Looking for a Quote


A Believer
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St. Ignace, MI... Just on the north side of the Ma
I am looking for a quote from a Feast Letter back in the late 80's, early 90's. It goes something like this:

"The only answer to the ills of the world are for the people to turn to Baha'u'llah and abide by His laws. However, the only way they can find out about Him is if we tell them."

I am sure this quote comes from a Feast Letter. My husband is the one who quotes it all the time and he use to carry the letter in a folder for years and refer to it whenever necessary. The folder is now lost. If anyone can help out, it would be appreciated.

BTW, Is there an archive for Feast Letters?

Just Me
IMSassafras said:
I am looking for a quote from a Feast Letter back in the late 80's, early 90's. It goes something like this:

"The only answer to the ills of the world are for the people to turn to Baha'u'llah and abide by His laws. However, the only way they can find out about Him is if we tell them."

I am sure this quote comes from a Feast Letter. My husband is the one who quotes it all the time and he use to carry the letter in a folder for years and refer to it whenever necessary. The folder is now lost. If anyone can help out, it would be appreciated.

BTW, Is there an archive for Feast Letters?

Just Me

I just checked at www.usbnc.org which requires you to login with your ID number and last name where they've got some of the Feast letters online back to 1999 but they are not searchable yet.

It sounds like a personal comment, though elements of it do seem familiar from the Writings as well.
Hello Sassafras! How are you?

Here are some quotes that maybe sound close..

"Our teachings are the perfect remedy for the ills of the world, but men will not feel ready to accept them unless they see in our Community life that harmony and love of God for which the world is starving."

- Letter of the Guardian to Mrs Madge Featherstone 26 October 1945

Here's another:

"The believers should, therefore, seize this opportunity and make a supreme effort to present, in a convincing and eloquent language, those social and humanitarian teachings of the Faith which we believe to constitute the sole panacea for the innumerable ills afflicting our present-day world."

- Letter written by the Guardian 15 November 1935, to two individuals...
smkolins said:
I just checked at www.usbnc.org which requires you to login with your ID number and last name where they've got some of the Feast letters online back to 1999 but they are not searchable yet.

It sounds like a personal comment, though elements of it do seem familiar from the Writings as well.

Thank you. In fact, I did found that location earlier today after my post.
I might be able to request information from someone at the Archives. I will contact someone at the House of Worship and find out if they can help me.


Thank you for the quotes. I will ask Mick if either of the quotes seem familiar to the quote he remembers.

BTW, I am doing well. Mick and I are off the road for about three months. We are presently moving into a new house. So we are very busy. We have an excellent view of Wolf Lake in Muskegon, Michigan rather than our current parking lot view next to a smelly restaurant. Fishing all year, swimming next summer, not now! :D And nice neighbors. Looks good for the good guys. :cool:

How are you doing, btw?

Thank you Steve and Art

To the extent that you think it's a quote from the Writings, I suggest you try getting onto TrueSeeker at


to see if you can get a hit for it.

(BTW, please note that its grammar as posted is incorrect because the subject/verb agreement is screwed up: the verb needs to be "is" instead of "are" (it's is a good example of the famous "the price of beans are up" error!). But to the extent that the rest is the exact words, it may well be searchable.

Good hunting!

The quote definitely comes from a feast letter from the early 90's. It was written by Robert Henderson, when he was writing some of the feast letters. The quote is accurate, I am sure. It did not come from the writings, but from the National Spiritual Assembly. I found it to be a powerful message of our destiny as Baha'is and as a mandate to teach. We must teach the principles, they are world changing, and for those that are interested, we should teach the source.

Sometimes when I am teaching I use it. I will first quote it in its entirety and then I tell people I will translate it. I then state, "The only answer to the ills of the world is a spiritual answer." There isn't another law that could make a difference, or another leader, or political party that could make a difference. The only thing that can change the world is each of us, one heart at a time.

I used to have a collection of old newsletters and feast letters but in time they got old and musty...and so I stored them away. I haven't any idea where they are now.

Just goes to show you!

So what are you doing for Baha'u'llah's Birthday...

We're having a small get together where I live...nothing fancy.

And don't forget those Leonids!

- Art
arthra said:
So what are you doing for Baha'u'llah's Birthday...

We're having a small get together where I live...nothing fancy.

And don't forget those Leonids!

- Art

We're going to meet another Baha'i or two for a late breakfast and then perhaps go the NC Zoo.

The Leonids will do their normal show which despite the glory of past events will be fairly minor. Curiously a weaker shower called the Tuarids over this same period is, while still a rare meteor any particular hour, responsible for a "rash" of bolides (veyr bright meteors.) Add that the moon will be towards full and some high thin clouds and the general sight with Mars and Venus up might be beautiful, with the occasional surprise Tuarid bolide or fast Leonid.
So what are you doing for Baha'u'llah's Birthday...

We're having a small get together where I live...nothing fancy.

About all we did was pack and move a few more things into our new home. Today is the big day when the big Uhaul truck comes to take us away. I hope everyones celebration was rewarding and memorable.
