The Buddha and the single flower...


Give Us This Day...
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Would someone recount the story of the Buddha giving a lecture by holding up a single flower and only one disciple getting it (smiling)?

I love the story, but can't find it.

Once, in ancient times, when the World-Honored One was at Mount Grdhrakata, he twirled a flower before his assembled disciples. All were silent. Only Mahakasyapa broke into a smile.
The World-Honored One said, "I have the eye treasury of right Dharma, the subtle mind of Nirvana, the true form of no-form, and the flawless gate of the teaching. It is not established upon words and phrases. It is a special transmission outside tradition. I now entrust this to Mahakasyapa."


It's a great story.
I just wanted to point out that it is more likely that the words attributed to the Buddha were added later on in history.

"It is not established upon words and phrases. It is a special transmission outside tradition. " Is usually attributed to Bodhidharma when he arrived in China to teach his new Buddhist philosophy which is better known now as Zen.
Namaste all,

interesting discussion.

in point of fact, the Ch'an lineage traces its history back to this very first Dharma talk :)

that phrase "special transmission outside of doctrine" is a tell-tale phrase in Ch'an Buddhist praxis and one can often find this same phrase interspersed in Taoist texts after the arrival of Buddha Dharma in China.

we must bear in mind, however, that the first 5 disciples were quite extraordinarily accomplished meditators and had the direct experience of the Buddha Shakyamuni.. so it may take a bit more for us to get the gist of it :)


Namaste all,

interesting discussion.

in point of fact, the Ch'an lineage traces its history back to this very first Dharma talk :)

that phrase "special transmission outside of doctrine" is a tell-tale phrase in Ch'an Buddhist praxis and one can often find this same phrase interspersed in Taoist texts after the arrival of Buddha Dharma in China.

we must bear in mind, however, that the first 5 disciples were quite extraordinarily accomplished meditators and had the direct experience of the Buddha Shakyamuni.. so it may take a bit more for us to get the gist of it :)



It tells me that all things can be known through observation. You don't need someone else to tell you.

It's handy to have someone point, sometimes...
Namaste all,

interesting discussion.

in point of fact, the Ch'an lineage traces its history back to this very first Dharma talk :)

that phrase "special transmission outside of doctrine" is a tell-tale phrase in Ch'an Buddhist praxis and one can often find this same phrase interspersed in Taoist texts after the arrival of Buddha Dharma in China.

we must bear in mind, however, that the first 5 disciples were quite extraordinarily accomplished meditators and had the direct experience of the Buddha Shakyamuni.. so it may take a bit more for us to get the gist of it :)


Zhou Dunyi said:
"Therefore it is said, 'In representing the Dao of Heaven, one uses thr terms Yin and Yang, and in representing the Dao of Earth, one uses the terms Soft and Hard, while in representing the Dao of Man, one uses the terms Love and Righteousness.'"