The melting pot!


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The melting pot

Infinity when truly understood is god! Yet it isn’t! Everything becomes paradoxical when we try to explain infinity because it is incomparative. It is emptiness and nothingness, equally so it is fullness, completeness and everythingness, as it is all things then it is all that we are and more. This being so then it is life & it can have persona yet be impersonal at once. We may also think of it as oneness and in this god dwells i.e. the being of the oneness. We are its mirror – the being of its singularity [spiritual ‘atom’ of eternal self], they are simply two kinds of oneness in the same way as the universe is the singularity of energy and form, then infinity is the oneness of ‘formless’ energy. Now we may take our minds beyond this and say that infinity in its incomparativity is equivalent to the result of - ‘it’ = either, neither and both aspects of a ‘dichotomy’. So our true inner most nature and ‘god’s’ is the same - as it is for all things that is; we don’t ‘have’ one.
This being so then god is not actual only inferred in comparison with a given other thing, the pure spirit of infinity is naked, transparent, and universally invisible!

‘God’ has no defined form as we do so have no individuality, indeed no reality! Being may be seen as a comparative thing, thus this and any other attributes one may give are not descriptions of infinity.

So is there just us and ‘it’ I wonder? That is; there is only us [given that we are not just animated chemical objects – i.e. the self is external to the physical] and existence - infinity + omniverse.

If this is so [or somewhere near iyo] is dissolving into infinity after death the only place to go?

So heaven is then an illusion even if we have self/spirit [?]. if we occupy an illusion does that make it real?

Which is reality; the energy universe or that which dwells within it?

_Z_ said:
This being so then god is not actual only inferred in comparison with a given other thing, the pure spirit of infinity is naked, transparent, and universally invisible!

‘God’ has no defined form as we do so have no individuality, indeed no reality! Being may be seen as a comparative thing, thus this and any other attributes one may give are not descriptions of infinity.

So is there just us and ‘it’ I wonder? That is; there is only us [given that we are not just animated chemical objects – i.e. the self is external to the physical] and existence - infinity + omniverse.

Whoa!!! Toooomuchcoffeeman!!! :p :D Okay, kidding. Nice hyper-analytical stream of thought about the nature of God, infiinity, and humans' relation to It.

Sometimes I think about conceptions of God as telescoping or perhaps microscoping. That is, there is always further out or in that we can go. When we try to wrap out finite minds around the mystery of is-ness, the mystery just gets weirder and more complex, not simpler. There will be no reductionist, final conceptualization of God as flashes in our brain, as big poppa in the sky, as goddess, as alien super-intelligence, or even as formless, ineffable, ultimate (un)reality.

Z said:
If this is so [or somewhere near iyo] is dissolving into infinity after death the only place to go?

So heaven is then an illusion even if we have self/spirit [?]. if we occupy an illusion does that make it real?

Which is reality; the energy universe or that which dwells within it?


Dichotomy vs. Unified Field!! Expression vs. Formlessness!! "SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!! Get your tickets!! For the fight of the millenium!!! The Eschatological Confrontation Between History and Now, the Ongoing Debate Between the Ultimate Reality and Its Five Billion Subordinate Things!!! Everyone You Know will be there!!! Don't miss out!!! It's sure to be an Armegeddon-style Orgiastic Polylouge of Infinite Proportions!!!!"

And on and on. It's fun to dissect the formless into its composite parts. That's why there is this solid reality, this planet earth, our imaginative minds, and all of the things we don't see. The formless is form, and vice versa, as the Buddhists have it. And, "wheeeeeeeee," as the LSD choir sings; isn't existence in all its complexity fun and grand?
What the Ultimate Reality? There is only one reality for sure;

1. Something has to have existed for eternity.

That statement is true no matter how you look at it. This is because God/Universe/Nature cannot come from nothingness.
pathless, hi

there is always further out or in that we can go.

yes it does get like that eh! the idea of the 'melting pot' is that eventually all things are 'blended' and our definitions cannot expalin what that stste then is.

gets weirder and more complex, not simpler.

it does yes, sometimes one must rid the mind of ideas and beging at the notion of 'the simplest thing' to get past the parody and complexity. you are right though - in that there is no great 'wow this is it'! i beleive this is what nirvana [divine centre [cuegant]] is all about - we have to become 'it' in order to loose the 'is's!

silverbackman, hi

science would dissagree with you that existence cannot come from nothingness. but I agree infinity is omniexisting. in a way what I am saying is that infinity is the 'place' where nirvana is the mindstate.

here's something on a similar line that came to mind...

the place of all-knowledge is not like an infinite encyclopedia, as it is at its heart the same as the 'core' of existence [meting pot] then it is one! i.e. there are no idividual 'items' of knowledge!

