Quantum Entanglement and Repeating Phantasms


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I read an article that there is a quality in Quantum Physics that states that once a particle (or possibly only a photon) interects with another particle, they are forever linked in some (currently unknown) way. The term used is called Entanglement. Another article talked about how the air in front of you can be entangled. That brought me to a thought: if the air in front of you can be entangled, and you live in that air for a long time, can that air be entangled with you? And if so, is that air still entangled when you die? I would think this would explain the concept in Ghost Hunting of a Repeating Phantasm. A Quantum Echo of sorts.

Anyone up on their Quantum Physics?

Well, I was trying to be serious. Maybe I didn't come off that way. :)

Fear not, I'll wager there's a veritable gaggle of members up on their quantum thingamyjigs. Just need to be patient!:)

Actually, there is a similarity between quantum entanglement and quantum complimentarity. As you may know, observing anything in the quantum realm is fruitless as a measure of truth since the very act of observation (as it is used in empirical scientific studies) fixes the system being studied in time and the uncertainties and possibilities associated with its dynamical behavior patterns become regularized and known.

Quantum realities and outcomes are always an unknown, although non-linear mathematics can render approximations and probabilities regarding outcomes. The new field of quantum computing is based upon these assumptions, Entanglements define the mingling of systems such that their timelines become linked in time and space and they lose their uniqueness in that they become changed throughout time and space through their interactions. Therefore outcomes and predictions of them become more difficult with the local passage of time.

Complimentarity is a fact that each particle or wave in the quantum realm has a twin somewhere in the universe that will change simultaneousy
in a non-local place as soon as its twin is changed in a local place. This is also a basis in the field of quantum computing. It will be interesting to see how this develps in the future as this field of study is only about ten years old. A far cry from what Heisenberg and Schrodinger taught us regarding the basics of quantum matters at the beginning of the 20th century.

Hmmm, interesting. Are you talking virtual particles? Or particles that exist at the other end of the universe?
Well it could be either I think. There reaches a point when appropriate digital imaging so well simulates high quality analog reality that any real qualitative evaluation of WHAT one is looking at becomes a sort of ultimate reality. Does it even matter what is real or not if there is an utter lack of apparent difference among what is observed. It's all just a matter of pixel density and size as Q pointed out on another thread regarding programmable bug-sized highly reflective systems. They're prototyping some amazing solar powered generators out here in the desert as a side comment.

And besides it was generally decided about twenty years ago that the quantum field was a particle-based reality on a local basis, but probably a non-local wave form field outside of the realities that we are able to observe in our limited ways.

Oh, I was thinking more what Hawking calls 'virtual particles'. The universal flux particles that continuously move in and out of existance. The informational particles that Stephen Hawking predicts exist inside a Black Hole.
Yeah. I understand what you're saying re Hawking. I'm certainly not going to dispute what he says. I was only trying to point out the difficult nature of defining things quantum when the realm exists paradoxically as both particles and wave forms. When observed, wave reality collapses and takes on the nature of particles. When unobserved they remain as energized wave forms.

BTW...among the current objectives of high-energy physics research are to create infinitessimally small black holes and observe them during particle collisions at CERN. Some think that black holes may be some sort of boundary markers between universes on both the macro and micro scales. And, on the macro side of things they seem to mostly exist at the centers of galaxies
