"Ghost" Writing....

17th Angel

לבעוט את התחת ולקחת שמות
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Have you seen the little piggies crawling in the d
Not talking about when you make a fake name to put on a novel... Obviously I mean the ghost writing where you simple get a pen or whatever and some blank paper and relax... and you can ask questions and such or stay silent and just concentrait and your hand seems to write or draw.... Whats your take on this? Do you believe there is some force actually responding to you? Or something there in the back of your mind wishing for answers so you write them down yourself and just don't realise that it is you and ONLY you doing it? Or maybe others have other ways to explain their opinions on it?

Again I apologise in advance if:

1. Been done.
2. Wrong forum.

This type of writing is also called "automatic writing". Some people do it using a typewriter or computer although the classic way is to hold a pen or pencil and just let your hand do what it wants to do.

Some artists, such as Austin Osman Spare, used the technique to produce some amazing drawings.

Personally I think that it's the same mechanism that is behind the Ouija board and pendulum work (dowsing) -- the ideomotor effect. I'm not convinced that any of the information that comes through is from discarnate entities but is rather from the participant's own subconscious.

Regardless where the information is coming from it can be quite interesting to explore. Pendulums are great for people who want to try this sort of thing out on their own, or with a Ouija board if they have at least one other person to work with. And for anyone who is concerned about the purported dangers of possibly contacting spirits, all you need to do is practice good spiritual protection before, during and after (prayers, casting a circle, wearing blessed protective jewelry or amulets, etc.)

Just keep in mind that just because information comes from an unknown or invisible source does not mean it's true!
Not talking about when you make a fake name to put on a novel... Obviously I mean the ghost writing where you simple get a pen or whatever and some blank paper and relax... and you can ask questions and such or stay silent and just concentrait and your hand seems to write or draw.... Whats your take on this? Do you believe there is some force actually responding to you? Or something there in the back of your mind wishing for answers so you write them down yourself and just don't realise that it is you and ONLY you doing it? Or maybe others have other ways to explain their opinions on it?

Again I apologise in advance if:

1. Been done.
2. Wrong forum.


Coincidental, no dought. No person can hold their hand perfectly still unless they're dead. Nerves act at a constant rate adn therefore, your hand can do some crazy things when you're relaxed. It also depends on temperature and anxiety. If you are cold then you will more than likely shiver and your nerves will bounce off of the wall. If your anxious then you not relaxed, your adrenaline acts up, which in turn causes your nerves to bounce everywhere. Its hard to stay relaxed when things are on your mind so you must clear your mind before you can actually come to a relaxing state.
Coincidental, no dought. No person can hold their hand perfectly still unless they're dead. Nerves act at a constant rate adn therefore, your hand can do some crazy things when you're relaxed. It also depends on temperature and anxiety. If you are cold then you will more than likely shiver and your nerves will bounce off of the wall. If your anxious then you not relaxed, your adrenaline acts up, which in turn causes your nerves to bounce everywhere. Its hard to stay relaxed when things are on your mind so you must clear your mind before you can actually come to a relaxing state.

So again it is but random patterns? And the eye sometimes can make out words from your results.... Nice :) Shame I haven't someone yet though who belives it truly is spirits. That would be interesting to read.
The spirit realm can sometimes come into conflicts with the realm of the living. It is extremely hard to comprehend how and why (in fact I don't know the how and why), but it is always possible. Has anybody here seen Ghost Hunters on SciFi?:D
The spirit realm can sometimes come into conflicts with the realm of the living. It is extremely hard to comprehend how and why (in fact I don't know the how and why), but it is always possible. Has anybody here seen Ghost Hunters on SciFi?:D

lol ghost hunters? That like that cheesy show "most haunted" or errm derek acorah's ghost town lol those shows do make me larf......
Actually, Ghost Hunters isn't all that cheesy. No strings attatched. They really do real investigations in areas that call them up. Have you seen the season finally where they investigate the Stanely Hotel (which was Steven King's insperation for writing "The Shining")? That stuff was real! I'm planning on going on a vacation to that hotel just to scare the bajeebees off myself.:D
I know of stanley hotel...

So you're telling me... That the gypsy.. I mean... The medium, Derek went to stanley hotel and perhaps saw "visions" of the shining? And confirmed this was a true story?..... Please...:rolleyes:

I would love to be on their shows... I'd even pay to be a memeber of staff on the most haunted crew... I'd just laugh and make fun of the people screaming and looking like complete idiots and cowards of their very own imaginations.... on, public, television.... I could never walk down the street without hiding my face if I was that dumb blonde or that fat kid with the sound stand...
I can assure you that automatic writing, as a phenomenon, is very real. Real in the sense that there are sometimes, if not often, other entities involved. The vast majority of cases where a "discarnate" (deceased person) is involved are nothing that spectacular or out of the ordinary. This is a low form of mediumship, and not very advisable to practice, since it is neither safe for you, nor helpful for the entities involved.

Some of the things contacted are *not* human, and will seem to have a malicious intent - easily getting branded "evil" - although this is a label, and an inaccurate one. Obsession is not unheard of, however, so imho the risk is not worth it. That doesn't mean I haven't had my own fair share of experiences ... ;)

Pendulum dowsing is probably safer, although I recommend that once you've satisfied your own curiosity, you treat this the same way as automatic writing. I'm not saying that in rare circumstances something truly worthwhile doesn't or can't come through a mediumistic person using these methods. It's just that in 999 out of 1000 cases, the joke's gonna be on you.

I agree with some of the explanations that have been provided, such that some answers are actually coming from the sub- or super-conscious, even if they seem to originate "outside" of your own awareness. Other entities are by no means always involved. But when it comes to automatic writing, this is one of the easiest ways to get tangled up with entities residing on the astral plane. This is just a bad idea for a whole bunch of reasons, and *seldom if ever* a wise thing to do.

Save yourself a great deal of trouble, and investigate the early psychic experiences of Matthew Manning. Nowadays Matthew uses his psychic gifts for healing - which shows the positive and altruistic application of something which many people just do not understand. At a place where many people with mediumistic tendencies become stuck, Matthew was able to press forward and put his gifts to work. I do not say that he is perfect, or that his gifts are unheard of ... just that they are very real, and that he seeks to put them to good use - and is NOT about sensationalism, or raking in the bucks like the televangelists.

Matthew's site is Matthew Manning... ... but this only shows you what he's doing currently. The section on Matthew's story is helpful, because it gives some information about how all this started for him. He was able to produce drawings from many of the "great" artists of recent centuries, including Picasso and Durer, who signed their own artwork produced through Matthew, appropriately enough. Some of these drawings appear here: Matthew Manning.

For the most information about Matthew's automatic writing and drawing, 17th, I recommend this site: Psychic and Healer - Matthew Manning. There are other noteworthy cases from recent decades, some that date back several centuries, and nowadays you can find hundreds upon hundreds of authors in New Age bookshops claiming to have "channeled" material from Masters, aliens, swamis, spooks, and maybe even dolphins for all I know. My own experience has been that a miniscule fraction of all this turns out to be legit, accurate, or worthwhile, but even the stuff which I've decided to be bunk was perhaps helpful at the time, as I consider it part of my spiritual growth ... and discernment. Along these lines, who are we to determine whether something is really useful or not! ;)

The 1976 film `Beyond Belief,' listed here on IMDB - Beyond Belief (1976) - didn't even get two stars from the reviewers, but I managed to tape it some 10 or 12 years ago, and I consider it one of the most valuable things in my possession. Some of it might seem "psuedo-scientific," as they put it, but the segment on Matthew Manning alone makes the tape worth purchasing (or renting). I, for one, believe every word of what he claims, the vast majority of it being documented by others who were present, including an entire boy's school dormitory, on too many occasions to count, for example.

One example of his automatic writing purports to come from a deceased Eastern Orthodox priest, and the information is said by one church authority to be something that this chap had absolutely NO WAY of knowing, save for actually communicating with the post-mortem priest in question. Ah well, let the skeptics rail on ... usually when I share the VHS tape with people, they change their tune. :)

wow long answer nice :D You touch on quite a bit of detail on areas here.... One thing that always tickles me... Everyone says it...

Ohh don't use a ouji board... don't ghost write.... don't whatever it isn't safe!!! :eek:

Why isn't it safe? When I used to be into some things simular to that nothing -really- happened... It was either drug influnenced or me trying to scare and creep out the others around me... I mean, I can see someones point if they say, "don't try and roller blade down the stairs, it's not safe." But to say "don't sit there and ask questions to the thin air while holding a pencil! It's not safe?!?!" Why? Might I possibly fall to sleep from boredom and poke my eye out?

Also if I try for a moment to take it serious, then who judges what is safe and what isn't how can you tell if you or jim or bill are strong enough to do whatever...
I mean, I can see someones point if they say, "don't try and roller blade down the stairs, it's not safe." But to say "don't sit there and ask questions to the thin air while holding a pencil! It's not safe?!?!" Why? Might I possibly fall to sleep from boredom and poke my eye out?

My father always used to joke about the typical car salesman, and what this kind of person (generally speaking) says to himself the moment a sucker walks in the door. He rubs his hands together, either literally or figuratively, and prepares to wheel and deal. This may even be where we get that expression!

But the point is, he knows a sucker. He knows exactly what to look for. He is well-practiced at taking advantage of people, knows all sorts of ins & outs. He can do this in his sleep, and nothing else really matters to him, so long as he makes his sale. Yes, this is his profession, and there are car dealers who are honest, and genuinely concerned about the buyer. But like lawyers, you'd better be damn careful with your money, and use your shrewdest business sense ... and an extra dose of common sense. And maybe, just maybe, you'll get lucky! ;)

Now transfer this to interactions with people, and things, in the "spirit world." Sure, there are nice people there, and some who are genuinely concerned about your well-being. And most of these (disciples, or what have been called by some `Invisible Helpers') will go out of their way to avoid sending a message through someone just dabbling with a ouija board, pendulum or at a seance. But all sorts of would-be helpers, or even people and elemental lifeforms who mean you no harm, will readily take advantage of an opportunity to communicate to, or through you.

It is not uncommon for poseurs to come off sounding like advanced beings from other planets, or having higher degrees of spiritual attainment on this planet, and so on. "I am ascended master yabbity-bluck, from the shining realms of abracazoo." :rolleyes: Some may actually believe this, some know good & well that they are deceiving you. A small percentage, very small, could be said to actually be disciples, Initiates, and so forth, perhaps a healing Deva - though in such a case, the interaction would be obvious, or easier to guess (you might be healing someone, for example, and not sitting there with your pencil in the air).

But if you like, ask the denizens of the non-physical worlds to say something to or through you. Just in accordance with your goodwill and intention(s), both conscious and subconscious, you may find things on the other side who and which are willing to come through.

17th Angel said:
Shame I haven't someone yet though who belives it truly is spirits. That would be interesting to read.
Spirits, like people, range from the very, very good ... to the very, very wicked. The greatest preponderance in the astral world, whence you will get the most response or interaction, are either slightly "wicked" (by human standards, even if acting only according to their God-given nature, from greater standards), or somewhere in between there and exceedingly wicked. No reason you can't, or won't channel one of the elder souls of Humanity, even an Angel of some type. But if it's gandharvas you seek, try playing the flute, as Krishna did, or even listening to something by Enya ... (Memory of Trees is a good one)

There are some people who are so naturally in touch, in tune, in harmony with the higher worlds, inner world, or spiritual "planes," that every move they make ... works its way from these inner worlds, outward. As the Zen Buddhist Wisdom tells us, the miracle is to walk on Earth. :)


~Zagreus epiphanos
I'm not sure I believe the claim that beings in the invisible world are more wicked or evil than beings here in the physical world. What is the basis for that claim? What proof is there to back it up?

It is naive though to assume that invisible beings are somehow more honest or honourable than random people you might meet on the physical realm. Some will be good people but some will be bad people too. And lots will be somewhere in between.
It is naive though to assume that invisible beings are somehow more honest or honourable than random people you might meet on the physical realm. Some will be good people but some will be bad people too. And lots will be somewhere in between.
Yes, this is part of my point. But I'm referring specifically to the astral plane. This is the world of glamours, of illusions, and of greatest challenge for humanity. Think a thought, or imagine someone/something, and lo! There it is.

Souls can become trapped here for centuries - not always unhappily so, or irretrievably - but not to any great advantage for their evolution. Also, the astral world has many living inhabitants whose entire focus, or thrust in life, is to become engrossed with a denser, more material level of reality (either the denser astral, or the physical). We usually call that `evil.' :(

All about point of view, but some of these will, or would, possess us in a heartbeat - given the opportunity. Nature provides safeguards, but not totally impossible scenarios. And I do think there is even plenty of room for the occasional dabbler.

Hey look, the Spiritualistic Movement of the 19th and early 20th Centuries has advanced us light years in our understanding of the world(s) beyond. But for higher inspiration, seek higher worlds. I'm not knockin the life after death. I'm just saying the majority of stuff that comes from automatic writing, even the stuff that seems sensational and revelatory, really isn't anything we haven't seen already.

Is it a real phenomenon (sometimes), in which other agencies, human and nonhuman participate? I'd bet my life on it. It's fun & games for a lot of people, on both sides of the equation ... but it isn't always totally innocent or just about curiosity.

Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread. And I have been, continue to be, a colossal fool, at times. :p

i'm not sure i agree totally, but you certainly bring an interesting angle to the chat zag...

of topic a bit...i rigged a sceance once - me and my mate ted, tricked 2 of our mates into being thoroughly $h1t scared. we only planned to mess around for a few mins, but it worked so well it went on for hours. imagine a dark room 4 lads round a circular horizontal mirror with scrabble letters on it. i had 3 pieces of string behing going off to various objects round the room which i managed,with much glee to make "fly" at certain times during the evening.
during one speedy vacation of the aforementioned room the scrabble letters were knocked on the floor. i managed to sneek back to the room, whilst the rest were trembling outside, and right "death to all" on the floor. as you can imagine when i finally got them back to the room this pretty much finished them off :D.
eventually i owned up and showed them the strings - one of them took it quite well but me other mate wanted to take my head off...he didnt and calmed down eventually swearing he'd get me back oneday. he did as well...:( it was perhaps irresponsible but hey, i was young...
lol I used to do things like that :D I loved to "encourage" people to chase fantasy and dreams... "There is a ghost here!! aaah" *softly chuckles..* I think my neice and sister got it the worst because they are so set on the 'spirit realm' So they get it at any possible opportunity.

Also young is a state of mind... ;/ I shall be forever young... (laymen terms: forever causing trouble and pulling pranks.)
Actually, Ghost Hunters isn't all that cheesy. No strings attatched. They really do real investigations in areas that call them up. Have you seen the season finally where they investigate the Stanely Hotel (which was Steven King's insperation for writing "The Shining")? That stuff was real! I'm planning on going on a vacation to that hotel just to scare the bajeebees off myself.:D

The show is staged for the audience's entertainment much like anything else on television. Their 'psychic' does research beforehand and then when the cameras are on, pretends the things he learned came to him through psychic intuition.
Not talking about when you make a fake name to put on a novel... Obviously I mean the ghost writing where you simple get a pen or whatever and some blank paper and relax... and you can ask questions and such or stay silent and just concentrait and your hand seems to write or draw.... Whats your take on this?
17th Angel, Zagreus and everyone,

Interesting topic! What you're describing here is a technique I've been using on and off for about 20 years, but I don't call it "ghost writing." In fact I never heard that name for it until I started reading this thread. I call it automatic writing or channeling. I first learned it in a creative writing workshop as a way of getting past writer's block--we were instructed to just write as fast as we could, anything that came into our heads whether it made any sense or not.

I started this exercise with the belief that I could never be a fiction writer because I couldn't write dialogue. Every time I tried, it sounded stilted and phony and not like natural speech at all. Maybe I was being overly critical, but my attempts at dialogue were so embarrassing I couldn't stand the thought of anyone reading them.

But to my absolute amazement, my automatic writing took the form of dialogue immediately! And it flowed naturally and wasn't difficult at all. After a couple of days, the dialogue took on a question-and-answer format, with me (ego/persona) asking the questions, and my source answering. So I asked him what kind of being he was and what his name was, etc.

He replied that he was my "resident earth spirit," that he had been my invisible companion since birth, and that part of his job was to keep me out of trouble whenever possible.

Right away I felt sorry for the poor thing, because I knew better than anyone that it usually was usually NOT possible, especially when I was in my late teens. My source had a very philosophical it's-a-dirty-job-but-someone's-gotta-do-it attitude towards the whole project. In those case (meaning most of the time), his job consisted of damage control and mopping-up operations.

I enjoyed the process and felt I was gaining a lot of insight from it, so I continued. Since then, three other beings have identified themselves. One is an air spirit, but the other two are from a much higher plane than the elementals. These four have been with me ever since. As long as I confine my conversations to them, there is no danger. It's only when I wander off my home turf that I can get into trouble.
Do you believe there is some force actually responding to you? Or something there in the back of your mind wishing for answers so you write them down yourself and just don't realise that it is you and ONLY you doing it?
I've never been able to make up my mind about that! When I first started channeling I assumed the "voices" I was getting were from my unconscious--either the personal unconscious or the collective unconscious. As a devout Jungian I was predisposed to see these entities as the archetypes of the collective unconscious, especially the two highest ones.

So I was VERY surprised when they insisted that they were real astral beings! They didn't especially "mind" if I wanted to see them as archetypes and weren't about to argue with me, but they said it just wasn't the case. Recently I've been wondering if what I'm actually doing is what Jung called Active Imagination. Jung himself channeled a being he called Philemon, who may have been his guardian angel or daimon.

The one thing that confuses me when I read the descriptions of Active Imagination from Jung's disciples is that it's supposed to be very difficult. For me it's always been very easy--but as I said earlier, I just kind of stumbled across the process by accident.
