What is the meaning of Ezekiel 37?



Ezekiel 37:13 And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My opening your graves, And in My bringing you up out of your graves, O My people. 14 And I have given My Spirit/breath in you, and ye have lived, And I have caused you to rest on your land, And ye have known that I Jehovah, I have spoken, and I have done [it], An affirmation of Jehovah.'
I have a question for those who read the OT.
What event is Ezekiel 37 symbolizing and is it just for OC Israel or the NC Israel of God, and when is that event suppose to occur? Is the "resurrection" in the NT the same kind of event shown in Ezekiel 37 or is it a type of being "reborn" again out of Darkness and into Light?

For example, Paul was telling his people in 2 Timothy that some had erred in saying the "resurrection" had already passed, and would like to know if he meant just for Israel, or does Israel resurrect first and then the "gentiles".

Luke 2:34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this child setting up is destined for the Falling and Rising up[#386 Resurrection] of many in Israel, and for a SIGN which will be spoken against, ana-stasin <386>

2 Timothy 2:18 who concerning the truth did swerve/err, saying the resurrection [#386] had come to pass already, and do overthrow the faith of some; thn <3588> {THE} ana-stasin <386>

[EDIT by I, Brian - removed formatting :) ]
InChristAlways said:
I have a question for those who read the OT.
What event is Ezekiel 37 symbolizing and is it just for OC Israel or the NC Israel of God, and when is that event suppose to occur? Is the "resurrection" in the NT the same kind of event shown in Ezekiel 37 or is it a type of being "reborn" again out of Darkness and into Light?

For example, Paul was telling his people in 2 Timothy that some had erred in saying the "resurrection" had already passed, and would like to know if he meant just for Israel, or does Israel resurrect first and then the "gentiles".

Luke 2:34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this child setting up is destined for the Falling and Rising up[#386 Resurrection] of many in Israel, and for a SIGN which will be spoken against, ana-stasin <386>

2 Timothy 2:18 who concerning the truth did swerve/err, saying the resurrection [#386] had come to pass already, and do overthrow the faith of some; thn <3588> {THE} ana-stasin <386>

[EDIT by I, Brian - removed formatting :) ]

(Isaiah 66:14) And YOU will certainly see, and YOUR heart will be bound to exult, and YOUR very bones will sprout just like tender grass. And the hand of Jehovah will certainly be made known to his servants, but he will actually denounce his enemies."

(Revelation 11:11) And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them .....God active force does great things

Ezekiel 37:13 And ye have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My opening your graves, And in My bringing you up out of your graves, O My people. 14 And I have given My Spirit/breath in you, and ye have lived, And I have caused you to rest on your land, And ye have known that I Jehovah, I have spoken, and I have done [it], An affirmation of Jehovah.'
I have a question for those who read the OT.
What event is Ezekiel 37 symbolizing and is it just for OC Israel or the NC Israel of God, and when is that event suppose to occur? Is the "resurrection" in the NT the same kind of event shown in Ezekiel 37 or is it a type of being "reborn" again out of Darkness and into Light?

For example, Paul was telling his people in 2 Timothy that some had erred in saying the "resurrection" had already passed, and would like to know if he meant just for Israel, or does Israel resurrect first and then the "gentiles".

Luke 2:34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this child setting up is destined for the Falling and Rising up[#386 Resurrection] of many in Israel, and for a SIGN which will be spoken against, ana-stasin <386>

2 Timothy 2:18 who concerning the truth did swerve/err, saying the resurrection [#386] had come to pass already, and do overthrow the faith of some; thn <3588> {THE} ana-stasin <386>
quote mee:
(Isaiah 66:14) And YOU will certainly see, and YOUR heart will be bound to exult, and YOUR very bones will sprout just like tender grass. And the hand of Jehovah will certainly be made known to his servants, but he will actually denounce his enemies."

(Revelation 11:11) And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them .....God active force does great things​
Hi mee. I was asking for interpretaion of that passage concering Israel, and how that event would be viewed using "jewish eyes", and yes the Cross "symbolically" did open up the graves of many while Pentecost "raised up" the apostles. As far as revelation 11 you quoted, that appears to happen toward the Time of the End in Daniel 12, correct?

Daniel 8:17 And he cometh in near my station, and at his coming in I have been afraid, and I fall on my face, and he saith unto me: Understand, son of man, for at the time of the end [is] the vision.

For example, Paul was telling his people in 2 Timothy that some had erred in saying the "resurrection" had already passed, which would imply it would be a "spiritual" one instead of bodies literally coming up out of graves in full view of the world.

Luke 2:34 Then Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His mother, "Behold, this child setting up is destined for the Falling and Rising up[#386 Resurrection] of many in Israel, and for a SIGN which will be spoken against, ana-stasin <386>

2 Timothy 2:18 who concerning the truth did swerve/err, saying the resurrection [#386] had come to pass already, and do overthrow the faith of some; thn <3588> {THE} ana-stasin <386>