I need to verify something......


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I have recently heard a revelation of some sort that is quite compelling, very propagandist (my perspective), and frankly very superficial. A friend of mine took me to a Waz (sort of like a sermon), sorry if I misspelled it, and the mullah was telling us about this story of Jewish treachery and their punishment for it. I will try to tell the story the best way I can, and for those who are familiar with the passage, please fill out or correct my mistakes.

He told us about this Hazrut (which I think means some sort of prophet, excuse me if I’m wrong) whom I can’t remember the name of at this moment. This man would always sing every Saturday next to a river. Now in the river, there were some special and unique fish that would come to listen to the man sing, and the fish were banned from catching by orders from Allah. Now one Saturday as the man followed his routine, some Jewish men decided to catch these fish, so when the fish came towards the singing, they caught some. Then they ate them on Sunday. Then Allah punished them for disobeying and turned 70,000 Jews into monkeys, this is also when monkeys were created according to the mullah.

Please excuse the sentence structure and the mistakes in the story.

Now, it is hard for me to belief that a God of such reason can punish so many people for the actions of a few. Also, I’m not the firmest believer of evolution, but it’s hard to believe that monkeys were created out of Jews. In my perspective, this is a propagandist method used to disrepute the Jewish religion and divert people away from the Jewish religion.

Has anyone else heard of such a story? If this story is indeed believed to be true, then where can I find it in the Quraan, which specific surrah and passage?

Thank you for your help. I’m trying to regain my faith in God and I just want to clear some misconceptions. I was a Muslim, but I soon began to stray as I became confused about passages and unanswered questions. I feel a sense of being lost and alone in many ways, considering the fact that all my friends are linked to a religion. I have been really interested in spirituality as of late and also intrigued by mysticism.

I will remain active in these forums and I hope we can all help each other understand the truth and beauty of all religions and beliefs.
Am not sure about this story in specific. From what I know, when God punishes people by turning them into munkeys, they die soon after. So, I wouldnt see how they survived all that time. Also, theres a hadith about the beginning of creation that says: God created the sand on saturday, and created mountains on sunday, and created the trees on monday, and created the bad things like diseases and viruses on tuesday, and created the light on wednesday, and created ANIMALS ON MONDAY, and finally created Adam on the afternoon on friday.

From that hadith I conclude that the creation of Animals is completely seperate from humans. Neither came from the other...
freethinker05 said:

Wa'alaikum salaam,
He told us about this Hazrut (which I think means some sort of prophet, excuse me if I’m wrong) whom I can’t remember the name of at this moment. This man would always sing every Saturday next to a river. Now in the river, there were some special and unique fish that would come to listen to the man sing, and the fish were banned from catching by orders from Allah. Now one Saturday as the man followed his routine, some Jewish men decided to catch these fish, so when the fish came towards the singing, they caught some. Then they ate them on Sunday. Then Allah punished them for disobeying and turned 70,000 Jews into monkeys, this is also when monkeys were created according to the mullah.

I suggest not to believe mullahs when they dont give proof of thier opinions. I have never heard or read that monkeys came from jews. If anything, ive read to the contrary. Please see the following authentic hadith.
Muslim (2663) narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: “A man said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, are the monkeys and pigs those who have been transformed?’ The Prophet (pbuh) said: ‘Allaah does not enable those who have been transformed to have offspring or children. The monkeys and pigs existed before that.’” al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The Prophet’s words ‘The monkeys and pigs existed before that’ means that they existed before the Children of Israel were transformed, which indicates that they are not from among those who were transformed.”
Now, it is hard for me to belief that a God of such reason can punish so many people for the actions of a few.
Only those who transgressed were punished. Please see the following verses.
Allaah says, addressing the Children of Israel (interpretation of the meaning):
“And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday). We said to them: ‘Be you monkeys, despised and rejected.’
So We made this punishment an example to their own and to succeeding generations and a lesson to those who are Al-Muttaqoon (the pious)” [Qur'an, 2:65-66]

And Allaah tells us their story in more detail in Soorat al-A’raaf, where He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And ask them (O Muhammad) about the town that was by the sea; when they transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday): when their fish came to them openly on the Sabbath day, and did not come to them on the day they had no Sabbath. Thus We made a trial of them, for they used to rebel against Allaah’s Command (disobey Allaah)
And when a community among them said: ‘Why do you preach to a people whom Allaah is about to destroy or to punish with a severe torment?’ (The preachers) said: ‘In order to be free from guilt before your Lord (Allaah), and perhaps they may fear Allaah.’
So when they forgot the reminders that had been given to them, We rescued those who forbade evil, but with a severe torment We seized those who did wrong because they used to rebel against Allaah’s Command (disobey Allaah).
So when they exceeded the limits of what they were prohibited, We said to them: ‘Be you monkeys, despised and rejected’” [Quran, 7:163-166]
Also, I’m not the firmest believer of evolution, but it’s hard to believe that monkeys were created out of Jews.
agreed and proven so.
In my perspective, this is a propagandist method used to disrepute the Jewish religion and divert people away from the Jewish religion.
agreed that its a lie.
hope this helped
And Allaah knows best.
freethinker05 said:

I have recently heard a revelation of some sort that is quite compelling, very propagandist (my perspective), and frankly very superficial. A friend of mine took me to a Waz (sort of like a sermon), sorry if I misspelled it, and the mullah was telling us about this story of Jewish treachery and their punishment for it. I will try to tell the story the best way I can, and for those who are familiar with the passage, please fill out or correct my mistakes.

He told us about this Hazrut (which I think means some sort of prophet, excuse me if I’m wrong) whom I can’t remember the name of at this moment. This man would always sing every Saturday next to a river. Now in the river, there were some special and unique fish that would come to listen to the man sing, and the fish were banned from catching by orders from Allah. Now one Saturday as the man followed his routine, some Jewish men decided to catch these fish, so when the fish came towards the singing, they caught some. Then they ate them on Sunday. Then Allah punished them for disobeying and turned 70,000 Jews into monkeys, this is also when monkeys were created according to the mullah.

Please excuse the sentence structure and the mistakes in the story.

Now, it is hard for me to belief that a God of such reason can punish so many people for the actions of a few. Also, I’m not the firmest believer of evolution, but it’s hard to believe that monkeys were created out of Jews. In my perspective, this is a propagandist method used to disrepute the Jewish religion and divert people away from the Jewish religion.

Has anyone else heard of such a story? If this story is indeed believed to be true, then where can I find it in the Quraan, which specific surrah and passage?

Thank you for your help. I’m trying to regain my faith in God and I just want to clear some misconceptions. I was a Muslim, but I soon began to stray as I became confused about passages and unanswered questions. I feel a sense of being lost and alone in many ways, considering the fact that all my friends are linked to a religion. I have been really interested in spirituality as of late and also intrigued by mysticism.

I will remain active in these forums and I hope we can all help each other understand the truth and beauty of all religions and beliefs.

Salaam Freethinker,

I think the Imaam might have got the story slightly wrong, or you might have misheard.

The story actually goes that the Jews were forbidden from working on their Sabbath day [saturday] and a group of Jews thought they will trick Allah by casting their nets on a saturday, and pulling the nets out on a sunday [so it will seem like they fished on a sunday and not a saturday] . The Jews who refrianed from doing such things warned those who did but they paid no heed to the warnings, and one day Allah turned those who tired to pull the wool over Allah's eyes, to apes, those apes survived for about three days, and within those three days they couldn't eat anything or even move, and thereafter, they all died; so they weren't the start of the creation of apes.

[I think I read this story from one of Ibn Kathirs [a great Quranic interpreter and Scholar] book. I might have got a detail or two wrong, but that is how generally the story goes]

Thank you for clearing up a misconception. Oh, and the singer in the story was Hazrut Dawood or maybe spelled Dauwood, well you can probably read the sounding and understand who I am speaking about.

I have many other questions that I would like to talk about when I have the time to post. You all seem like a people with reason, intelligence, and open-mindedness, qualities that I have not had the luxury of being around.