Universal harmonies


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I am not a philosopher or a scientist but I have some personal observations and feelings. I do not insist that my observations are correct but I would like to write down.

This universe is not static. Universe is much big and limitless, so our observations may not cover it. Planets are on constant motion. I think that there is a great harmony in all these movements. When ever this harmony will be broken, there will be a great disaster and some religions may call it, “The Day of Judgment”. No doubt when this harmony will break there will be, “The End”. This harmonious universe and harmonious nature have direct impact on human lives. Let me call this harmony a melody or combination of various melodies. This melody is not heard by our hearing organs called, “Ears”. When this harmony or melody is imitated in melodious tunes; then we hear it and it attracts our souls. When this melody is heard by melodious or let me say loving hearts, they feel as being attracted towards their origin so there is a feeling of ecstasy.

I observe that all movements by living or non living are naturally harmonious. I observe that a walking person’s or a running horse’s movements are naturally harmonious; even mechanical movements are harmonious. Movements of living are intentionally broken, raised up or slowed down. If these movements are abruptly changed, we feel discomfort. If changes are gradual, and harmony is not abruptly broken then there is not such a discomfort. You can see that if a bus or train stops abruptly, sleeping person awake and awakened are disturbed. Sudden or abrupt change in motion may cause dangerous consequences physically or spiritually. There are also spiritual movements with out any physical which in case of any abrupt change may be harmful.

Classical melodies of any region are pleasure giving to all humans because these are melodious and are not abrupt. Abrupt sounds and voices are called noise, and harmonious are melody. Humans have a common sense of harmonies and melodies, and this common sensibility is like other common human values, so I say humans definitely have a common nature. This common nature is God given and not at all accidental. Such common nature might not be accidental in all humans.

The harmonious melodies have an impact on soul. Many people deny the very existence of soul. Melody is not a physical requirement. It is not food and it is not any physical attraction like males and females. It is attractive and its attraction is certainly not for the body but for the soul. Human soul feels universal harmony and when it listens like wise harmony produced through melody, it feels elevated from physical existence. It for the time being becomes a part of greater reality; though it has to come back to its physical requirements but it is comparatively raised up with broader envision.

There is a harmony more or less in every human being. If this harmony is broken humans feel anger, shallowness, hatred, depression and discontentment etc. This may be called disease of the soul, so it is not curable by physical treatments. Sincere love might be much helpful but faith in the God surely provides a sense of deep contentment and is a very certain remedy. Believers of the God certainly have much stable harmony of soul. Human males and female have natural attraction for each other. Only this attraction may not be called love but there might be love between such partners and if love exists they feel much satisfaction and contentment. There are so many other aspects of love, love for all, and love for humanity. Love is the base of all sincere, unselfish human relations including blood relations, friendships and humanity in general. Love is necessary for human life and love strengthens harmony of soul. Those who have faith in the God have lovely souls. No love no faith. Faith does not co-exist with hatred and selfishness. It definitely inculcates much positive human values. Faith is love and love is the feed of soul.

Love is humane,

Life needs love and love is lovely,

Life is dull without love’s harmony,

Love is delicate, do not deal harshly,

Much strong it is, if taken sincerely,

Like sun it warmth and is hope giving,

But unlike sun it does not burn skin,

It is mild and softly touches the heart,

It energizes life which moonlight doesn’t,

It nourishes life just does water,

Unlike flood it does not cause disaster,

Immeasurable it is just as the vast deep,

Unlike oceans it doesn’t over sweep.

It soothes the soul like melodious song,

And shares feelings, which melody may not,

It encircles the world and is broad as space,

It lives in human hearts and love is humane.
I stated in another thread that one must get in tune with God. There is a universal ideal or moral code that we must all strive to attain if we are to get collectively in tune with God. We may differ in religion or beliefs, but that underlying pearl that runs through all faiths must be evident. I liken this to a recording session, where the bass and percussion (the foundation) are laid down first, then the rhythm section, followed by layered harmonies by various instruments or voices, and finally the lead melody.

It takes practice to get everything right, but we aren't on the same page for the foundation, then all we will make is noise.
Religions consist of allowed or not allowed and not necessarily good or truth while faith in the God naturally recognizes universal good and truth. Who so ever seeks finds the God but religions deny this inborn equal right of humans and each one of them claims to be an exclusive permit holder. Unlike religions faith in the God is neither a heritage nor an inheritance. Free your thoughts and you are, "Out of religion". Meditate on universe and nature and you are, "In spirtuality".
Sounds good to me! Ironic, isn't it, that the very vehicle(s) created to help mankind to align with God ... can break down. But then, so can any vehicle! :p

My own take is that most of them can be fixed, if one is a good enough mechanic, and has the right touch. Of course, maybe that hole that got punched in the roof is okay the way it is ... now you've got a convertible! ;)

Some insist on riding horses, others camels. I myself prefer the motorcycle ...

How about this analogy:
  • We are part of a symphonic orchestra, with many different instruments.

    Each of us has their own instrument, and there are also groups of people who play the same instrument, but there are also those who sing, dance or just sit by and enjoy the performance.

    Each group of instruments has their own sheet music they follow, and the string section's sheet music can be quite different from the brass section's sheet music, and some of the brass section might have the string's section's music instead of their own.

    Some of the musicians prefer to improvise, rather than follow their sheet music.

    God is the master conductor of this orchestra.
seattlegal said:
How about this analogy:
  • We are part of a symphonic orchestra, with many different instruments.

    Each of us has their own instrument, and there are also groups of people who play the same instrument, but there are also those who sing, dance or just sit by and enjoy the performance.

    Each group of instruments has their own sheet music they follow, and the string section's sheet music can be quite different from the brass section's sheet music, and some of the brass section might have the string's section's music instead of their own.

    Some of the musicians prefer to improvise, rather than follow their sheet music.

    God is the master conductor of this orchestra.

i prefer piano over bag pipes. so that explains why our orchestra is so out of tune...more like band warm up before band practice where everyone is just blasting a bunch of notes. cuz we aint really listenting to & watching the conductor & we just make up our notes as we go along.
akbar said:
Religions consist of allowed or not allowed and not necessarily good or truth while faith in the God naturally recognizes universal good and truth. Who so ever seeks finds the God but religions deny this inborn equal right of humans and each one of them claims to be an exclusive permit holder. Unlike religions faith in the God is neither a heritage nor an inheritance. Free your thoughts and you are, "Out of religion". Meditate on universe and nature and you are, "In spirtuality".

i disagree.

if you meditate on universe, then you get universe. if you meditate on nature, then you get nature. if you meditate on the God, then you get the God. meditate on flesh you get flesh- meditiate on spirit you get spirit.
makes sense to me.

my faith in God most definately gives me an inheritance in God, through Jesus Christ my Lord.
Bandit said:
i prefer piano over bag pipes. so that explains why our orchestra is so out of tune...more like band warm up before band practice where everyone is just blasting a bunch of notes. cuz we aint really listenting to & watching the conductor & we just make up our notes as we go along.
:D Agreed! :D