Excellent forum site



Hi to all members of this forum site.
After being to many different kinds of "religious" forums, I have to say this is one the best I have seen.

I was a christian "apologist" on some forums discussing the Scriptures with Atheists and former christians who turned Atheists or to other religions. I finally decided to get back to reading and studying the Bible more deeply and I am realizing after 3 years, that I have barely scratched the surface of it, and probably never will in this lifetime [I am 55 years old, married with 2 grown daughters and the Lord entered my life in May of 2003 after an "absence" of about 30 yrs, Praise God].

If anyone here is an expert in the Greek/Hebrew biblical language, [even "Atheists" or other religions], I welcome assistance in translating difficult verses I do run across in the Bible, but I don't know the appropriate board here to discuss Biblical translation/interpretations.

Thanks for letting me "on board", and I also view all religions with the same respect as I would hope they respect mine, but my interest do lie in the Scriptures of the Holy Bible and the Word, Life and Light that is of the Lord Jesus the Christ.
Blessings in the Lord to all here with Peace and Love.

Isaiah 11:12 He will set/lift up a Banner/Sign/standard for the nations, And will assemble [#0622] the outcasts of Israel, And gather together [#06908] the dispersed of Judah From the four corners of the earth/land
Hi InChristAlways, and welcome to CR. :)

And very glad to see you're getting to grips with removing formatting from your posts - makes them much more readable. :)
I said:
Hi InChristAlways, and welcome to CR. :)

And very glad to see you're getting to grips with removing formatting from your posts - makes them much more readable. :)
I didn't know about the "double A" at the top until a member told me about it. :) It is indeed much better now.

Galatians 5:22 And the fruit of the Spirit is: Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith,