How Many Days Til Christmas?




there are 46 days until Christmas.:)

(not trying to rush it or anything & hope that does not make any stress)

you can visit here for updates on how many days until Christmas:

so, what is everyone buying me for Christmas this year?
Bandit said:

there are 46 days until Christmas.:)

(not trying to rush it or anything & hope that does not make any stress)

you can visit here for updates on how many days until Christmas:

so, what is everyone buying me for Christmas this year?

I'm buying you a red vintage mustang. What year do you want?

lunamoth said:
I'm buying you a red vintage mustang. What year do you want?


wow. i would really like that. i have not had a mustang yet.
i will take a 1965 fastback or shelby. or a 1969 mach1, or a 1971 Boss w/429.
OR LOL, i like this years model in retro... OR anything in between.

i am buying you a brand new house, turn the key & live for Christmas. what style & era would you like? two story or four? how many beds & baths? breakfast room & fireplace? is two acres enough? :)
*Bandit finds an envelope on her doorstep with a sealing wax paw print. She carefully opens it and finds two tickets for a tour of important Biblical sites, both Old and New Testament, along with a few different itineraries and a short note:

I hope you don't mind having tickets for off-season tours. I figure you'd rather have more time to take in the sights without the pesky "tourists", especially in the bed and breakfasts and the hostels. You can mix and match for your ideal Biblical tour.

Please ignore the cat hair and toothmarks in the envelope. Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

*Bandit notices the dates on the tickets, then smiles as she mentally goes through her wardrobe, thinking about what to take*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
*Bandit finds an envelope on her doorstep with a sealing wax paw print. She carefully opens it and finds two tickets for a tour of important Biblical sites, both Old and New Testament, along with a few different itineraries and a short note:

I hope you don't mind having tickets for off-season tours. I figure you'd rather have more time to take in the sights without the pesky "tourists", especially in the bed and breakfasts and the hostels. You can mix and match for your ideal Biblical tour.

Please ignore the cat hair and toothmarks in the envelope. Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

*Bandit notices the dates on the tickets, then smiles as she mentally goes through her wardrobe, thinking about what to take*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

oh man. that gift brought tears of joy to my eyes. *sob* i never would have ever thought I would be so blessed & yes!... off season is exactly when i want to go.:) i have never been to any of those places. it will be so awesome to travel from Egypt to Israel, see the red sea where Moses & the Israelites stood, visit the Mesopatamia where Abraham is from and travel the Damascus road and be baptised all over again in the river Jordan. i hope they have camping outside at Jericho & I must see Nazareth & Bethlehem, Solomons Temple & oh-i hope to rent my own two hump camel to drive while i am there.
I will be gone for months and probably come back wearing a robe, a turban & have a long beard, and a wooden camel for everyone.:)

now you must Phyllis know my wardrobe only consists of jeans & boots & a few suits cause i am it wont be hard for me to decide what to wear.

i think i am getting you..., your own kitty farm, gated community. with a long private driveway and each kitty gets their own little house outside with one main house for all. plenty of trees for climbing & a lifetime supply of kitty chow and milk (& of course kitty litter). tons of toys on strings and a live in vet with a kitty hospital on the property. that way you can raise and love all the kittens you want to forever & be able to take in the strays and have them all fixed up. it will be something like the hemingway house in Key West.
or maybe you would just like the hemingway house & property?

I think that I will give you the "ELIXER OF PATIENCE" as a Christams present. Its not even Thanksgiving yet!:D

Your so funny! How about I get you something of your deepest desires. What do you want out of that catagory?

God Bless,
Bandit said:
wow. i would really like that. i have not had a mustang yet.
i will take a 1965 fastback or shelby. or a 1969 mach1, or a 1971 Boss w/429.
OR LOL, i like this years model in retro... OR anything in between.

i am buying you a brand new house, turn the key & live for Christmas. what style & era would you like? two story or four? how many beds & baths? breakfast room & fireplace? is two acres enough? :)

Ok Bandit, don't forget to pin up a really BIG stocking on your garage Christmas Eve. :p

A three-story Victorian with wrap-around porch and a grand hand-carved oak staircase going right up through the middle of the house. Three acres will be perfect, one for my garden, one for the kids to play in, and one to leave wild.
In upstate NY. :)
I'm going to get you something too, Phyllis. Bandit beat me to the kitty farm so I will have to settle for giving you a library. Would you like it filled with comfortable chairs, long warm wooden tables, and a university's worth of stacks full of books? Of course you get to pick out all the titles.

Or perhaps you would prefer an all-expenses paid trip to Japan? :kitty:s included on your own private jet, of course.

lunamoth said:
I'm going to get you something too, Phyllis. Bandit beat me to the kitty farm so I will have to settle for giving you a library. Would you like it filled with comfortable chairs, long warm wooden tables, and a university's worth of stacks full of books? Of course you get to pick out all the titles.


A nice library on the :kitty: farm, one with a :kitty: flap so they can come and go as they please, :kitty: walkways so they can purruse the stacks or just roam around at leisure, sturdy scratching posts and litterboxes in discrete corners... Everybody knows that you just can't beat living pest control for getting rid of pests. :D

For lunamoth: 3 cheesecakes a day (of her own choice) hand-delivered, along with personal lessons on how to train her own bevy of luna moths to do things most lunas won't (including creating lunamoth bouquets.) Would you like that? :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
A nice library on the :kitty: farm, one with a :kitty: flap so they can come and go as they please, :kitty: walkways so they can purruse the stacks or just roam around at leisure, sturdy scratching posts and litterboxes in discrete corners... Everybody knows that you just can't beat living pest control for getting rid of pests. :D

For lunamoth: 3 cheesecakes a day (of her own choice) hand-delivered, along with personal lessons on how to train her own bevy of luna moths to do things most lunas won't (including creating lunamoth bouquets.) Would you like that? :eek:

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Delightful! I would love it! One of your apple cheesecakes and the others at your choice, please. I would train my lunas to follow me discreetly wherever I go and promise to share them with anyone who needs a smile. :p

lunamoth said:
I'm going to get you something too, Phyllis. Bandit beat me to the kitty farm so I will have to settle for giving you a library. Would you like it filled with comfortable chairs, long warm wooden tables, and a university's worth of stacks full of books? Of course you get to pick out all the titles.

Or perhaps you would prefer an all-expenses paid trip to Japan? :kitty:s included on your own private jet, of course.


Whats this about a Library? I love the library! I always spend my free time there. Infact I type up most of my posts here at the library.:D
Paul James said:
Whats this about a Library? I love the library! I always spend my free time there. Infact I type up most of my posts here at the library.:D

Hi PJ, and Merry Christmas. :D I'll give you rides to your youth group any time you want, and I'll have coffee with your Mom while you're there to discuss the challenges of raising kids in today's complex world. I know she loves you--sometimes it's hard to give each other a break and know the best thing to do.

Paul James said:

I think that I will give you the "ELIXER OF PATIENCE" as a Christams present. Its not even Thanksgiving yet!:D

Your so funny! How about I get you something of your deepest desires. What do you want out of that catagory?

God Bless,

i took my gift cards to marshall field, from Chritsmas last year & spent them two weeks ago & bought myself 132 pairs of socks. LOL. while i was there i noticed they had all the decorations out & that was before halloween.

so my patience shall be turned to gold.:)

i think all my inner desires have been fulfilled except for i would not mind having a machine that records all my dreams & thoughts while i sleep. then i could FF & RW them in the morning & have the machine interpret the dreams.

i think that is what you are getting for Christmas this year-
A dream machine with interpreter that keeps all your dreams filed & fulfilled, nice & neat- better than a diary.
lunamoth said:

i already know what to get you for next year, luna.
your very own 3 acre Butterfly House with butterflies from 5 continents. just like the one in boca raton.

IMAGINE ... walking through a lush tropical rain forest, exotic butterflies fly overhead and all around you, stopping to feed on the nectar blossoms covering the path in this, their natural paradise.

Does this sound like a DREAM? Well, proof that dreams come true exists at Butterfly World, where you can walk among thousands of LIVE butterflies in all stages of life and enter their habitat.
Bandit said:
i took my gift cards to marshall field, from Chritsmas last year & spent them two weeks ago & bought myself 132 pairs of socks. LOL. while i was there i noticed they had all the decorations out & that was before halloween.

so my patience shall be turned to gold.:)

i think all my inner desires have been fulfilled except for i would not mind having a machine that records all my dreams & thoughts while i sleep. then i could FF & RW them in the morning & have the machine interpret the dreams.

i think that is what you are getting for Christmas this year-
A dream machine with interpreter that keeps all your dreams filed & fulfilled, nice & neat- better than a diary.

Interesting, a dream machine! Now that will be the turn of the century (well the NEXT turn anyway).

And just how many socks do you need!? Good grief!

lunamoth said:
Hi PJ, and Merry Christmas. :D I'll give you rides to your youth group any time you want, and I'll have coffee with your Mom while you're there to discuss the challenges of raising kids in today's complex world. I know she loves you--sometimes it's hard to give each other a break and know the best thing to do.


Thanks luna! But do me a favor and DON'T embarrass me when you talk to my mom, ok?

Christmas already? How time flies!

Bandit, how about one of those race course driving schools, where you get to learn to race cars at 150 mph (or more, if you dare!)? Do you prefer roundy-rounds or road courses? (Think Talledega/Daytona or Watkins Glen/Sears Point?)

For Luna, how about a beautiful sunset everyday, warming breezes and perfect gardening weather always?

For Phyllis, a chance to solve an unsolved mystery/crime in Japan (or other foreign country of choice)?

For PJ, a scholarship to the university or seminary of choice!

For 17th, I gotta go with a paintball arena!

Oh how I wish that these things were in my ability to grant...

So I guess I will just have to wish for peace on earth, and good will towards all peoples!