A few qustions


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Hello, I am new here, you my call me NoName. I am a American Christain and I have bin good friends with Muslims in the past but there are a few things I would like to know about Islam I thought it be nice to make frendly talk about it. I would ask my friends but I lost contact with them.:(

1 who is Muhammad and can you prove that he was real?

2. did he perform any miracals?

3 ware dose Jesus fit in?

4 Why do your wemon ware Vales on there faces and are they a choice?

5 is there any propchys of the futer in your religon and if so what are they?

6 who wrote the Quran?

Please forgive me for my bad spelling
NoName said:
Hello, I am new here, you my call me NoName. I am a American Christain and I have bin good friends with Muslims in the past but there are a few things I would like to know about Islam I thought it be nice to make frendly talk about it. I would ask my friends but I lost contact with them.:(

1 who is Muhammad and can you prove that he was real?

2. did he perform any miracals?

3 ware dose Jesus fit in?

4 Why do your wemon ware Vales on there faces and are they a choice?

5 is there any propchys of the futer in your religon and if so what are they?

6 who wrote the Quran?

Please forgive me for my bad spelling
i was about to talk about the spelling
but u talked b4 me
1-the messenger of God(Allah) Mohammed was the messenger of God and the last prophet who carried the last message from God for all people in the universe..and of course he is real and his tomb is in Madina in Saudi Arabia..

2-yes ,he did a lot
and another strong miracle is still present till now
as he is the last messenger ,he should have a continous miracle
it's the holly Quran
a book that God challenged the humanity in it to get a small sample of it
the challenge is that all people work together to produce a verse the same like any verse in Quran
that is impossible and never was done by people through 1400 years
people can't say the same words like God
always our books are full of faults and discrepancies and also the bible is full of discrepances
but the Holly Quran never contained any fault
but it contained many scientific miracles!!
listen to some Quran(but it's in arabic)
click here
3-i don't understand the question
Jesus in islam is the messenger of God (Allah) and he is a very great prophet
he is a human created by God from a woman(his mother :Mary)
look :
Adam was created by God from no man nor woman
Eve was created by God from a man only (Adam)
Jesus was created from only a woman(Mary)
and we all are created from man and woman(both)
so,that tell us that God has the full ability
he can do all things
but why those who wrote bible changed it?
if u reed bible u find that Jesus was praying
he worshipped his God
that tells us clearly that God is not Jesus
because if our God worship another God that mean we all should worship the God of God
but Jesus was not God
he was like Moses and MNohammed and all other prophets( a human)
also no prophet before Jesus talked about Jesus
no one said that he worshipped Jesus before
Did Joseph worship Jesus?
Did Moses talk about Jesus?
4-vails are in Islam
u have the free choice to be muslim or not
but when u be a muslim ,u then believe that islam is a message to u from ur God
the muslim who love his lord and want to satisfy his God always work for being as God want
God wants us to pray,so we pray
and so on..
vails are for women that woman only should show face and hands
and man also shouldn't walk nude:)
so,it's just a limitations of clothes to keep the community good
free from bad things
5- so many
including the appearance of Anti-christ and the return of christ to earth to fight the anti-christ..
Christ Jesus will return as a muslim and will break the cross
during that period of his life,the lions will play with gazzels,children will play with snakes..
as peace will fill the world between all creatures
6-God(Allah) is the author of Quran
and it was written by the muslims who wrote it by orders of the messenger Mohammed
so,it was written during his life ..
u r welcomed
Thank you for answering all my qustions. There one thing I dont get though, if Muhamade (I know I spelled that wrong) the holyist Prophet then why is he not going to be the one who fights the Anti-Christ? Since you belive in the anti-christ dose that mean you guys also belive in the Devil?

Thank for your help agen:)
Hi NoName,

Welcome to CR...

Thank you for answering all my qustions. There one thing I dont get though, if Muhamade (I know I spelled that wrong) the holyist Prophet then why is he not going to be the one who fights the Anti-Christ? Since you belive in the anti-christ dose that mean you guys also belive in the Devil?

Thank for your help agen:)

In Islam we believe that no creation is immortal. Every human beings (in fact everything in this world) will have to die/perish in this world before it can move on to subsequent worlds. As for Muhammad s.a.w, he has passed away at the age 65. The physical evidence is his tomb in the Prophet Mosque in Medina. We also belief that Isa a.s. (Jesus Christ) have not passed away as the other prophets do. He is lifted up to Heaven by God and the person that was crucified was not him but someone whom God have make his appearace resembles Isa a.s. (Jesus Christ).

Therefore, at the end of times, when Dajjal (whom you may refer to Anti-Christ) appear, he will be killed by Isa a.s.

Isa a.s. will descend from Heaven to fulfill this prophecy. During that time, a small Muslim force led by Imam Mahdi, who is a descendant of Prophet Muhammad a.s. through the lines of Fatima r.a who is Muhammad s.a.w's daughter. She is married to Ali r.a. and have 2 sons Hassan r.a and Hussain r.a.

We believe in the existence of Devil. He is so called the fallen angel by Christian. In fact we know that he is actually created from fire. We were also told of God creation,

1) Angels was created from light
2) Jinn was created from fire
3) Human was created from clay

From the above we know that the Devil is not Angel but just a Jinn. God have however given him long life until the end of the time as he has requested before he was thrown out from Heaven. I am sure you know why he was thrown, as he disobeyed God command to bow to Adam, the first Man God created.

We also know that Jinns are like us, however we cannot see them, but they can see us. However, in some circumstances, they may show themselves to us to scare us. Some played on us and trick us so that we will go astray from the true path. However, as Muslim we were also taught that we are the Khalifah (Leader, Representative) of this World and thus, we should not be afraid of them. In fact, we were taught to read verses in the Quran regularly to protect ourself from them as they are afraid of the Quranic verses.

Jinns live, eat, marry just like us and there are Jinns of different faith. There are also Muslims Jins as there are Christian, Jews and so on.

Hope this answer your query.

Allah knows best.
NoName said:
Thank you for answering all my qustions. There one thing I dont get though, if Muhamade (I know I spelled that wrong) the holyist Prophet then why is he not going to be the one who fights the Anti-Christ? Since you belive in the anti-christ dose that mean you guys also belive in the Devil?

Thank for your help agen:)
thanks light for ur answer
so,as light said
but i can also say,
that the real problem between us all is the belief about Jesus
so,Jesus is the person needed at that time
Jews say that Jesus is not a prophet nor God
christians say he is God and son of God
Muslims say he is a great prophet sent by God
so,when Jesus will come he can tell us where is the truth
if he said he is God,that mean christianity is the truth
if came to say :no,i am not God but a messenger from God and i follow Mohammed
that mean islam is the truth
so, if Mohammed came again u will say no u r not a prophet and Jesus is God
u will not believe him
and the same if Moses
only Jesus will finish this differences and answer all questions
when the prophet Mohammed died he was 63 years old(by Hijri arabic years not by the AD years)

No problem, may Allah lead us to the right path.

Yes you're right.. my apology Muhammad s.a.w died at the age of 63 not 65 years old. My error.

Light said:

No problem, may Allah lead us to the right path.

Yes you're right.. my apology Muhammad s.a.w died at the age of 63 not 65 years old. My error.

never mind,sir
we are one team:)
thank u
I have onther qustion, why do Muslims have more then one wife?
I have onther qustion, why do Muslims have more then one wife?

Let's look back into history, most prophets in the bible also practise polygamy (e.g Solomon, Abraham etc). Muslims are following this tradition as commanded in the Quran. However, we are commanded not to transgress limits that Allah has set.

However, do not misinterprete the Quran. Allah revealed in the Quran;

Sura 004.003
YUSUFALI: If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.

In the above verse, Allah didn't start with marry one, but He suggest Muslims to marry 2, or 3 or 4 wives. Then, further on, He says, if a Muslims fear he cannot be able to deal justly will all his wives, then he is commanded to marry only one. From here we know that Allah limit each Muslim to 4 wives at any one time. It is also a confirmation that polygamy is allowed, however acting justly is more virtuous.

If one were to follow the true tradition of Muhammad s.a.w one will know that Muhammad s.a.w does not practise polygamy in his first marriage with Khadija r.a. Muhammad s.a.w marriage with Khadija r.a was for at least 25 years. Muhammad s.a.w only practise polygamy after Khadija death.

Allah further confirms in the other verses that man can never be fair and just with his wives. Thus, my personal opinion, polygamy is a challenge by Allah for Muslims and also a test of one faith.

YUSUFALI: Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

So, not all Muslims have more than one wife. In fact, majority of Muslims have only one wife. As for those who practice polygamy, they do it for various reason. Some are noble while some aren't. It is all depending on their intention. And I am sure it is their every effort to make sure they treat their wives justly, because if they don't Allah's punishments are very severe.

Allah knows best and my post is only up to my own knowledge. Anything that is in error is due to my own ignorance while anything that is true and beneficial is from Allah the most merciful.
First, for our originally questioner, having more than one wife (upto 4) is not obligatory. I personally do not know a single muslim who has more than one wife.
Light said:
Allah further confirms in the other verses that man can never be fair and just with his wives. Thus, my personal opinion, polygamy is a challenge by Allah for Muslims and also a test of one faith.
Some clarification is required here in regards to justice and fairness. Imam ibn kathir explained 4:3 and 4:129 in the light of hadith as follows:

(You will never be able to do perfect justice between wives even if it is your ardent desire,) means, O people! You will never be able to be perfectly just between wives in every respect. Even when one divides the nights justly between wives, there will still be various degrees concerning love, desire and sexual intimacy, as Ibn `Abbas, `Ubaydah As-Salmani, Mujahid, Al-Hasan Al-Basri and Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim stated. Imam Ahmad and the collectors of the Sunan recorded that `A'ishah said, "The Messenger of Allah used to treat his wives equally and proclaim,
(O Allah! This is my division in what I own, so do not blame me for what You own and I do not own) referring to his heart. This was the wording that Abu Dawud collected, and its chain of narrators is Sahih.
Furthermore, Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid said that, in 4:3, what is meant by the justice that is required in order for a man to be permitted to have more than one wife is that he should treat his wives equally in terms of spending, clothing, spending the night with them and other material things that are under his control.
With regard to justice or fairness in terms of love, he is not held accountable for that, and that is not required of him because he has no control over that. This is what is meant by the verse (interpretation of the meaning),
“You will never be able to do perfect justice between wives even if it is your ardent desire” [Quraan, 4:129].
Other scholars have stated similary.
Bottom line is that 4:3 refers to what is in one's ability and 4:129 refers to what is not in one's abililty.
Hope that clears it up.
And Allaah knows best.
thanks thipps, & light
Gazakom Allah khayran
i just wanna add a little opinion
that u should know that islam forbidden any sexual relations between man and woman except if married..
some people can't have only one sexual relation
they may have over sexual desire
For that reason they are not put in fire
they have the opportunity of marriage of more than one woman
till they feel it's enough and no need for other sexual relations
in other cases,let's expect that the wife of a man (who has only one wife) has suffered from any disease in her genital system that made her unable to have children
or maybe made her unable to do any sexual relation with her husband
e.g if abasia
then if he left her divorced ,that will make her more unhappy as she will feel lonely
if he continued with her,he will be in a need of sexual relation
then he have the ability to keep her and marry another woman
so,u can note that polygamy is also needed in our life
also ,now the number of females is more than males
that mean there will be females who will never marry!!
think about their dreams of having a baby and a small family
I'd be very glad to answer all the questions posed...VERY GLAD indeed...however I can't help but sense in him an echo of common missionary propagation. The materials resemble that which are so often raised by detractors of Islam.
To be honest, NoName has posted similar questions in most of the religious forums here. No bias noted as yet.