Encounter With The Beloved

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Who amongst those here on this forum have had an intimate, personal and intense encounter with the Divine that lasted more than a few weeks and had such a profound effect on you that it changed the way you viewed life, God and reality in a dramatic and lasting way?

I have had such an experience. For 3 months I was immersed in the wonder of the Beloved(Allah/God as referred to by sufis). I was in a state of total union and love with the Divine in myself, the creation and all created beings. I could physically hear a musical singing eminating from all things. Each things both living and inanimate was singing a unique song that all fit together in one grand beautiful chorus of harmony and praise all in and to the Glory and Majesty of the Supreme Light of Love that is our creator. I was reading the Qur'an leading up to this experience. I had grown weary of my years involved with the Black Arts of the occult. I had reached out to the universe in a desperate plea to be shown what was real, why I was here and made myself open to whatever was to be shown me. What I experienced was a direct revelation from the One I now know as the Beloved, my Beloved creator, the cherisher and sustainer of my body, mind and soul. I have found sufism to be the most close to my heart path for turning my heart and mind to the goal of union with Allah/God/my Beloved.

Perhaps others are familiar with what I have spoken here. Please share, I am most interested and am most grateful for any and all sincere input regarding this.

Peace Be With Us

Sounds like a great experience. Had about 6 months of ascetism and solitude in 1997 that did great things. Multiple expansions of consciousness, and the real climax to a process already in the making. Direct communion is darn hard to maintain, though - you've got to drop so much conscious control to reach that level. Now I have a young family and communion is definitely the least of my concerns. For the moment...

What was best is that I was able to bring back information to work with. New scientific theories and concepts, for starts. My fiction writing is the oulet for those ideas.

I love the music idea that you speak of - certainly felt the interconnectedness, and though I consciously thought of it as music, I don't remember hearing it as melody (I heard some rhythms, but I hear music anyway).

Anyway - great avatar - brilliant colour. :)
Divine Chorus

The Fool said:
I love the music idea that you speak of - certainly felt the interconnectedness, and though I consciously thought of it as music, I don't remember hearing it as melody (I heard some rhythms, but I hear music anyway).
Peace to you

The music of the Divine that I heard wasnt the kind of music we know as say gregorian chants or harps strumming or even beautiful spiritual trance (which I am quite fond of) it was more like a vibration of each unique lifeform that I was graced by the Beloved with the ability to hear. It was like the sound an object or lifeform makes as it exist in the perpetually unfolding love of the Supreme. I have had many ideas intellectually as to the dynamics of this aspect of my experience but as in most mystical experiences it is a tale sadly told of an event that will forever be a beautiful moment beyond the abilities of language to define or explain.

Peace Be With Us

for me it is self awareness, and not deity or beloved awareness. it is also a state that i can induce upon another at will if they are in the room with me. it is called the "present moment"...that elusive thing that so many think they have experience of, but so few have ever. it is a link with the active & passive principles as they are continuously flowing. giving forces a label is natural if one is conditioned to. but experiencing these forces as unpolluted by definition is the best way to get a fix on how creation works and manifests, and allows you to experience yourself as "what" you are, instead of "who" you are. my perception based on my experiences, and not to be taken as a debate.

I personally use the term "empathy" as a blanket reference to a lot of what is described - ultimately, because a lot appears to occur through a sense of "feeling" of being, rather than thinking.