Harmony between religion and science

"....a DNA test could one day reveal how likely a woman is to cheat on her partner, the study suggests."

That's an interesting piece of probability... In Baha'i Faith of course it would probably not have much bearing as when we marry we have the support of both families and a choice of cheating would be considwered a moral choice.

We're quite content to allow science to reach it's own conclusions and appreciate the effort but how we apply it might be the area where religious and moral aspects would weigh in.

Generally the harmony between science and religion means we are to have a scientific attitude and not be superstitious or dogmatic about our views...also we should give heed to what science offers us and apply the findings as they are applicable.

Scientists for their part sometimes need guidance as to how their discoveries or inventions are applied...for instance inventing say a new kind of nerve gas or a thermonuclear device could have a lot of moral and ethical implications.

- Art
Well my point would be. 200 years ago an Islamic sect persuades people to marry anyone from any nationality and religious background.

And scientific research shows that women are less sexually responsive and more likely to stray to males who have matching genes. But man is indifferent to matching genes.

Don't you think this will come as a problem to for example Hindu’s, Jews, and other ethnic/religious groups who are quite strict in same ethnicity and same religion marriage. And to be honest it is causing quite alot of social problems for them and break down of morality.
Diversity and pluralism is good:

Well my point would be. 200 years ago an Islamic sect persuades people to marry anyone from any nationality and religious background.

And scientific research shows that women are less sexually responsive and more likely to stray to males who have matching genes. But man is indifferent to matching genes.

Don't you think this will come as a problem to for example Hindu’s, Jews, and other ethnic/religious groups who are quite strict in same ethnicity and same religion marriage. And to be honest it is causing quite alot of social problems for them and break down of morality.

You know Postmaster..It seems that you are saying in your last paragraph that your focus is on marriages that are mixed ethnically or religiously. My observation is that today with the world shrinking as it is there are more relationships of varying cultures and traditions than ever before... Humanity is beginning to cross the isolation that has kept us apart over the centuries.

This is very much a time and condition that was anrticipated by the Baha'i principles that mankind is one and that we should be open to a world civilization where pluralism is more appreciated. One thing I've noticed where I live in Southern California is the wonderful diversity and mixture of the various peoples and cultures. I can have lunch at a Thai Restaurant... Eat dinner at a Middle Eastern Restaurant and have a Mexican breakfast...The same is true with our relationships and it is really like the many threads of a rope that are inter twined. Diversity is a strength.

- Art
Quite so, and instances of the reverse can currently be seen in communities that are especially inbred!

A good example is the Amish, where a significant number of children now share a specific genetic disorder due to the massive inbreeding among a small population....


I think its been some kind of unconscious attempt for a community to gain some kind of financial and social strength over an other or hosting community at the cost of moral progression.

I come from a community that is quite strict in marriage of the same religious and ethnic background but I can see this breaking down in my community, the women seem uninterested in there fellows.

I was always interested in biology since a kid and always new about diversity of genes made better off spring. But saying that, there is also evidence to suggest by doing fruit fly experiments, if you inbreed you might make loads of under achieving fruit flies but eventually a super one breeds that can't happen out of diversity. They now suggest a combination of inbreeding and outbreeding to help Lions increase in numbers who are endangered species.
As an interesting aside: The Manx Cat.

Manx cats breed with one another and produce four kinds of off-spiring:
1) Tailess (Rumpies and Risers)
2) Severely short-tails (Stumpies)
3) Short tails (Stubbies)
4) Full length-tails.

Tailessness is apparently a dominant trait, but if tail-less cats are bred to one another in a third-generation the litter is still-born-tails or not. Manx Breeders cross their strains every third generation with normal cats.


I'd say timing is the most important thing for humans. The only measurement for that is luck and or intuition, your heart, gods will.

I'd say timing is the most important thing for humans. The only measurement for that is luck and or intuition, your heart, gods will.

Concerning mixed marriages...America became the Great Melting Pot almost from its discovery by Europeans. Particularly around the turn of the 18th to the 19th century, peoples from all over the world settled here. Marriages mixed by culture, ethnicity, and religion became common and were part of the "melting" of many cultures into one, American. I think Americans have less of a suspicious attitude concerning mixed marriages than most cultures. I can see where a country dominated by a particular culture or race or religion could traditionally frown on this. In America, one would be hard put to not know a couple of mixed heritages.

In the Baha'i Faith we are told when we find our life mate we should marry within 6 months with the approval of all living parents. We are simply not limited by anything including religion, race, ethnicity, etc. Science has a lot to offer to humanity and some things they publish are curious. Anytime I see science suggesting that they can predict certain human behavior with a microscope, I see the old Nazi regime coming forward again. Of course, many people will take this sort of information and try to prove something with it. As Baha'is we are told we have free will. We have the ability to choose that which we do. If genetically, some things are harder for some than others, that would be no different than the differences between a tall and short person. Each would have their own challenges.
