Hints from DreamTime


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You've probably all been there-just as you're gaining wakeful consciousness from sleep, you may catch vestiges from dream you had or even insights that almost seem like a "voice" speaking to you, that has a ring of authenticity that is pointing out something you don't typically grasp in ordinary waking consciousness. Well this am as I was coming out of sleep, (I didn't even remember the images that went with the "message"), had the "authentic" feel of an insight which told me that the reason we take birth in the human realm to use the buddhist term is to make us keep our noses to the grindstone. That is it told me that the astral realm(?), ("'m not too up on esoteric, Theosphist-like terms), the realm that exists between the reality of this world and what's beyond it, operates such that our thoughts cause our circumstances of that world to shift so quickly, (kind of like a hyperactive male who's got a bad case of TV channel surfing), that we literally never stay in 1 "place" long enough to be made to deal with our karma appropriately. While the laws of this world, the human realm is for better or worse our circumstances change very slowly in comparison and that grindstone keeps coming around.

In Buddhist thinking there are basically 6 realms of existence and they always speak of how the human realm is the ideal one for making progress toward enlightenment. Their version of a heavenly realm-the deva world-kind of reads like most Christians idea of heaven: you just cruise along blissfully happy, sort of resting on your spiritual laurels. However, since it is so blissful, not actually an ideal place in terms of completing the journey: not enough suffering to act as leavening/motivation to continue the journey. Of course, Buddhists believe in the "what goes up, must come down" theory of karma: eventually even devas "burn up" that karma and take birth in another realm and continue on until reaching enlightenment. Buddhists also speak of other realms such as hungry ghost, animal, and hell realms, all involving so much suffering that it would be moe difficult for a being to have the "emotional/psychological space" to see through it. I don't buy into traditional buddhist cultures' notions of rebrith as animals, etc. but certainly believe there is metaphorical truth to it and don't discount the possiblity the names conform to actual realms outside of this world-though per Buddhist thought-dwelling there is impermanent.

Getting back to the human realm and my dream...Mahayanist Buddhists love to emphasize the impermanence, "emptiness" of all phenomena and use as 1 of their metaphors for it, seeing all that occurs to one in this life as a dream...i.e. impermanent or empty of solid identity. They use that as a strategy to encourage the practitioner to let go of a grip on their unenlightened views which may be so tight they cannot move that view along. But then I think of that great Buddhist sage Nagarjuna. Vajradhara will have to help me out with the verbatim quote, but said something like he thought it sad those who were stuck in viewing things as permanent, but he felt sadder still for the "hopeless ones" who viewed everything as empty and therefore did not properly attend to the phenomena presenting itself to them-the premature mouthing of a view that said nothing matters since it is all empty.

Jungian notions of dreams are that a dream either compensates for a view that has become too one-sided or complements a view-reinforces it as being the "right direction." Don't know in my case if my view fell to one side or the other of Nagarjuna's notion, but interesting dream "talk" whatever the moral.:) Take care, earl
Ok, just had another 1 of "those" dreams, though technically unsure if it occurred in REM or in the transitional period bewteen waking and dreaming/sleep. Again though it had a whole different realer than real feel to it that my dreams don't typically have, (I used to dream about Nixon all the time but I doubt his "soul" was communing with me:p ). In this case I literally could sense that the "barrier" between this world and the post-death one was truly a veil of gossamer thinness underlying this realm, so thin I felt I could practically reach through the veil. Frankyly, these dreams have come following a time when I feel there is a coming, drastic change for me-sometimes feeling as if it will involve an actual death, be it my own or my beloved. Sometimes those "feelings" come neutrally, sometimes with dread. Well, I'm not the practicing mystic, path-of-one is and it was "only a dream.";) take care, earl

Interesting posts. I have often felt that human life was more of a series of dream states interrupted by work and sleep. There is also a historical-cultural basis for belief in this since at least one primal native culture, the Aboriginies of Austrailia, holds this to be the central truth of their origins. In fact they call it "the dreamtime". When I saw the title to your thread, I thought that's what you might have written about. There is some fantastic aboriginal art work floating around these days. You cloud probably find some images on the web.

To get to your point, it seems like what you experienced was what is called "lucid dreaming" these days. There are several institutions doing serious research in this ares including Stanford U. and The Institute of Noetics, both in California ( what a surprise, huh ?).


Hey Flow. Actually had the Australian aborigine in mind when I entitled the thread. Actually was not lucidly dreaming but it was not a typical "dream-" hard to put it into words. But what I mean is with 99.999999999% of all the dreams I've had in my life, when I awaken, I've gone "oh that was a dream." With these whatever they were, the response I had was "Oh something's giving me an insight." 'Twas interesting & guess I'll just stay tuned for any other installments which may come my way.:) earl
Hi and Peace--

I, too, have seen those studies on aboriginal (and other) artwork associated with dreams. I personally invest a great deal in the gifts of our dreams. They can inspire, warn, comfort, and, as you mentioned, Earl, provide us with "hints".

There are lots of books out there that offer specific formulas for what certain kinds of dreams mean. Sometimes I find that these formulas have substance, but in my own experience, I have discovered that there is a personal set of symbols and meanings that do not always follow the usual explanations set forth by dream experts. And it is pretty consistent. But it has taken me years to realize this--and I must pay attention!

For example, very recently, I kept receiving visions in my sleep wherein my youngest daughter was a baby or a small child again. These dreams were not recurring in details other that this one aspect. This took place over several months during a time when I was very ill and taking lots of medication. Otherwise, I think I would have realized the meaning, or the "hint". My motherly instincts probably would have taken over, and I would have realized that I was about to have my fifth grandchild (no, I am not old enough!:) )

Anyway, the other day, I found out that the child is due in September. The visions I had all happened from January through around April. I wasn't seeing very much of my daughter during this time, as she was unable to come visit due to work and other things, so I could not see the changes in her body. She was keeping things quiet as well--she had her own reasons, among them to save me worry or excitement that she felt I might not be able to handle because of my illness.

But here's the best part: After she announced this wonderful news to me, my subconcience or the dream angels or the atmospheric continuum :D ;) or whatever you want to call it, sent another of these dreams. And it served to remind me of all the others I had dreamed a few months before. I truly believe this was in order to tell me not to overlook my dream knowledge in the future. It was to make me remember that I have relied a great deal on my dreams in the past, but I had been letting this tool slip away. So, I have renewal in this area, and when I saw the title of your post, Earl, I just had to tell you about my most recent experience.

Hi InLove-ain't grandparenting grand?:) thanks for your thoughts/experiences. Might be interesting to see this thread become a general one for folks to dialogue re things of this nature. At any rate, hope you're feeling much better. take care, earl