
When I was younger, I would have said yes without any hesitation, probably amending it with "get me out of this human hell NOW!" <lol>
Now, I don't know. There are advantages to being human--not the least of which is proper medical care, and quite a bit of security and comfort. It's interesting to be human. Also, I have a family now, so I couldn't just run off and abandon them.

I'd hate to have such a choice offered to me, really. :) Now, becoming a wolf with the ability to return to being human, there's no decision to be made there, I'd donate my left arm and both kidneys to science for that opportunity.

Ask me again in 20 years, after the kids are grown and are out of the house....
But it's all moot, anyhow.
Winged Wolf said:
When I was younger, I would have said yes without any hesitation, probably amending it with "get me out of this human hell NOW!" <lol>
Now, I don't know. There are advantages to being human--not the least of which is proper medical care, and quite a bit of security and comfort. It's interesting to be human. Also, I have a family now, so I couldn't just run off and abandon them.

I'd hate to have such a choice offered to me, really. :) Now, becoming a wolf with the ability to return to being human, there's no decision to be made there, I'd donate my left arm and both kidneys to science for that opportunity.

Ask me again in 20 years, after the kids are grown and are out of the house....
But it's all moot, anyhow.
I think I would test the water too. I just would not want to get caught real hungry as the wolf and be able to come back quick enough for a good home cooked meal. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it;)
Dear WHKeith

Past lives well did have a case where the girl was on the Titanic and the past life energetics healer was able to track her name on the Titanic ships log.

Dear All

Never heard of otherkins, have heard of walk-ins and there are many calling themselves indigo's and crystals. I always did have a distaste for labels but found the information about otherkins very interesting.

Faithfulservant you could well have a wolf as a 'totem animal' which is a spirit animal, they are usually sent to protect us and warn us if we are approaching danger. I also have a wolf so we are in good company, most revered by the native americans for bringing messages from what they call Great Spirit and we call GOD. There was a wonderful film on TV about this at Christmas in the UK.

Blessings in abundance

I think I may be part fae... is there any way to be positive? :confused:

Blessed Be,
There's no way to be 100% certain of ANYTHING in life. You simply have to go with how you feel. If you aren't sure...perhaps meditating on it, or doing research on things fae, may help you focus in on your feelings.
:)Well The Existance Is Possible. (Hint: :confused:When I Was Only 4 Months Old I Jumped Out A 2nd Story Window :eek:). Can U Do That??:p