Wonderful news!


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Rockville, Maryland (a suburb of Washington, DC)
Wonderful news, friends!:

............“My God, My Adored One,”

..............a Baha'i Gospel song
.............composed by Van Gilmer
.............sung by Rachael Price
....has won the 2006 Independant Music Award
..........for best 2006 Gospel song! :)
BruceDLimber said:
Wonderful news, friends!:

............“My God, My Adored One,”

..............a Baha'i Gospel song
.............composed by Van Gilmer
.............sung by Rachael Price
....has won the 2006 Independant Music Award
..........for best 2006 Gospel song! :)

Thank you for that report.

BruceDLimber said:
Wonderful news, friends!:

............“My God, My Adored One,”

..............a Baha'i Gospel song
.............composed by Van Gilmer
.............sung by Rachael Price
....has won the 2006 Independant Music Award
..........for best 2006 Gospel song! :)


You can see more about the awards and hear a clip of the song here:

Congratulations. Very nice. I found this info about it.


My God, My Adored One" wins 2006 Independent Music Award
“My God, My Adored One,” written by Van Gilmer, won “Best Gospel Song” in the recent 2006 Independent Music Awards.

The song is on the Boston Praise Collective’s CD, “From Exile to Exaltation,” and is sung by Rachael Price, Cris Criscitiello and Zahyia Rolle.

The winning song’s title comes from a prayer by Baha’u’llah:

My God, my Adored One, my King, my Desire! What tongue can voice my thanks to Thee? I was heedless, Thou didst awaken me. I had turned back from Thee, Thou didst graciously aid me to turn towards Thee. I was as one dead, Thou didst quicken me with the water of life. I was withered, Thou didst revive me with the heavenly stream of Thine utterance which hath flowed forth from the Pen of the All-Merciful.

O Divine Providence! All existence is begotten by Thy bounty; deprive it not of the waters of Thy generosity, neither do Thou withhold it from the ocean of Thy mercy. I beseech Thee to aid and assist me at all times and under all conditions, and seek from the heaven of Thy grace Thine ancient favor. Thou art, in truth, the Lord of bounty, and the Sovereign of the kingdom of eternity.