Is it Haram to whistle!?

Hassanin Yousif

A fellow Muslim
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Salam Borthers and sisters,

The other day i heard my older brother whisling and i told him that it was haram- because i thought it was as i was told by my Islamic teacher at school. yet i'm not sure why it is haram. Can anyone help me please.

Hassanin Yousif.
Ramadan Kareem InshAllah
Salaam brother,
It might be because of the following verse:
Their prayer at the House (of Allah) is nothing but whistling and clapping of hands: (Its only answer can be), "Taste ye the penalty because ye blasphemed." [Qur'an, 8:35;Yusuf Ali's Translation]
It is known that the Quraysh used to perform Tawaf (encircling the Ka`bah) while naked, whistling and clapping their hands. Note that Muka' means `whistling', while, Tasdiyah means `clapping the hands.''' This meaning was also reported from Ibn `Abbas, by `Ali bin Abi Talhah and Al-`Awfi.
In the end, I would remind you that I dont know if it is haram or halal. Just guessing at what might be the reason behind what you are thinking or what you might have been told.
And Allaah knows best.
So it wasn't the whistling or clapping of hands that was the problem, but the context in which it was done?
it is haram in los angeles (hollywood) if you whistle, hum or sing in public unless of course you are a star.

or so, that is how many people think that you would be a basket person.:)
I said:
So it wasn't the whistling or clapping of hands that was the problem, but the context in which it was done?

That was I about to say before reading your message.

In such a case, it is always the context that matters.its not that the act IN ITSELF is wrong. and if it is done as an instrument to excite the behaviour of an individual which leeds to the forbidden act, it is not permissible. Otherwise, simply, i don't see any harm in it.


I have always believed that many things considered "Haram" were made by man, some by Muhammed, and some by regular men.

I will tell my story of how I strayed from religion and why, as well as my views of all religions on a new thread.
Bandit said:
it is haram in los angeles (hollywood) if you whistle, hum or sing in public unless of course you are a star.

or so, that is how many people think that you would be a basket person.:)

I don't know if it is haram in public, but it is to whistle backstage because that is how stagehands communicate.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine