The heart is more powerful than the brain!


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The heart is more powerful than the brain!

I was watching a documentary last night, concerning the idea that the heart is like a brain! The heart has nerve bundles that are [like?] neurons, and that the heart was as much a part of the thinking mind as the brain, infact the heart and brain is like a circuit. Its em is actually 50,000 times more powerful that the brain's, and it's power reaches six foot from its centre, thus when we are near each other our thoughts entwine! In fact it was speculated that wherever we have nerve bundles we have neurons [?], which pretty much means that the entire nervous system is the organ of the mind!

The program centred around heart transplants as recipients recovered memories from the previous owner. In an experiment [where a set of grotesque and beautiful images were passed before the subject], the heart was measured to respond to external stimuli – before the brain! Now it was mentioned that the heart also responded just before the event of the next image, so without thinking that the heart is psychic too i presumed thus; the scientist in the room with the subject of the experiment had obviously already seen the images, i feel then that if the heart receives external input like a radio – and outputs similarly thence placing the info into it's memory, then hearts communicate! The subject of the experiment new what the next image was going to be, because the scientist had the memory of the image!?

There is also a mini-brain in the stomach apparently. It explained why you have "gut" feelings in your stomach when you think something is wrong. Also when you can tell someone is watching you or someone is behind you. I would expect that the heart also plays a role in this, as it receives info from a two metre sphere surrounding it in all directions.

The organ of love.
As hearts can communicate with each other, more importantly they literally are the heart of the emotions. So when two people meet for the first time [in close proximity], their respective hearts 'read' each other, so that we get an immediate impression of who the other person is. This can explain how we have feelings of love as soon as we meet a compatible heart in another person, it does not explain how we can fall in love with someone 'when eyes meet across a room' though, perhaps a visual input can stimulate a similar response in the heart?!

There is also a mini-brain in the stomach apparently. It explained why you have "gut" feelings in your stomach when you think something is wrong. Also when you can tell someone is watching you or someone is behind you. I would expect that the heart also plays a role in this, as it receives info from a two metre sphere surrounding it in all directions.
The heart receives info before the brain, then the brain works on that info, with some going to the brains memory and others to the memories of the heart and other respective organs, it's a circle!

Sometimes when we meet people, there is like a wall between the two individuals [their hearts], perhaps this occurs as a result of the heart trying to gather an immense amount of info all at once, kind of like brain overload [a mix of both probably]. This would be stronger in proportion to the depth and power of the individual before you, if they are a threat then this proportion would be relatively high - i presume.
I would say the opposite is true as concerns love i.e. That there is an attraction, similar to magnetic attractions – hmm or literally in a sense! This makes the idea of true love so much more real! In fact, electro-chemically real, as well as spiritual [mindful]. It is interesting how we have so much control of our brain [comparatively], yet most – including the heart [the most powerful organ] seam to operate by themselves. The brain and heart though, are said to be like a circuit, perhaps the other organs are too! In the interacts then, is where we have a modicum of control. The heart seams also to be like a collection place of our most inner beliefs and fundamental personality factors! So when you fall in love perhaps there is much 'like attracts like' going on like two radios of the same frequency tuning in to each other.
I would think that generally who we are is distributed throughout the nervous system i.e. to the relative parts – where each organ has a capacity for every kind of mindful and emotional nature. When you meet 'the right person' then i would think that primarily a hang in glove aspect where all natures attract and repel each other.

This then is the outer nature – or the physical form of the self, which is a mirror of the spiritual self. Between the two i would say are the chakra's, if we then add the Egyptian concept of the organs as parts of the soul then we can build a bigger more concise picture of who we are and how we work.

To this i would then add astrological influences; the planets have spirit/being and an immense electro-magnetic power! Each planet and stellar region affects each respective part of the body! The planets have a more direct physical influence, whilst the stars work as a collective, aspected as differentiating regions of 'the whole' or environmental sphere of influences. To this i would add that there are patterns to how this all works as we continue to link arriving at the influence of time... but that probably another thread altogether.
The heart is a mere pump... Nothing more. And nowhere near... nowhere near as complex as the brain.... And... There is a "mini brain" in the stomach? Oh how I hope you are not a surgeon....

So say they transplant the heart of a pig into human? Would you have the memory of that pig? One other thing... How is it possibly for this heart to hold memory? Even a dead brain holds no memory.... It cannot be reanimated to life... Such as once believed if you take the eyes out from the dead the last things they saw are stored in the eye lol..... Any other parts of the body that hold mini brains? Because all the liver kidney, steaks and so on I eat!! I think I am getting memories of the sheep and cows and pigs... :\
Actually, 17th, there is a great deal about the body that we don't understand. Biology is not black and white. Anatomy is not clear cut. Things constantly happen that we can't explain because the complexity of it all is beyond our current comprehension. And indeed there are nerve plexi in various areas of the body that could be considered 'mini-brains' and we cannot be sure what they may or may not do.
sara[h]ng;78764 said:
Actually, 17th, there is a great deal about the body that we don't understand. Biology is not black and white. Anatomy is not clear cut. Things constantly happen that we can't explain because the complexity of it all is beyond our current comprehension. And indeed there are nerve plexi in various areas of the body that could be considered 'mini-brains' and we cannot be sure what they may or may not do.

Where is memory stored in the heart then? It is pretty much black and white if you have an understanding of the body..
Where is memory stored in the heart then? It is pretty much black and white if you have an understanding of the body..
Perhaps "where" might be the wrong question, especially if you bring the concept of non-locality into it. "How?" might be more appropriate, IMHO. The act of remembering something is a creative process, after all. ;)
In the same manner, isn't the brain "just flesh?"

I see it as different from all other organs.... This grey matter is the most sophisticated part of the body.. The other parts are simple tinker toys.... filters, pumps, asborbers, "sewer" systems... But the brain... thats different ;\ that has it's own thing going on, it has control over all other organs.. and the nerves and what not... It's purpose is management :D But still... Once it's dead it's useless I would wager there will never be technology that can "claw" back memory from a brain... Just nah... Once somehting is dead it's useless in my eyes... Well apart from being used as fertiliser or eating then it's completley useless.

So with that being my opinion I cannot accept that someone has a heart transplant and they seem to have memory of the previous owner lol...
17thAngel said:
I see it as different from all other organs.... This grey matter is the most sophisticated part of the body.. The other parts are simple tinker toys.... filters, pumps, asborbers, "sewer" systems... But the brain... thats different ;\ that has it's own thing going on, it has control over all other organs.. and the nerves and what not..
What would it do to your thinking ability if you had a heavy duty toothache? How would your thinking ability be affected if an elephant stepped on your toe? How do your hormones affect your thinking ability? {How do your significant other's hormones affect your thinking ability? :eek: } Are these "simple tinker toys" beholden to the brain, or is the brain beholden to these "simple tinker toys?" Perhaps it goes both ways?
What would it do to your thinking ability if you had a heavy duty toothache? How would your thinking ability be affected if an elephant stepped on your toe? How do your hormones affect your thinking ability? {How do your significant other's hormones affect your thinking ability? :eek: } Are these "simple tinker toys" beholden to the brain, or is the brain beholden to these "simple tinker toys?" Perhaps it goes both ways?

There are areas you can shut off via pressure on the brain if you shut down parts of the brain, an elephant steeping on your toe, arm, leg or face or whatever wouldn't be felt.... Toothache another thing that comes from pain which is nerves? Which is controled by? The brain yes.....

Can the heart choose to shut down and paralyze the entire body? (sleep) and run werid mysterious scans and whatever else it is it does while your body is idle (dreaming, Rem and so forth...)

A heart is a mere pump... fact.
The brain... who really know how far that goes... There is just no way any other part of the body is as complex as the brain... And with out the brain your body would be useless... The "brain like activity" from the heart and the mini brain in your stomach lol would not suffice.
Just because you declare it to be a fact does not necessarily make it so.

*jaw drops....*

What Does the Heart Do? Lesson Idea 3-5
Intro to the Heart
All About the Heart
What Does The Heart Do? Lesson Idea K-2
Science Project _ The Human Heart (Make a Display and a Working Model)
The Human Heart
The Heart and the Circulatory System
Regulation of Human Heart Rate
Teachers' Domain: Map of the Human Heart
Just grabbed a few... I am not taking just my word that the heart is but a pump... I am taking thousands of peoples words and prooven results that the heart is just a pump lol.....

One question do you seriously... seriously.. feel with your heart?
Have you examined it a closely as these folks?
These scientists admit that viewing the heart as a "mere pump" is a rather simplistic model.

One question do you seriously... seriously.. feel with your heart?
Have you ever quieted your mind enough to investigate this yourself?
Have you examined it a closely as these folks?
Inflammatory mediators in chronic heart failure: an overview -- Anker and von Haehling 90 (4): 464 -- Heart
These scientists admit that viewing the heart as a "mere pump" is a rather simplistic model.

Have you ever quieted your mind enough to investigate this yourself?

No I don't feel with my heart. I feel nothing whatsoever. I see something bad... or see something good it is in my head I have a reaction to it not my heart... So... Again. Do you seriously feel with your heart?
Hi Z- I saw that programme too.

Actually, 17th - if you Google 'brain in the heart' you might find out about it.

IJBEM Vol. 4, No. 2, 2002

Our Heart "Brain"

It's quite an interesting area of research.

No I don't feel with my heart. I feel nothing whatsoever. I see something bad... or see something good it is in my head I have a reaction to it not my heart... So... Again. Do you seriously feel with your heart?
I can say that my heart is effected by emotions. Where the emotions that effect my heart come from, who knows?
Hi Z- I saw that programme too.

Actually, 17th - if you Google 'brain in the heart' you might find out about it.

IJBEM Vol. 4, No. 2, 2002

Our Heart "Brain"

It's quite an interesting area of research.


Will read your links....

I can say that my heart is effected by emotions. Where the emotions that effect my heart come from, who knows?

That is interesting... You mean such as... If you are fearing? Your heart beat becomes more rapid.. Or if your calm and relaxed it slows? and so on? Or is there something more than that? The only thing I have ever noticed with my heart is its change of rate and that is all really... Amazing if you mean more than just blood rate being raised or lowered.

This is an area that's been on British TV more than once of late. I don't think anyone is saying there's a second brain hiding behind the heart. The brain is essentially nervous tissue and the heart also has a lot of important nervous tissue associated with it (obviously!) so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that there is more to our hearts than "just" being a pump. I seem to recall the good old Stegosaurus had a second "brain" somewhere around its hind legs. Or was that just in a Calvin and Hobbes strip I read?:)

The 'small brain in the heart' is the same neural tissue as in the brain. It's the same stuff the brain is made of.

One of the questioned posited was, how does the heart remember to beat? What makes it go on? An answer was part of this simple neural structure 'remembers' - a bit, as I recall, like passing a signal on a loop, rather than consciously going "beat ... and again... again ... now ..." so its a biochemical thing, rather than a conscious or 'thought' act - but having said that most of our brain works in the same way, we don't consciously think about hearing, or seeing ... we just do.

The interesting bit was the field radiating from the heart is significantly stronger than that radiating from the brain,

That the heart seems to have priority over some of the signals received via the central nervous system ... or rather the nervvous system informs the heart as a matter of priority?

That the heart 'moderates' the amount of energy the brain puts into a response... a bit like the sound is coming from the brain, but the heart has control of the volume... ?

So the heart may well just be a pump, but it's a 'clever' pump, and sometimes it tells the brain what to do...
