Fundamentalism song

juantoo3 said:
Anyone here ever read "The Tao of Pooh" or "The Te of Piglet?"

Namaste Juan,

yes, i've read them both.

i confess that i was not favorably disposed towards them. i recall in several places i exclaimed, outloud "no, this isn't correct!"

have you had a chance to read them? if so, what did you think?


the Galaxy Song

dunno if this is appropos for the thread... but here it is:

Whenever life gets you down, Mrs. Brown, and things seem hard or tough.
and people are stupid, obnoxious or daft, and you feel that you've had quite enouuuuuuuuugh...

Just remember that your standing on a planet that's evolving,
and revolving at nine hundred miles an hour...
That's orbiting at ninety miles a second, so it's reckoned,
the sun that is the source of all our power.
The sun and you and me, and all the stars that we can see,
are moving at a million miles a day.
in an outer spiral-arm at forty thousand miles an hour
of the galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars,
it's a hundred thousand lightyears side to side.
It bulges in the middle, sixteen thousand lightyears thick,
but out by us it's just three thousand lightyears wide.
We're thirty thousand lightyears from galactic central point,
we go 'round every two hundred million years.
And our galaxy is only one of millions of billions,
in this amazing and expanding universe.

The universe itself keeps on expanding and expanding,
in all of the directions it can whiz.
As fast as it can go, that's the speed of light you know;
twelve million miles a minute, that's the fastest speed there is.
So remember when your feeling very small and insecure,
how amazingly unlikely is your birth,
and pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'cause there's bugger-all down here on earth!



Kindest Regards, Vaj!

Thank you for the reply!
Vajradhara said:
Namaste Juan,

yes, i've read them both.

i confess that i was not favorably disposed towards them. i recall in several places i exclaimed, outloud "no, this isn't correct!"

have you had a chance to read them? if so, what did you think?
Yes, I have read them both, although it has been quite some time. They should still be in my bookshelf somewhere. I only vaguely recall "pooh" being about doing nothing and letting things take care of themselves and "piglet" about "staying small," which I took to mean staying humble and that sort of thing.

They seemed sincere, but what I consider wishful thinking. I was not sure what to make of them. Which is why I asked the question, to get other's opinions. Thank you for yours!

P.S. I like the poem!
Kindest Regards, InLove!
InLove said:
Now, I know this has nothing do to with Christopher Robin or Pooh (or does it?). One of my grandsons is in Naples, and God knows that I am so tired of hurricanes. So since you are from the great state of Florida, what do you think about all these storms (and this is way off the subject, I guess---I dunno--fundamentalism, Winnie-the-Pooh, even Star Wars, maybe, but....

How are you in Florida, Juan?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) ;) (May Wilma register less than one--and lift up all those when it was more....)

I no longer dream of living on the coast....back to the days of ....woods and mountains where Pooh-bears find honey in the trees. No more toes in the sand. Just can't dream of that again...<sigh>.
I do hope your grandson and the rest of your family are OK after this newest storm. I think it caught a lot of people off guard. I hear people in the Keys didn't evacuate because it was forecast to be a category 1 or so. It hit as a category 3, and after 4 feet or so of flood water, I think those that stayed in the islands have second thoughts now. Thankfully there was not a lot of lives lost this time around here. Can't speak for Cozumel, I imagine they got hit terribly hard.

We just got a little rain, and a bit of a blustery day (there's Pooh!). The shock will be tonight. Last night the overnight temp was in the 70's. Tonight will be upper 30's. Coldest October night I recall since I've been in Fla. And such a drastic change in a short time! They are forecasting Wilma to combine with Alpha (23rd named storm, new record!) and a third storm front coming from the west to combine and create a super Nor'Easter for the New England states! How's that for freaky weather?
juantoo3 said:
Kindest Regards, Vaj!

Thank you for the reply!

Yes, I have read them both, although it has been quite some time. They should still be in my bookshelf somewhere. I only vaguely recall "pooh" being about doing nothing and letting things take care of themselves and "piglet" about "staying small," which I took to mean staying humble and that sort of thing.

They seemed sincere, but what I consider wishful thinking. I was not sure what to make of them. Which is why I asked the question, to get other's opinions. Thank you for yours!

P.S. I like the poem!

Namaste Juan,

the pooh character is the analogy of the "uncarved block". in traditional Taoist symbolism, this is indicative of the quality of potential yet realized, however, that is turned to a different end in the Alchemical schools. perhaps not germane to the conversation at hand.

Te, piglet, means "Virtue" thus, Tao Te Ching is, transliterated as: The Virtue and Power of the Way.

the poem is a Monty Python song from "The Life of Brian" :)


I happen to like this song, from my pov it's almost dead on, and for all other purposes, as close as needs be:

The Ballad Of Peter Pumpkinhead Lyrics
Peter Pumpkinhead came to town
Spreading wisdom and cash around
Fed the starving and housed the poor
Showed the vatican what gold's for
But he made too many enemies
Of the people who would keep us on our knees
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
Oh my!
Peter Pumpkinhead pulled them all
Emptied churches and shopping malls
Where he spoke, it would raise the roof
Peter Pumpkinhead told the truth
But he made too many enemies...
Peter Pumpkinhead put to shame
Governments who would slur his name
Plots and sex scandals failed outright
Peter merely said
Any kind of love is alright
But he made too many enemies...
Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
He died grinning on live TV
Hanging there he looked a lot like you
And an awful lot like me!
But he made too many enemies...
Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin
Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead
Oh my oh my oh!
Doesn't it make you want to cry oh?
Okay, well now, smoklins--I was contemplating carving a pumpkin or two--

The traditional Christians are and have been all in a quandry--we don't even call it "candy corn" anymore (they are "harvest seeds").

So here I am contemplating whatever truths I may glean from the Pooh and his favorite kid (and company).

Now I am doubly--no "triply" confused, because all I know about Pumpkins and Peter is that Peter had a wife who could eat no lean and therefore he could not keep her because he himself was too weak because he was too skinny (damn that Mother Goose stuff anyway!!) And then there is one of my favorite bands, Trout Fishing in America, who insists that he "throw her out the window"!

Ay-ay-aye--my head hurts!:)

InLove said:
Okay, well now, smoklins--I was contemplating carving a pumpkin or two--

The traditional Christians are and have been all in a quandry--we don't even call it "candy corn" anymore (they are "harvest seeds").

So here I am contemplating whatever truths I may glean from the Pooh and his favorite kid (and company).

Now I am doubly--no "triply" confused, because all I know about Pumpkins and Peter is that Peter had a wife who could eat no lean and therefore he could not keep her because he himself was too weak because he was too skinny (damn that Mother Goose stuff anyway!!) And then there is one of my favorite bands, Trout Fishing in America, who insists that he "throw her out the window"!

Ay-ay-aye--my head hurts!:)


Let it spin more - the song is British. And in modern forms, anything can be reconditioned, remade, into another form. The point is does it carry social weight or meaning. Peter could have been in that condition because he gave of himself to the point he died.

However in this case, bringing the story back around, the song was, I beleive written to honor a pumkin carved for the fun of the family, and the wong writer wanted to honor the pumkin and so spun a tale.
Hi smoklins! Bet it seems crazy for me to bring this thread back up at this belated date, but I was searching around my old posts looking for those unfinished and "unfollowedupon";) things, and ran across this.

First off, let me apologize for "dissing"(sp?) the literature we refer to as "Mother Goose" writings. I wasn't condemning them, but only pointing out that they are, after all, quite disturbing at times. Kind of like certain clowns, etc.

Yes, perhaps Peter did sacrifice himself in the coarse of loving another. Timeless truth often associated with those who love. And pumpkin carving? I say that, indeed, I have known many a good time with my family gathered 'round those raw cousins of the zucchini, those blank canvases waiting to be assigned their fate at the hands of the artists to which they have been forever enjoined:D.

LOL--hope no one minds all this! Actually, the original thought was valid, and there is much revelation in the songs that children sing.

Love ya,

"Open the door, open and see,

It is me, a lonely, a lonely."

"Wouldn't you go to others,

And say to them, "sisters and brothers",

And you are surely none of us,

once allowed you misguide many persons."

"Open the door,open and see,

It is me, a lonely, a lonely."

""Sisters brothers" you are habitual to say,

Accepted by none in dangers you lay,

In between you are, neither this nor that way,

Rather call the God whom you pray."

"Open the doors, open and see,

It is me, though I am lonely.

I have a message, love and be loved,

No matter, if I am not admitted,

but would you stop with all hatred,

Not books but hold humanity sacred."
