Which wife?


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I know it really isn’t the most important issue here but I’m a little bit confused but interested. Who was Muhammad’s favorite wife, Khadijah or Aisha? I’ve heard conflicting responses.
I think it was first Khadijah then Aishah. Khadijah was deceased a long time ago when he married Aishah.
mansio said:
I think it was first Khadijah then Aishah. Khadijah was deceased a long time ago when he married Aishah.
You havent become a Muslim have you? Just checking cause you seem to be getting into the habit of answering for them.

Muhammad's life belongs to history, not only to Muslims. If I am the sole non-Muslim who gives his opinion on this board I am ready to apologize.

The Prophet Muhammed's [sm] first wife was indeed Khadijah [ra]; The Prophet [sm] remained married to Khadijah [ra] for about 25 years [I think it was] and only married again when Khadijah [ra] died.

Which answers the chronology, but not the preference (as did Mansio's). Perhaps the true answer to "which was his favorite" is more of a "chocolate ice cream or vanilla" question - liking both, perhaps one over the other at different times & situations, but overall reasonably equally?
Oh sorry, I misunderstood the question.

I'm not sure who Muhammed [sm's] favourite wife was, out of Khadija and Ayesha.

I think I remember reading something like, that it was Khadijah, for Khadijah was his first wife who he had intense love for and Khadija [ra] supported him throughout the early days of his Prophethood, when the mission of the Prophet [sm] was the hardest, she also helped him to come to terms with, and believe that it was actually the Angel Jibreel [as] that visited him and not a Jinn, and that there was nothing mentally wrong with him.

But one thing for sure, is that, amongst Muhammed [sm's] all other wives, excluding Khadijah [ra], Ayesha [ra] was his favourite.

mansio said:

Muhammad's life belongs to history, not only to Muslims. If I am the sole non-Muslim who gives his opinion on this board I am ready to apologize.
the original poster asked for an answer, not for 'thoughts'. he/she is already confused, and your own thoughts on the matter based on no proof is not helpful.
In Riyad-as-salihin one of the collection of hadeeth. Hadeeth number 344. A'isha say:

'A'isha said, "I was never jealous towards any of the other wives of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, as I was jealous towards Khadija even though I never saw her. However, he used to mention her often. Often when he sacrificed a sheep, he would cut it into pieces and send them to Khadija's friends. I would often say to him, 'It is as if there was only Khadija in the world!' He would say, 'She was as she was and I had children from her.'" [Agreed upon]

The above clearly show Muhammad, peace be upon him, love towards Khadija. There is other narration where Muhammad, peace be upon him, mentioned part of it somewhat like 'Khadija was there beside me in time of great difficulty, she was the first to believe in me...' and he, peace be upon him, also said 'I have children from her'.

My opinion is based on what I have read and heard like every other person on this board.
It is exactly the same as Abdullah's (maybe I should change my name into an Arabic one).
My opinion is based on what I have read and heard like every other person on this board.
Wrong. You presume too much. btw, you are not a muslim and we do not know of your sources. God knows where you have been reading things from.
mansio said:
I think it was first Khadijah then Aishah. Khadijah was deceased a long time ago when he married Aishah.
Still, taking you on your word, ok, tell me why did you say 'long time'? thats a relative term in the current context. put it in years.
I know you can check this out from a hundred places even if you dont know right now(and i suspect that you dont) and even if you find out that its just one year, you can say that it can be a long time for a person but i rather that you did find out facts and came back with a reference and not just put up relative terms that could mean anything.
waiting for an answer,
bluroze said:
I know it really isn’t the most important issue here but I’m a little bit confused but interested. Who was Muhammad’s favorite wife, Khadijah or Aisha? I’ve heard conflicting responses.
I'm more curious as to why you are asking this question.

I apologize. I just lied when I said that Muhammad's favourite wives were Khadija and Aisha. I also lied when I said that Khadijah was deceased when he married Aisha.
Could we please stay with the topic and not start another discussion on the evaluation of the lapse of time between Khadijah and Aisha?
Okay, let's cool it please - remember, the Islam board is for Muslims to answer questions from non-Muslims, as well as for Muslims to discuss issues relating to Islam among themselves.

Any problems with that or responses on this thread, please take it to PM with me rather than in public, thanks. :)
mansio said:
Could we please stay with the topic and not start another discussion on the evaluation of the lapse of time between Khadijah and Aisha?
We could if you actually supported what you said with authentic material. Let me help you out here. The length of time is known.
Narrated By 'Aisha : I never felt so jealous of any woman as I did of Khadija, though she had died three years before the Prophet married me, and that was because I heard him mentioning her too often, and because his Lord had ordered him to give her the glad tidings that she would have a palace in Paradise, made of Qasab and because he used to slaughter a sheep and distribute its meat among her friends.
[Vol 8, Book 73, Hadith #33, Sahih Bukhari]
thipps said:
I'm more curious as to why you are asking this question.

I was just doing some general research on Muhammad himself but I kept on reading conflicting reports on who his favorite wife was. It really isn’t the most important question in the world, just one I was curious about.
bluroze said:
I was just doing some general research on Muhammad himself but I kept on reading conflicting reports on who his favorite wife was. It really isn’t the most important question in the world, just one I was curious about.
welcome bluroze
peace be upon u
Khadija was most beloved than other wives of the messenger of God
also he loved her all the time and after her death
that he confirmed she was the best wife who helped him and believed in him at the time at which other people said he is not a prophet and harmed him and his followers..