Clean and Unclean Animals

(*BAAARP* -bb)

Another reason to be a veggie! Sheesh, how many does a guy need!

Ah, now...I've known some veggies to announce themselves from the other end...beans and broccoli come to mind...the ol' left cheek sneak...the green fog...silent but deadly... :D :eek:
Ah, now...I've known some veggies to announce themselves from the other end...beans and broccoli come to mind...the ol' left cheek sneak...the green fog...silent but deadly... :D :eek:

:D:D:D That's no lie! I'm thinking of my brother's "Big Salad" heaped with avocado, chives, carrots, broccoli, zuchini (sp) and pepperocinis!

P.S. A little ginger in the beans goes a long way to acheiving silence.:)
cheers for the links, banana.... kashrut/kosher... I read it as... we dont eat kosher cos of hygene, etc, but cos the Torah says so...?
The Covenant

I'm confused.
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Leviticus 11 forbid the eating of certain animals, deeming them unclean?
Yet here, it appeared that God lifted that ban.
It occurred to me that Deuteronomy was given primarily to the second generation of Jews coming out of Egypt, who would inherit the Promised land, which was denied the first generation due to unbelief and disobedience for not believing Joshua and Caleb concerning the giants in the land.
So my thinking is that the laws in Leviticus were really for the time spent in the 40 year wilderness and had much to do with healthy living in regard to dietary consumption. So then by the time the second generation entered the Promised Land, there was less danger in eating such animals. Else, why would God allow the eating of both clean and unclean animals in Deuteronomy 15?
Am I missing something here?

To me there is no confusion, and the passage of Deuteronomy 15 has not been correctly comprehended . I first quote from the laws in the Leviticus chapter 11 as under:
11:1 God spoke to Moses and Aaron, telling them
11:2 to speak to the Israelites, and convey the following to them:
Of all the animals in the world, these are the ones that you may eat:
11:7 The pig shall be unclean to you although it has a true hoof which is cloven, since it does not chew its cud.
11:8 Do not eat the flesh of any of these animals. [At this time]* do not touch their carcasses, since they are unclean to you.
{*My Urdu Catholic Bible does not contain the words “[At this time]”}.
Further I have to mention that the pig has been forbidden as an outward mark of the Covenant. So if one believes the permanence of Covenant in Torah; one cannot eat pig permanently. It was not forbidden temporarily. }
Now I quote Deuteronomy for my daily bible reading and I came across this passage from chapter 12:
15 Notwithstanding thou mayest kill and eat flesh within all thy gates, after all the desire of thy soul, according to the blessing of the LORD thy God which He hath given thee; the unclean and the clean may* eat thereof, as of the gazelle, and as of the hart.
{My Urdu Catholic Bible mentions here the word “tu” meaning “you” hinting here that the address here is to clean or unclean persons; not the forbidden animals. It may also be mentioned here that forbidden animals cannot be sacrificed in any case so definitely these not have been covered here, as the context doe not allow it. inhumility}
16 Only ye shall not eat the blood; thou shalt pour it out upon the earth as water.
And again, it is repeated later in the chapter:
21 If the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to put His name there be too far from thee, then thou shalt kill of thy herd and of thy flock, which the LORD hath given thee, as I have commanded thee, and thou shalt eat within thy gates, after all the desire of thy soul.
22 Howbeit as the gazelle and as the hart is eaten, so thou shalt eat thereof; the unclean and the clean may eat thereof alike.
{My Urdu Catholic Bible mentions here the word “tu” meaning “you” hinting here that the address here is to clean or unclean persons; not the forbidden animals.}
23 Only be steadfast in not eating the blood; for the blood is the life; and thou shalt not eat the life with the flesh.
24 Thou shalt not eat it; thou shalt pour it out upon the earth as water.
(Source: JPS 1917 Edition)
This is again repeated in chapter 15:19-23, and it becomes clearer, that only clean animals have been mentioned which are to be sacrificed as an outward mark of the Covenant.If one believes in the permanance of the Covenant; then pig is forbidden for one permanantly.
This is my opinion with arguments; others could believe as they deem correct. No compulsion whatsoever.
I am an Ahmadi – a peaceful faith in Islam
Thank you, inhumility. You've confirmed what BB explained earlier. I think I got it straight now.

But I have a little question, as I quoted from the laws in the Leviticus chapter 11 from the Judaism Bible :
11:1 God spoke to Moses and Aaron, telling them

11:2 to speak to the Israelites, and convey the following to them:
Of all the animals in the world, these are the ones that you may eat:
11:7 The pig shall be unclean to you although it has a true hoof which is cloven, since it does not chew its cud.
11:8 Do not eat the flesh of any of these animals. [At this time]* do not touch their carcasses, since they are unclean to you.

My Urdu Catholic NTBible does not contain the words “[At this time]”.
Is it an omission of the Christian OTBible?
Further I have to mention that the pig had been forbidden as an outward mark of the Covenant. So if one believes the permanence of Covenant in Torah; one cannot eat pig permanently. It was not forbidden temporarily.
I am an Ahmadi - a peaceful faith in Islam