Majjhima Nikaya


Well-Known Member
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Dallas, NC
I went to a website offering books as a type of dana, and I selected one. Of course they had to wait to get funding to send me the book, and now I have it. It is called "Pressing Out Pure Honey, A Practioner's Study Guide." It is a book of notes by Sharda Rogell on the Majjhima Nikaya. I believed it to be the actual Sutras. I do not wish for this book to go to waste as it was given to me free in the act of true compassion. If anyone has actually read the Majjhima Nikaya, and they promise to give it to someone after they read it, I will mail it to them. This can be my way of dana to make sure the funds that provided me this book did not go to waste. Send me a Private message with your address. After I have sent it, I will post a message saying it is no longer availabe.
Please be sincere in having read the Majjhima Nikaya. It will be the only way this truly sincere book will benefit you.

Thank you.