7 Teachings of Sant Mat, and, Introductory Meditation Instructions


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7 Teachings of Sant Mat, and, Introductory Meditation Instructions
7 Teachings of Sant Mat, The Path of the Masters

*1) There is God.

*2) God is Love.

*3) All of the world scriptures teach about the same manifestation
of God as inner mystical Light and Sound.

*4) Our true identity is soul, the Self. Soul is part of God and
therefore is, like God, pure love.

*5) During this human existence we have an opportunity to experience

*6) As we experience communing with God's love during meditation --
Surat Shabd Yoga, we can rise above body-consciousness and explore
Inner Space, the "Kingdom of the Heavens" that are within us. "We
travel back from the realm of Darkness to the realm of Light, from
the Light to divine Sound, and from the realm of Sound to the
Soundless state." (Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj) The drop merges back into
the Ocean of Love (Anurag Sagar, God, Ram, Radhasoami, Radha Soami,
Radhaswami, Paramatma, Anadi Purush).

*7) As we get initiated into the Mysteries of the Spirit by a Living
Teacher (Sant Satguru), the purpose of our life is fulfilled.
Reuniting with God is our reason to be here: "It was for the sake of
the God-conscious beings that our True Lord created this earth, and
began this play of death and birth." (Adi Granth) Kabir says: "For
millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake?"

Jyoti Meditation (Inner Light Meditation) -- Introductory
Meditation Instructions

These are the introductory meditation instructions for new people
not yet formally initiated into Surat Shabd Yoga meditation (inner
Light and Sound).

Master Kirpal Singh: "Meditation is the process of withdrawing the
attention from the world outside, and focusing it at the seat of the
soul in the body, behind and between the eyebrows. This point is
known as the inner eye, third eye, the single eye, shiv netra, tisra
til, or the divya chakshu. In order to withdraw our attention and
focus it on this point, mind must be controlled and stilled.

"Sit in one pose, and move not your head, limbs or eyes. Sit
straight but relaxed with no tension in the body below. Sit still,
please. To be still does not mean moving!"

His arms sweep inward, hands contracting to the point between his

"Close your eyes as in sleep, and look sweetly, lovingly, intently
into the middle of the darkness lying in front of you. You will see
a dark veil. That which sees the dark veil within, without the help
of your physical eyes, is the inner eye. Do not put any strain on
your physical eyes, nor turn them upwards, for that will result in
headache or heat. Pay no attention to the breathing process... let
it go on naturally.

"There are two currents working in the body; one of motor-currents
or prana or the vital-airs, and the other of surat, or attention,
which gives us the sense of feeling. The Saints do not touch the
prana currents which govern breathing, circulation of blood, growing
of hair and nails. The pranic system of breath-control is the way of
yogis and not that of the Saints. The Saints' way is to concentrate
surat or attention at the single or third eye while mentally
repeating the mantra of five charged names which act as an "open
sesame" to the higher planes.

["Those who are initiated, repeat the five charged words, one by
one, very slowly, mentally, internally, at intervals, so that your
inner eye is not disturbed. Those who have not been initiated, just
sit in sweet remembrance of God... repeating with the tongue of
thought any name of God or Saint which you hold dear." (For example:
Ram, HU, AUM, Allah, Yeshua, Ra-da-swa-me, or some other sacred

"As you look within, you will see a sky, or blue sky: If you look
minutely into it, you will find it studded with stars, or you may
see pinpoints of Light. If so, try to locate the big star out of
them, and fix your whole attention on that. Then you may see the
inner sun or moon. If so, focus all your attention into the middle;
it will break into pieces, and you will cross it. Beyond you will
see the radiant form of the Master or his Master... "

He continues with the esoteric instructions, until everyone is

"...Become the eye itself. Go on looking constantly without a
break.....Any effort on your part stands in the way; let yours be an
effortless effort, and you will find that your soul will be
withdrawn from the body....."
Sant Mat, unless I'm mistaken is more correctly associated with Hinduism, Sikhism and Sufism (as per Wikipedia) so would this thread not be best moved there, where souls and God may be more serenely debated?

i think that it is a very interesting prespective. i dont think that i have ever heard about that prespective in my studies. i do believe that it is more hindu in nature, if im not mistaken, however, i am not very learned in hinduism, which i should probably change soon.

be well in peace
You all are right it is more Hindu. I am kind of new here and made a mistake in my posting. Very sorry all.
oh, there is no problem either way. it was very interesting, at least to me. hinduism is a religion that i am interested in, but have unfortunately studied very little of. but, either way, thanks for the post.

be well in peace
Bendee said:
You all are right it is more Hindu. I am kind of new here and made a mistake in my posting. Very sorry all.
Namaste Ben,

You're right. Almost all the main teachings of Sant Mat are in agreement with Sanātana Dharma teachings. Sant Mat is actually related to the bhakti (devotional) movement within Hinduism, and most of the figures in Sant Mat are considered bhakti sants (saints) in Hinduism.

AUM Shanti,