The Twin Pillars of Wisdom


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The most common precepts of religion - known as the Two Pillars of Wisdom - are that there is God, and that compassion is the way of being. More succinctly, Divinity finds expression through compassion.

This is not actually intended to be a statement on the nature of God. The statement itself, in English, can be interpreted in different ways and at different levels. However, it remains a possible interpretation of the common precepts of organised belief systems - though not all.

However, there are many present organisations who could be said to live by Foundationist ideals. Any group seeking to eradicate inequality, such as world poverty, is living by compassion and thus is living the principles of the Foundationist.

A Foundationist approach to religion may see the Twin Pillars of Wisdom at work. However, this is a statement, not a proof, and one to be taken individually. Foundationism is ultimately about a process of exploration, rather than its actual result of that exploration, which will always be according to personal acceptance.

This begins through comparative exploration of human belief systems, but will continue much further as required.
I am slightly confused. If Foundationism is related to agnostic belief then how does a foundationist view God if the existence of God is uncertain?
Namaste all,

the Buddhist position on this would be called Wisdom and Compassion without an inclusion of a Diety.

the fruit of the practice is non-discriminatory Wisdom fused with equanminic Compassion. this is symbolized by the Vajra (Diamond Thunderbolt) and is quite often seen in the various paintings and so forth of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.... especially amongst the Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition.
This sounds interesting. Is this Widom and Compassion equivalent with thought and deed? And is it a developed philosophy or incidental? Do you have anymore information on the Vajra? Sorry for the questions as you piqued an interest.
Namaste Dave,

thank you for the post.

not entirely, though that is a decent enough way to conceptualize it.

Buddhism is, first and foremost, practice oriented and only incidentally philosophically (read intellectual) grounded.

when we speak of Wisdom, this is an active Wisdom and the same is true of Compassion. thus, Wisdom and Compassion fused together (Vajra) are unstoppable for helping all sentient beings. this is an active, engaged process an not an exercise in philosophy.

without question, however, Buddhism is a path that does require a firm understanding of it's philosophical underpinings, however, that is only part of the path.

it is said that there are two ways in which to enter into the Dharma, method and reason. Wisdom and Compassion are method ways to enter into the Dharma. in truth, though, the Buddha said there are 84,000 doors or entries into the Dharma but they break down into two... method or reason.

we can understand the philosophical teachings and thus enter the path by reason. we can implement the teachings and thus enter the path though method.

i don't mind the questions at all :) please ask away and i'll do my best to answer.

i am devoid of learning and bereft of skill with words and i what i post i do only to sustain my own understanding. if someone derives some benefit from my posting it is due to their own good karma ripening.
You are posting well, Vajradhara! We have a small but vary varied forum here, and it's good to see the mature nature of the membership so far. So I'm glad to see you here. I'm learning, always. :)
Namaste Brian,

;D thank you.

in a way.. you've beaten me too it... a comparative religions discussion forum ;) i had been planning to put one together for awhile... but simply didn't have the opportunity to do so...

i try to contribute as much as i can and to learn as much as i can from others contributions as well.

Buddhism is such a large and in-depth field that i'm constantly trying to balance content with clarity and at the same time, not be too loose with the teachings :)
it's been a great learning experience for me, thank you for making it available.
The hardest part about putting this place toegther is all of the resources! A forum by itself would be interesting, but I really wanted all the religious texts online for reference. I'm still collecting, of course, and trying to ensure a variety of sources. Some is in the public domain, and some is copyrighted (such as translations of texts in the Christianity >> Apocrypha section). And it's all a pain to get online - there's a lot to cover!

At some point I do actually intend to open a section here where we can read a section from a work together and then make group comments. Also, general comments on the articles and different topics covered around the site itself. Still early days, though. :)