who rules the world?



Jesus never doubted that Satan is the ruler of this world. In some miraculous way, Satan once showed Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory." Satan then promised Jesus: "All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me." (Matthew 4:8, 9; Luke 4:5, 6) Think about this. Would that offer have been a temptation to Jesus if Satan was not the ruler of these kingdoms? Jesus did not deny that all these worldly governments were Satan’s. Surely, Jesus would have done that if Satan was not the power behind them.​

Of course, Jehovah is the Almighty God, the Creator of the marvelous universe. (Revelation 4:11) Yet, nowhere does the Bible say that either Jehovah God or Jesus Christ is ruler of this world. In fact, Jesus specifically referred to Satan as "the ruler of this world." (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) The Bible even refers to Satan the Devil as "the god of this system of things." (2 Corinthians 4:3, 4) Regarding this opposer, or Satan, the Christian apostle John wrote: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."—1 John 5:19. yes ,that certainly explains and answers why this world is full of ungodly things ............. but it gives me hope to know that satan will not be ruler for much longer , soon he will be crushed. and then things can be done Gods way , with out the opposser and his followers around.
Surely it's not just governments, though - wouldn't you think religious organisations also fall under Satan's control?
Also look at the many wonderful things there are, the many beautiful sights to behold, the many amazing people one meets. If all that is Satans realm, his dominion, well then I can have nothing against Satan. And after all much of the evil done in this world is done in the name of G_d, or religion.


Tao_Equus said:
Also look at the many wonderful things there are, the many beautiful sights to behold, the many amazing people one meets. If all that is Satans realm, his dominion, well then I can have nothing against Satan. And after all much of the evil done in this world is done in the name of G_d, or religion.


yes the planet is wonderful, and yes , much evil is done in the name of God, and Jehovah sees everything that is going on , that is why he is going to get rid of false religion as the book of revelation tells us
I said:
Surely it's not just governments, though - wouldn't you think religious organisations also fall under Satan's control?
yes ,indeed they do.
Hey Tao
Tao_Equus said:
Also look at the many wonderful things there are, the many beautiful sights to behold, the many amazing people one meets. If all that is Satans realm, his dominion, well then I can have nothing against Satan.
But just because Satan has dominion over the world does not mean that everything is as he would want it. No territory is free from dissenting voices.
Tao_Equus said:
And after all much of the evil done in this world is done in the name of G_d, or religion.
Can't argue with that, but this does not mean that God controls it. As Brian was, I think, pointing out, religious organizations also fall under Satan's control.
I said:
Everyone's but your own, then - because they say so? :)
actions speak louder than words i would say, if religions are killing people in the name of God they would be under satans control , and if their teachings were opposite to bible teaching again that would be serving the interests of satan ,who after all is in opposition to Gods ways