interesting near-death account


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Just saw this link posted in the Buddhist forum iIperuse, (the fellow put this near-death account into the context of Buddhist views, and interesting post in itself). Her account is of course consistent with the account of many others down to the after-effects, including for some heightened awareness in daily life for some folk. Thought about cross-posting this in the liberal Christian forum as obviously could apply there. Anyway, thought her experiences interesting-given the consistency of such reports across individuals, it suggests that what they experience may really be the way it is to some degree:

So there you go, Flow, another wonderful rabit hole to dive down.;) :D earl
Hi Earl:

I've read quite a few of these descriptions and have actually read through some issues of a NDE Academic Journal at a medical school library. These experiences differ in content, but are consistently similar in form. The spirit separates from the body, it observes the body, light is sensed, old friends and relatives make themselves known, otherness and peace enfold the journeying spirit, post NDE brain function is sometimes dramatically altered.

In my own case, I didn't experience any of the glitzier episodes, I just went out from loss of blood. I saw lots of orange colors when I closed my eyes and as I went out large black cracks formed in the orange fields. I woke up a day and a half later in ICU and went out again for another day. Then after awaking for good I began to sense the world around me differently and was overwhelmed by a sense that I had been given life to do important things. That feeling and the enhanced brain function has not left me after twenty five years or so.

Thanks for the looks interesting...when I have the time...twitch, twitch...I'm late...for a very important date.

How about a similar rabbit hole? There is in Tibetan Buddhism the notion of the "delog,"; one who has had a near-death experience and whose return to the "living" involves a great teaching or confirmation to the community of spiritual aspirants:
Death brings eternal life, (lessons), in more ways than one;)

Alice-in-Wonderland, :D earl

You know, don't you, that you're really relentless ?

By the way, the name Alice , is a derivative of the Greek word "aletheia" which in turn means "truth". I sure miss her here...huh?

Also, I've always found it to be interesting that only the ancient Egyptian and Tibetan civilizations found it necessary to compose a "Book of the Dead". Interesting stuff.

Thanks again !

Yeah Flow. So do I. I was even thinking of asking you what became of her as I don't see her around anywhere lately. Have a good one, earl
Hi, Y'all:)

This thread is too good to let you two keep it for yourselves! Thanks, earl, for starting it. I must admit, I try never to miss one of your posts--particularly when it is a threadstarter.

I have not read all the way through the second link about the Tibetan view of NDEs (am I saying this right?). But I did finally finish the first one. And even though my own recent experience was not what is normally referred to as an NDE, I came away from it with a renewed longing to understand how it is that if God is pure Love, how could "He" ever exclude anyone over things like religious perception? This is something that my mind has struggled to grasp all my life, but that my heart has known all along. My longing has finally been addressed, but not in a way I yet know how to explain. I notice that the term "ineffable" often comes up in accounts of Spiritual experiences, and I can relate.

But that does not mean I can't try.:) And I think that I am supposed to. But I have lots of learning, studying, meditating (should I pray for "traveling"?:)) to do. I can only let my Master take the lead, and give me the words where Love sees fit.

I want to discuss the subject of visions in a little more depth, since it was addressed so beautifully in the article. But I am still recovering, and I still tire easily. I am made to "lie down in green pastures" in more ways than one, but they are truly green (and blue, and red, and yellow, and colors that are, well, ineffable.:cool:)

So, I just wanted to stop by and get in on this, and I'll "come back" later.;)

Hi InLove. Would be interested in hearing re your experiences/reflections. What is interesting to me re the NDE's is that, as Flow said content may differ (which seems to some degree "cultural-" Christian interpreters may interpet their experiences through that lens & have "Christian" visions, while Buddhists have buddhist experiences), while form may be rather universal-experience of the all pervasive Divine light, loss of most self-idenitifcation to melt into "onness," see deceased loved ones and encounter spiritual beings, undergo life review and receive teachings. While nearly all published accounts of NDE's in the West contain only uplifting visions, some rare ones have reported "hellish" ones. In Buddhist thought the "hell realms" the second article mentioned relates to that view put rather simplisitically that realms reflect that the state of mind of the deceased-our "hellish" states of mind -create "hellish" realities and literally a changed state of mind changes the realm into which we are reborn-literally in Buddhist though nothing is "permanent." There is even their belief that a divine being, a bodhisattva, Ksitigarbha-tends to those in hellish realms continually to save them from their continued existence there. So in their view Love/compassion pervades Reality to all its darkest corners. So, is post-life reality all Love and light? Don't know but personally I tend to think so for the most part. I do believe that the lesson taught in the first link is what it's all about-Love and connection. As I type this, my 7 1/2 yo grandson is outside the window looking for frogs with his grandmother and his father and new wife are in the house somewhere doing their thing. I feel content with the love and connection I'm reminded of everytime we get together. What greater joy in life could there be?:) Have a good one, earl
I neglected to add that what I find most interesting re the role of the delog in Tibetan Buddhism is that they accord the experiences and teachings of such a near-death experiencer in high regard. Compare that with western modern (or is that post-modern:p ) attitudes which tend to give it no notice. I believe, particularly in view of the fairly uniform consistency of such experiences, we should indeed esteem them as highly in western society for the gems of wisdom they bring back with them; they seem to be giving the rest of us a peek behind the veil. earl
Hello All:

I heard a squib on NPR the other day that some very influential professors of Psychology and Psychiatry in the East are beginning to do some extensive work in this area by gathering the experience stories of recovered NDE subjects and are attempting to place them in some sort of patterning scenario. It will be interesting to see what commonalities and theories come out of the studies.

The main point of the piece was that these stories are so private and personal that those who hear them first hand, doctors/nurses/case workers, usually do not relate them for fear of being judged by the institutional establishment since most institutions discourage this kind of information as superstitious mumbo jumbo. I still have hope and faith that western medicine practitioners will learn something from folk wisdom that has been with us all for millenia and which used to be revered as material that built familial mythologies.
