A Birth To Be Remembered



A Birth to Be Remembered A Birth to Be Remembered - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site nice link about Jesus birth
‘Unto you is born this day a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.’—Luke 2:11,

Jehovah's angel favored humble shepherds
with the good news of Christ's birth
So... What's your thoughts on that?
Jesus is the way the truth and the life . and this time of year many think of Jesus as a baby , but not many realize that he is now a reigning king ready to go into action . bible prophecy has moved along in the stream of time and Gods purpose for the earth will be accomplished through his son Jesus christ .Seven centuries before Jesus’ birth, Isaiah prophesied about him: “There has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his shoulder.” (Isaiah 9:6) Why did Isaiah indicate that Jesus’ birth and subsequent role would be so significant? Because Jesus would become a mighty ruler. He would be called Prince of Peace, and there would be no end to peace or to his princely rule. Furthermore, Jesus’ rulership would be sustained “by means of justice and by means of righteousness.”—Isaiah 9:7. yes Jesus plays a very big part in the outworking of Gods purpose for the earth . thrilling times indeed that we are living in right now.
And that is your own personal thoughts about this?
yes i do believe that Jesus is the way ,the truth and the life , and his rulership will be just as the bible tells us in isaiah, and yes i certainly do belief that Jesus is now a reigning king in heaven , and the kingship has been given to him by his father Jehovah (the ancient of days) Daniel 7;13-14 and he certainly is the one with the legal right to it.
it will certainly become no one’s until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give it to him."—Ezekiel 21:27. Yes ,Jesus is the one with the legal right to the throne and its all happening . isnt bible prophecy a most wonderful thing, it always comes true, and it has . the appointed times of the nations or(the end of the gentile times as the king James version puts it) ended in 1914 ,and Jesus was given the kingship right on time . and i am welcoming this king as it is the only way to salvation. are you going to put your vote in for this newly enthroned king? i have .
I would just like to add mee..... This is very naughty of you :( You are celebrating a birthday?

So like it's do as I say don't do as I do lol.....

so it's like;

jesus: "Don't celebrate birth dates, as these are evil! you are evil! you get no cake! ME? Oh celebrate my birthday! I has the cake thx!" (well what the JW's would say jesus would say)
I would just like to add mee..... This is very naughty of you :( You are celebrating a birthday?

So like it's do as I say don't do as I do lol.....

so it's like;

jesus: "Don't celebrate birth dates, as these are evil! you are evil! you get no cake! ME? Oh celebrate my birthday! I has the cake thx!" (well what the JW's would say jesus would say)

talking about celebrating or remembering something, we are very close to the time that Jesus said KEEP DOING THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME ,

doing what ?

remembering his death is what Jesus was refering too, that is the only thing that christians are commanded to remember , and this year that yearly event is on the 9th of April :) its good to listen to Jesus
luke 9;35

(Lu 22:19; 1Co 11:24)

Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: “This means my body which is to be given in YOUR behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” luke 22;19

memorializing Jesus death is the thing to be doing, because thats what the bible informs us about . Jehovahs witnesses listen to Jesus :)

I still don't get how that works.....

The JW's will commonly tell you that is shows in the bible no reference to anyone "good" celebrating their birthdate... What of jesus?

Jehovahs witnesses do only what Jesus asked them to , remember his death on a yearly basis.

as for the celebrating of birthdays on a yearly basis the bible does not teach that one ,

but the pagans did along with the candels on the cake .

how did early Christians and Jews of Bible times view birthday celebrations?

“The notion of a birthday festival was far from the ideas of the Christians of this period in general.”
The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries (New York, 1848), Augustus Neander (translated by Henry John Rose), p. 190.

what is the origin of popular customs associated with birthday celebrations?

The various customs with which people today celebrate their birthdays have a long history.
Their origins lie in the realm of magic and religion.
The customs of offering congratulations, presenting gifts and celebrating—complete with lighted candles—in ancient times were meant to protect the birthday celebrant from the demons and to ensure his security for the coming year. . . . Down to the fourth century Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a pagan custom.”
Schwäbische Zeitung (magazine supplement Zeit und Welt), April 3/4, 1981, p. 4.

“The Greeks believed that everyone had a protective spirit or daemon who attended his birth and watched over him in life.

This spirit had a mystic relation with the god on whose birthday the individual was born.

The Romans also subscribed to this idea. . . . This notion was carried down in human belief and is reflected in the guardian angel, the fairy godmother and the patron saint.

. . . The custom of lighted candles on the cakes started with the Greeks. . . . Honey cakes round as the moon and lit with tapers were placed on the temple altars of [Artemis]. . . . Birthday candles, in folk belief, are endowed with special magic for granting wishes. . . . Lighted tapers and sacrificial fires have had a special mystic significance ever since man first set up altars to his gods.

The birthday candles are thus an honor and tribute to the birthday child and bring good fortune. . . . Birthday greetings and wishes for happiness are an intrinsic part of this holiday. . . . Originally the idea was rooted in magic. . . . Birthday greetings have power for good or ill because one is closer to the spirit world on this day.”

The Lore of Birthdays (New York, 1952), Ralph and Adelin Linton, pp. 8, 18-20.

tanks for the post thre Mee.....

"as for the celebrating of birthdays on a yearly basis the bible does not teach that one"

"Jehovahs witnesses do only what Jesus asked them to "

And I am guessing, the things he says not to do, the JW's don't do them... So, did jesus say not to celebrate birthdays? Or is it like an assumption? Just if something was for sure not to be done, I am sure he mentioned it somewhere right? :S
So, did jesus say not to celebrate birthdays?

Did Jesus promote pagan worship,? no he promoted the true God and pure worship.
And Jehovahs witnesses follow the example of Jesus and do as he commanded them
MATTHEW 28;19-20 Jesus luke 9;35 .
That seems like... I dunno... How to describe.... what do we define as pagan/bad worship? Because there is much that is either pagan or another form of religion worship we (even you) do dabble in.... So.... Why miss out on the good stuff :D
as for the celebrating of birthdays on a yearly basis the bible does not teach that one

The Bible doesn't teach how to use toilet paper, either. :)

Alex is right, though - why are you celebrating the Catholic date for the birthday of Jesus when by your own comments, you are not allowed to celebrate birthdays?
I said:
Jehovahs witnesses memorialize his DEATH because Jesus said KEEP DOING THIS , and that is what the bible teaches, we like to stick to what the bible really teaches.
The Bible doesn't teach how to use toilet paper, either. :)

i am glad to say, that with toilet paper there is no false worship attached to it .

in fact just the opposite ,it makes us nice and clean:)