changing lamas or schools



i am considering changing lama and possibly school, would i need to take refuge again with a new lama or school. i have a strong pull toward zen, its simpicity appeals to me the older i get. :confused:
dylan said:
i am considering changing lama and possibly school, would i need to take refuge again with a new lama or school. i have a strong pull toward zen, its simpicity appeals to me the older i get. :confused:

Hello Dyan, welcome to CR. Thanks for posting. I really don't know, but it's a really good question, I have wondered this myself. I would tend to think that you should. I, myself, tend to think it's ultimately a matter of the heart. Also, you can keep your vows without re-taking them. I have seen this privilege abused anyway and used more as a bragging right than a vow. Perhaps that's not a good reason not to though. I would think that it would ultimately depend on if you were actually going to another temple, following another leader, etc. Then perhaps you should ask your teacher or others who go to that temple or follow that leader.

Basically, I just wanted to say hi and welcome.:D

Namaste dylan,

welcome to the forum.

the formal going for refuge vows are taking refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

as a consequence, if you are joining a new Sangha, you would probably be expected to take the formal vows again. this is somewhat dependent upon the particular Vehicle that you practice now. i would suspect, given your usage, that you are praticing in the Mahayana/Vajrayana lineages. as such, the Zen tradition is also part of the Mahayana and thus i would suspect that your original going for refuge would be sufficient.

that being said, if you are a monastic, then you will have to take your vows again.

Buddhism has many doors by which we can enter. i would encourage all Buddhists to investigate these various methods and means and choose the one which is suitable for their disposition.
