "silliness".

First is the discussion where agressive agnostics challenge one to prove God exists.

Second, is the mystical circular argument where one says all reality is truth without trying to address the fact that no two observers will agree on what "reality" is.

Are you advancing either of those arguments?

If you are, then it is silliness - by my definition of reality.

If not, it does not apply to you at all, and we don't have to worry about offending one another.

I really don't want to offend anyone, but a silly argument is a silly argument. It reminds me of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck arguing over whether or not it is duck season or rabbit season with Elmer Fudd perfectly willing to let them settle which is going to get shot.

Bandit said:
Mr. Plaidback,
are you absolutely sure about all that?
someone once told me, no news is good news & i found that to be a lie.
someone told me what you dont know cant hurt you, i found that to be a lie too.

much respect:rolleyes:

I like the phrase "Knowing is half the battle" but often play off of it with "Not knowing is half the battle".
Bandit said:
it is ridiculous trying to make someone believe something that is not true. it makes one a liar.
so stop creating your product of your imagination.
First you calling me a Bully, then you calling me a Liar.
And then you telling me, what to do !
Did I ever told you what should you do ??

First, I've just said what I feel, without any signs of me dying for you to believe me, or on any other way, trying to make anyone to believe.
Second, if you calling me a Liar, it would be really nice if you can proove that.

People that are trying to make someone believe something that is not true,
are called Ministers or Preachers of so called " Christian " so called Religion.

About Good and Bad things again, Who do you think you are to judge
God's Creation ????
Does the Clay say to Potter " what are you making " ??
Again in Isaiah 45:7 One and only God gave truth to a Man called Isaiah,
" I am the One who form the Light, and CREATE darkness,
I bring prosperity and CREATE DISASTER,
I the Lord , do ALL THESE THINGS. "

Now, Tell me Bandit Who's Chopping Arms and legs, who brings Floods
and Tsunamis ?? Me ??
Here's 45:3 for your eyes only ;)
" I (the Lord) will give you treasures of Darkness,
riches stored in SECRET places, so that YOU MAY KNOW that
I am the Lord "
When you say there are BAD things Happening, means that God is Bad,
because He is " Bad Things ", and if that is your State og mind, I'll let you
Proove that to God, not to me. Because I have already told you
Everything is Great, because it is God.
And that is where I would like to live it, I don't have nothing with You
Spitting in God's Face, which is something He'll f**k you Up for,
sooner or Latter.

And third, I got CDL since '82, that's what, 23 years, and all I can tell you, is,
talking about Trucks, cars and Chances of something happening in Traffic
with me is not going to get You nowhere.
You just have used very bad Example, in trying to proove I am Liar.

much respect !
Popeyesays said:
I think there are two discussion that ultimately become "silliness".

First is the discussion where agressive agnostics challenge one to prove God exists.

Second, is the mystical circular argument where one says all reality is truth without trying to address the fact that no two observers will agree on what "reality" is.
First, how did you find God in what I've said in my topic ?
Second, If you are not living acording to Laws of Nature, then, I don't know
what are you. If Law of Nature is not Reality, try to enlighten us with
what is Reality, according to You ?
Popeyesays said:
Are you advancing either of those arguments?
Absolutely Not, because I am not Arguing . I am trying to communicate.
There is no need calling our communication an argument.
I've said what I feel, and then you suppose to tell me what you feel, about
what I've said, not about me.
Popeyesays said:
If you are, then it is silliness - by my definition of reality.

If not, it does not apply to you at all, and we don't have to worry about offending one another.

I really don't want to offend anyone, but a silly argument is a silly argument. It reminds me of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck arguing over whether or not it is duck season or rabbit season with Elmer Fudd perfectly willing to let them settle which is going to get shot.

Let me just quote Jesus here, Matthew 5:22 " If you are angry with someone,
you are subject to Judgement ! If you call someone an Idiot, you are in danger of being brought before high council. And if you curse someone, you
are in danger of the fires of hell."
It is very simple explanation that we do not have whatsoever, control over
eachothers state of mind, state of mind is who we are, God's creation not Ours.
There is Truth spilling out from Cartoons, truth about Peoples caracters, and
How they act.
Elmer is a Hunter with a Rifle, and is outhere to Kill someone, now, He is Not
sure what according to a "Hunting season" is He allowed to Kill, which
created oportunity for Daffy and Bugs to save their Lives. Is there anything
wrong with trying to save your life ??
because you're the one who called that argument silly :eek:

much respect !
i just say what i feel too.
floods & earthquakes is a seperate issue from what people do.

what does a CDL have to do with being liar?
so you have a CDL one year longer than me. big deal.

bad things are a state of mind?
we disagree again...that is like your doctrine of all is good & all is God, then good & God is a state of mind & not real.
all your good is only imagination.

Does the Clay say to Potter " what are you making " ??
does the clay always stay in the middle of the wheel?

i think i should come to your house & steal all your money & chop off your arms because in your doctrine all is GOOD & all is God.
this reminds me of clockwork orange & the wacked out things they believed.

Everything is Great, because it is God.
everything is God? everything is great?
i suppose next you will tell me hate is love.
NOPE! we certainly agree to disagree

i already know what the bible says. it does not say all is good & all is God...what it says is
Romans 8:28"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God".
big difference.

what is wrong Plaid? i wont join your religion so you dont like me.:)
i still love you though we dont agree.
do you love me Plaidback?
much respect!
Bandit said:
i just say what i feel too.
floods & earthquakes is a seperate issue from what people do.
You have absolute right to say what you feel, but if you say that I am Liar,
it would be decent to say why.
Are you trying to tell me that US military do not have Power to cause
floods & earthquakes ? Science beg to differ.
Here, let me give you an example.
In 1999 US military was bombing my Country ( Serbia ) with munition
containing Depleted Uranium. Seventy four day War was over, Serbia won,
and now you have people (including young children ), suddenly in large numbers dying of Cancer. I agree to certain extent to call that Act of Nature,
just for fact, that Sick brain who gave order to use Deplated Uranium is
Part of that very Nature.
Bandit said:
does the clay always stay in the middle of the wheel?
I Quoted God, from Isaiah 45:9, so You are asking wrong person.
Bandit said:
i think i should come to your house & steal all your money & chop off your arms because in your doctrine all is GOOD & all is God.
this reminds me of clockwork orange & the wacked out things they believed.
If that is something you should do, then All I can tell you, is that,
that Scenario would give us One less Idiot on this Planet, because you wouldn't get out of my house Alive, because I am Serbian, not Iraqi.
Bandit said:
i suppose next you will tell me hate is love.
No, Hate is Hate, Human emotion, and just like Belief, something that
You have, and I don't.
Bandit said:
i already know what the bible says. it does not say all is good & all is God...what it says is
big difference.
This is Perfect example that you only Believe, and don't Know.
If God says He is Alfa & Omega, Beginning and The End, The way, the Truth
and The Life, and if for your Inteligence tells you, that do Not represent ALL, then You are Above God.
You obviously don't believe God Existed before You came to a "Scene"
I must admit I love name Bandit, because is so American ;)
Bandit said:
what is wrong Plaid? i wont join your religion so you dont like me.:)
i still love you though we dont agree.
do you love me Plaidback?
much respect!
I do not have Religion ( can't even stand the word ).
It is very nice telling people you Love them, still the Only important moment is
that those People feel that, maybe it's just Me, but don't mind me if I don't.

Of course I love You and Respect You, but If you don't Proove me
that " Something you don't know is Truth ", will Ignore you completely.
Because you called me a Liar.
much love !
well then Plaid, if i called you a liar, there must have been something said that struck me as a lie/twisted, but i am not going to keep that going...please accept my apology for offending.
seeing that it has pretty much come full circle again... i guess we will just have to agree to disagree. thanks for the chat, it is always a pleasure.:)