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Wild, Wild West
Hi all, I notice that sometimes there are quite a few people online at the same time but not much posting going on.

So, in between reading all of these wonderful enlightening threads, if you're up for a little banter, how about saying hiya in this thread.

So, what's new with you all? Any spiritual awakenings going on, or fun new things going on in your life?
Hi Luna !

Took my Mom to a Sonic drive in last night an we both got one of their $.99
mini-banana splits. It wasn't huge by any measure, but was delicious and certainly filled our sweet teeth. I highly recommend them along with McDonald's $.99 sundaes, especially the hot fudge with nuts. Not so many calories or fat in such small treats either !

Not exactly what one might call a spiritual experience, but a valuable, albeit small, break from the grim routines that life becomes if we let it.

Hi and Peace!

You made me smile, flow--life's awakenings can come in the smallest of packages!

Like my new grandbaby coming in September? (I won't write the whole story down in duplicate, but before I saw this thread, luna, I posted in "Belief and Spirituality" on Earl's "Hint's From Dream Time" thread. I have a renewed conviction regarding the messages we are given through our dreams, and if I had been paying attention, I would have known much sooner about this new addition to my growing family!)

Greetings to all,
What is new with me, hmmm. I spent quite a bit of time reading thru the threads (yesterday evening) since I am a newbie. I admit that I wonder if I am ready for all this intellectual posturing. Esp after reading the Politics thread, my brain hurt and my heart was heavy.

I was a former Seminary student, but I had to drop out because 2 chronic health illnesses that caused so much physical pain and "brainfog." My thinking was severely affected and now, that I am beginning to climb up out of the dark night of my soul, I think that I may have jumped too soon into intellectual dueling. Time will tell.

BTW, In Love, Grandchildren are the best. :)
InLove said:
Hi and Peace!

You made me smile, flow--life's awakenings can come in the smallest of packages!

Like my new grandbaby coming in September? (I won't write the whole story down in duplicate, but before I saw this thread, luna, I posted in "Belief and Spirituality" on Earl's "Hint's From Dream Time" thread. I have a renewed conviction regarding the messages we are given through our dreams, and if I had been paying attention, I would have known much sooner about this new addition to my growing family!)

We're expecting our 2nd grandkid too-no premonitory dreams for me re that tho did have 1 that "his" name will be Nathan:p Time will tell if that's right. Jamarz-hope you're well on the medn. I wouldn't worry re dueling brains around here-at least in my case, not only isn't that my preferred mode, but if I attempted it only party I'd injure would be myself-when I shoot my mouth off typically just shoot myself in the metaphorical foot so to speak.;) this place for me is primarily for comraderie & enjoyment of a sorts. Make it what you want. take care, earl
Hi Jamarz--welcome to CR:)

I can truly relate to what you referred to as "beginning to climb up out of the dark night of my soul". I know about the "brainfog", too! I have had to put aside some of the posting I really wanted to do for almost a year now.

But my good friend, lunamoth, once gave me some very good advice: She simply told me not to worry about the heavy stuff until I was ready again. So I have become quite a "lounge lizard" over the past few months (here in CR---LOL---not in everyday life!).

Sometimes I envy those who can speak in more intellectual terms, but I do appreciate them and learn from them. And I have found that most of the time, they appreciate my simple way of expressing my thoughts, as well. And then, there are just some subjects and conversations I decide not to get involved in, and that's okay, too.

So, I encourage you to just come on in and participate just as you are. Moreover, I thought you expressed yourself very well and quite creatively. Have you done any writing elsewhere?

Glad to meet you!:)

Hey Earl! Congrats! Nathan is a lovely name....

(Jamarz, Earl is one of those friendly intellectuals that has made me feel quite comfortable here. Sometimes when he posts, I have to get out my dictionary and what have you, but I have gained much insight from him, and I wouldn't like it if he changed his way with that metaphorical foot of his!;))

InLove said:
Hi and Peace!

You made me smile, flow--life's awakenings can come in the smallest of packages!

Like my new grandbaby coming in September? (I won't write the whole story down in duplicate, but before I saw this thread, luna, I posted in "Belief and Spirituality" on Earl's "Hint's From Dream Time" thread. I have a renewed conviction regarding the messages we are given through our dreams, and if I had been paying attention, I would have known much sooner about this new addition to my growing family!)



Smiling is really the best medicine there is. I try to smile and laugh a lot, because, I have learned the hard ways that life's pretty much of a joke, on us! It's just my way of dealing with it all .

Also, dreams are the messages that we receive about the truths of the world that are not supposed to be obvious and are awaiting to be discovered and uncovered for our benefit, and sometimes to our detriment.

When I spent some of my life working with talented scientists and engineers who had invented new things of utility, many of them told me that they always slept with a note pad and pen next to them, since they never knew when they would be awakened by a dream that "showed" them new ways to approach their work.

So it is not any wonder that Patent Laws' foundations are built upon the novelty, utility, and the non-obviousness of ideas. In a way you could say that dreams are really the mortar that holds together the material world around us, and make possible most of the good things in our lives. So much of it comes from the dream world, which is where the future really does exist and is only waiting to be uncovered by us all.

flowperson said:
Hi Luna !

Took my Mom to a Sonic drive in last night an we both got one of their $.99
mini-banana splits. It wasn't huge by any measure, but was delicious and certainly filled our sweet teeth. I highly recommend them along with McDonald's $.99 sundaes, especially the hot fudge with nuts. Not so many calories or fat in such small treats either !

Not exactly what one might call a spiritual experience, but a valuable, albeit small, break from the grim routines that life becomes if we let it.

Mmmm...ice cream. Those simple pleasures are spiritual in nature I think flow. And this one's making me hungry! We've been trying to avoid dairly and I am wondering if perhaps my littlest one has a dairy allergy. She certainly has some kind of allergies, poor think is so itchy all the time. I'm kind of hoping she'll grow out of it, doing Benedryl to try to alleviate the symptoms. A visit with an allergist may be in our future, though.

I used to love DQ sundays. I find guilty pleasure in those 'drumstick' cones you can find in the stores whie you wait to check out. When it comes to ice cream my favorite is vanilla, ie, Bryers Natural Vanilla Bean. Frozen custard is also one of my weaknesses...mmm frozen custard.
InLove said:
Hi and Peace!

You made me smile, flow--life's awakenings can come in the smallest of packages!

Like my new grandbaby coming in September? (I won't write the whole story down in duplicate, but before I saw this thread, luna, I posted in "Belief and Spirituality" on Earl's "Hint's From Dream Time" thread. I have a renewed conviction regarding the messages we are given through our dreams, and if I had been paying attention, I would have known much sooner about this new addition to my growing family!)

Hi InLove, So wonderful to see you posting. :) I hope you are feeling more comfortable these days, feeling better. Congrats on the new grandbaby! Terrific news. Will she be a Libra (like me ;) ).

My sewing project slowed down over the summer but while visiting my family in NY I went with my mom to a great quilt shop...ooh, I could have spent a lot of money in there. All those lovely fabircs. I was quite captivated by some colorful batiks. My mom bought me some beautiful Chinese fabrics and I can't wait to work them into my project--I'm also getting excited about the idea of doing some small wall-hangings too. Trying to keep it small so I won't get overwhelemd. There was good response from my family anyway over my little totes.

My older daughter starts first grade in two weeks! I am more moved by this that I was for preschool or k-garten because she will be gone full days five days--I'm going to miss her.

Glad to see you back girlfriend!
Jamarz said:
Greetings to all,
What is new with me, hmmm. I spent quite a bit of time reading thru the threads (yesterday evening) since I am a newbie. I admit that I wonder if I am ready for all this intellectual posturing. Esp after reading the Politics thread, my brain hurt and my heart was heavy.

I was a former Seminary student, but I had to drop out because 2 chronic health illnesses that caused so much physical pain and "brainfog." My thinking was severely affected and now, that I am beginning to climb up out of the dark night of my soul, I think that I may have jumped too soon into intellectual dueling. Time will tell.

BTW, In Love, Grandchildren are the best. :)
Hi again Jamarz, my CO neighbor :) ,

Don't be intimidated by the threads, you can swim as fast or slow as you'd like. I typically just tread water myself. I have learned a lot here and the experience of trying to explain what I think to other people has really helped me clarify and understand my own beliefs, and reading others has opened up many new ideas for me. We're small, but we are a community (and we have our squabbles as well, just like other families :) ).

Glad to hear you are feeling better after your dark night. Again, welcome to the boards.

Hi Luna !

Yup, the Swiss really did it to us with all this delicious dairy stuff. But I'm not really sure that they invented much of it. It's all pretty much a global cultural phenomenon IMO.

My Mom's got a slight allergic reaction to dairy also. It makes her cough afterwards, kind of like an asthmatic reaction. But, you know, a sundae's worth it to her.

Some time ago I switched from regular to organic milk. Really strange dreams that I was having pretty much went away, and I've had no allergic problems since then. When I was partaking of the regular chemical-laced versions of the product i would sometimes have lactose intolerant reactions of different kinds, but none since I've switched. Try the organic thing on your little ones. It costs a little more, but it keeps longer and tastes alot better.

earl said:
We're expecting our 2nd grandkid too-no premonitory dreams for me re that tho did have 1 that "his" name will be Nathan:p Time will tell if that's right. Jamarz-hope you're well on the medn. I wouldn't worry re dueling brains around here-at least in my case, not only isn't that my preferred mode, but if I attempted it only party I'd injure would be myself-when I shoot my mouth off typically just shoot myself in the metaphorical foot so to speak.;) this place for me is primarily for comraderie & enjoyment of a sorts. Make it what you want. take care, earl
Congratulations! What a blessing (the new grandchild, that is. :p ).

Life is but a dream, eh? So glad you continue to 'burden' us with your metaphorical foot.

flowperson said:
Hi Luna !

Yup, the Swiss really did it to us with all this delicious dairy stuff. But I'm not really sure that they invented much of it. It's all pretty much a global cultural phenomenon IMO.

My Mom's got a slight allergic reaction to dairy also. It makes her cough afterwards, kind of like an asthmatic reaction. But, you know, a sundae's worth it to her.

Some time ago I switched from regular to organic milk. Really strange dreams that I was having pretty much went away, and I've had no allergic problems since then. When I was partaking of the regular chemical-laced versions of the product i would sometimes have lactose intolerant reactions of different kinds, but none since I've switched. Try the organic thing on your little ones. It costs a little more, but it keeps longer and tastes alot better.


Hi flow, the organic milk suggestion was just made to me this morning by our pediatrician, so I will try it. I've been kind of avoiding the allergist trip because it can be a long expensive process and in the end the answer is yup, she's allergic to pollen, animals, dairy...plus other unknowns. :) At least we have been spared the violent peanut allergies that seem to common in kids these days.

InLove said:
Hi Jamarz--welcome to CR:)

I can truly relate to what you referred to as "beginning to climb up out of the dark night of my soul". I know about the "brainfog", too! I have had to put aside some of the posting I really wanted to do for almost a year now.

But my good friend, lunamoth, once gave me some very good advice: She simply told me not to worry about the heavy stuff until I was ready again. So I have become quite a "lounge lizard" over the past few months (here in CR---LOL---not in everyday life!).

Sometimes I envy those who can speak in more intellectual terms, but I do appreciate them and learn from them. And I have found that most of the time, they appreciate my simple way of expressing my thoughts, as well. And then, there are just some subjects and conversations I decide not to get involved in, and that's okay, too.

So, I encourage you to just come on in and participate just as you are. Moreover, I thought you expressed yourself very well and quite creatively. Have you done any writing elsewhere?

Glad to meet you!:)


I am bacckkkk.:eek: Thanks, InLove, for all the kind words. I have done professional freelance writing for awhile and I have written poetry but have not been published as yet. The Internet opens a whole new world for publishing, so I plan to work with an editor, to begin writing my memoirs. Taking tiny baby steps ha. My folks live in Spring, Texas and I know that state well from traveling there from Colorado for the past 25 years.;)
I really like Austin, the Hill Country, and San Antoino: lots of history in that state! I wouldn't live in Houston, as the humidity is suffocating to us high and dry folks.

Thanks for the welcome.

Hasta Luego, Jamarz :cool:
lunamoth said:
Hi again Jamarz, my CO neighbor :) ,

Don't be intimidated by the threads, you can swim as fast or slow as you'd like. I typically just tread water myself. I have learned a lot here and the experience of trying to explain what I think to other people has really helped me clarify and understand my own beliefs, and reading others has opened up many new ideas for me. We're small, but we are a community (and we have our squabbles as well, just like other families :) ).

Glad to hear you are feeling better after your dark night. Again, welcome to the boards.


Thanks, sometimes I will tread and other times I'll probably sink, but I know that I do need to do this so I will probably whine once in awhile.:eek:
Anyway, I had better run for now. I can't believe that you are a Libra, too.;)
My grandson was born in the beginning of October last year so he is a Libra.:) Almost time for his first b-day.
flowperson said:
Hi Luna !

Took my Mom to a Sonic drive in last night an we both got one of their $.99
mini-banana splits. It wasn't huge by any measure, but was delicious and certainly filled our sweet teeth. I highly recommend them along with McDonald's $.99 sundaes, especially the hot fudge with nuts. Not so many calories or fat in such small treats either !

Not exactly what one might call a spiritual experience, but a valuable, albeit small, break from the grim routines that life becomes if we let it.


Hola flow,
Ice Cream has been of my staples thru this hot summer(and I wonder why I have gained 8 lbs :D ) and I am a Dreyers Ice Cream freak. I used to live in Oakland, California near Grand Avenue, their original store where it all began. My two favorite flavors are Rocky Road and Carmel Delight, Light with 1/2 the fat. I put Carmel Delight in my coffee (yes, I am a strong coffee lover) and wow, much better, cheaper and lower in calories than a Starbucks.:)
Hi Jamarz !

Speaking of coffee, I limit myself to one cup when I get up and go to work, so I savor really good coffee. Trader Joe's seems to have the best raw materials for a good cup.

My daughter left a bag of Lion macadamia coffee from Hawaii here on her way back to the midwest where she's spending the summer. I'd never had it before. The bag says that they've been growing and roasting it since 1894, AND IT'S THE BEST I'VE EVER TASTED.

Don't know where she got it, but she lives on the beach in L.A. Try the specialty stores there. You might get lucky, Libra lioness. By the way one of my great grandmothers was named Libra. Just another small world thing, but I refer to such happenings as harmonic convergences.

Welcome back to the light. I've also been where you've been, and it passes with time and self-care. Keep writing when the Spirit speaks to you. It's what we're here for.

Ah, just getting ready for a couple of "major" things here: school starts September 5th (and I'm still not sure if my twice a week class is going to be held), plus I'm going to be helping out the couple of friends who have helped me out when I really needed a hand (he currently works with a very local alternative paper and she has found out that she's on a fellowship in math sciences, plus they are moving into a brand new apartment complex towards the end of August.) I'll be "swordsitting" their "cutlery", also.

I also have another new manager (three in the past month and a half) and at least two evictions plus one voluntary move. One of the downstairs neighbors is trying to help her furred purrson/"manager" who is dealing with cancer and the guy across the hall from me has been given a warning to "turn down the volume" (or he'll get evicted.) The fire marshall gave him a lecture for blocking the door in his apartment with an armchair as in placing the chair in the middle of the hall inside his apartment (a hazardous situation in case of emergency) as did the people who help do maintainence (both the fire marshall and the maintainence people were :mad: .)

Anyway, I'll wait in giving congratulations to the parents-/grandparents-to-be until the births, okay?

*the :kitty: delegation comes into the thread and sniffs everybody, some of the :kitty:s latching onto a member or two*

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine